Gabriel Meets The Volturri

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From the POV of the Volturri

September 15th, 2010

“’Yes brothers, I know we have to stop him.’”

“’He is a destruction to our entire vampire world!’” Caius chimed.

“’It might not be the lads fault,’” Aro mused, “’Perhaps he does not know that he lives in our world.’”

“There is a punishment for that, brother.’” Marcus huffed.

“’We call it death, Masters.’” Jane added from across the room.

“’Now, Jane, Darling, Jane, Don’t you think you are being to hasty with your decisions? After all, he might have a wonderful talent!’” Aro giggled.

“’Are you saying you wish to keep him, Master?’” Jane said in a panicky voice.

“’Perhaps,’” Aro whispered.

“’You already know what you are going to do, Brother.’” Marcus said to end the conversation.

“’ You are quite right, Marcus. Very well, my mind has been made. Jane?’”

“’Master?’” She replied.

“’Bring us the one called Gabriel.’”

“’As you wish, Master.’” Jane turned and walked out of the great hall. Immediately, she went looking for Demitri and Felix.

“’ The Masters asked me to take care of a certain matter.’”

“’Then what do you want with me, Jane?’” Demitri asked.

“’Take Felix and go in search of the vampire called Gabriel.’”

“’Why us-?’” Demitri began.


“’Fine, we shall leave right away. But you shouldn’t be sore at us because you drove your own brother from yourself,’” If it were possible, Jane might have turned an angry shade of purple, “’Just remember that anger and malice doesn’t look good on anyone. Well, that’s what I thought until I met you.’” With a hate filled glance towards Jane, Demitri collected Felix and left Volterra.

Not knowing what Gabriel smelled like, Demitri and Felix headed to Fairview, Pennsylvania to gather scents from the most recent crime scene. Once they both had a scent that wasn’t human, they followed it all the way to Florida. When they stopped running, they were standing in the midst of many humans.


“’I do not see him either, Felix.’” They were both looking around for the mysterious vampire.

“I smell him, yet I do not see him. I do not see anything that resembles a vampire.’”

A young girl with blonde hair giggled and darted in front of them.

“’Demitri, I think I shall go mad if my sense of smell doesn’t work!’”

“’Hush! It works, we are just facing a clever vampire,’”

Felix and Demitri spend the rest of the night looking for Gabriel but they still fail to find him.

“’Let us hope that we find our masters in a kind mode.’” Demitri stated.

“’And Jane as well,’” Felix commented. They raced back to Volterra. As soon as they were safely inside the grand palace, they ran into Jane…literally.

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