The Hunt...

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October 16th, 2010

The hunt has began. Or maybe it's a race to death, mine or Kali's. For the second time in my life, I'm not sure who will die and I don't care if I die.

Im flying first class on a private jet thanks to Aro's money. But, I didn't get here easily....I had to use my, ahem, talents, to get here:

I was leaving Volterra and on my way to New York (That's where my flight was leaving from). I Shifted into Johnny Depp and stepped into the airport. I was swarmed by a lot of people and Johnny took over that. He signed a couple autographs and had a couple short conversations until one of the Managers came over and directed us to a private wing, "'Right this way, Mr. Depp. Your private jet is all ready for you.'"

Odd, I don't remember calling ahead for it. I guess it's always just ready for my get-away desires.

The door closed and I made my way to the Captain's room.

"'Where to, Mr. Depp?'" He asked.

"'I'll take over.'" I punched him in the head and he was out like a light. I Changed back into myself and took the captain's coat and hat. I started the plane and turned on the intercom.

"'Hello and welcome to Air Vampire. This is your captain, Gabriel, speaking. Our estimated flight time to France is seven hours! Please sit back, relax and enjoy the flight. Some peanuts and beverages will be making their way through the cabin once we have reached a comfortable cruising altitude.'" I laughed insanely. Of course there was no one else on this plane but it was fun to actually say that. We had liftoff and I directed the plane.

Seven hours later we landed in France. I must say, I was a pretty good captain! I did a fine job of steering and landing (that might come in handy some time in my never ending life). And so my search began:

It didn't take me half as long as it would take a human! All I needed to do was run through these countries and search for Kali's scent. Or, if I was having trouble, change into Demetri and use his spectacular tracking ability! The friends.....I think I miss them? I miss Jordan's annoying humanity! I miss Faine's 'angel-ness' and Alec's obsession with being free! I miss Chelsea's independence and Demetri's work ethic. Damnit! I've been alone all my life! Why do I need these people now?!?

So far, France, Germany, Finland, Poland, Italy, New York and Russia are clean. What makes me so sure that Kali is in Europe? I don't know, From her manner and the way she used to dress, it looked like she wouldn't leave to far from Russia.

I've been searching for her for about a month. I don't see any reason to make everyday a new entry until I actually find something useful! Well, it looks like Im heading back to America. Im running towards the airport in France, when I stop running and it feels like my heart is exploding inside my chest! Im on the ground with my hand over my heart, this pain is worse than anything physical I have ever been put through! Well, except know. Not even meaning to, I find myself running the opposite direction and eventually, I am in Romania. My heart is being pulled up the base of a mountain and then it stops. I am free......I thought I was. I look up and a giant castle fills my view. It has large terraces and balconies, large cathedral ceilings and gargoyles guarding the castle from attack. Why? I ask myself.

A spark of lightning comes down right in front of me and the torches outside the monstrous building are glowing with fire. The gargoyles seem to come to life! Their eyes glow red and their heads shift to look at me. A rain storm has begun and the draw bridge drops. A red glow fills the inside of the palace. As soon as it completely opens, my whole body is on fire! It feels like walking on glass, like being stabbed everywhere! Like walking hand in hand with the devil. It feels like... Kali. I've found her! This is exactly how I felt when I was created! The pain increases and I wriggle around on the ground. I hear an evil cackling, satanic laughter and then my world is blank.



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