A Wicked Curve Ball...

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October 6th, 2010

I paused. For once in my life since becoming a vampire...I wasn't sure. Little did I know that the choice was about to be made for me...

All of the sudden we heard the handle being turned. In a second we were all lounging about laughing and talking about human routines.

"'What is going on here?'" Jane asked.

We all looked up at her.

"'Nothing, Jane.'" They all said.

I can tell she didn't believe any of it...smart girl! She looked to me for the answer. They all looked to me, as well. Some with pleading eyes. Some with anger. I saw Jordan who looked as if all the hope had been drained from her.

"'Well, well, well Janie!'" I said as I stood up, "'It appears that we have a bunch of traitors in our midst!'" She glared at them. And there jaws dropped. Alec had a stare off with his sister. Faine looked forward, not really seeing anything. And Jordan...she looked at me pleading.

"'We shall have to deal with-'" She started.

"'Darling, I didn't finish! As I was saying,'" I looked at Faine and she gave a slight nod, "'They are all traitors...for not letting me in on the secret.'"

"'Secret? What secret?'" She asked.

"'Why, your birthday surprise of course!'"

I saw the faces of the group relax.

"'My what? A birthday surprise?'"

"'Yes! Of course! And they weren't going to let me in on the surprise! But I caught them red handed! And now, you almost spoiled your own surprise! Jane, please! You must leave.'" I turned towards them, "'Alright, the rest of you continue planning the surprise while I distract Jane.'" I started to steer her out of the room.

"'Oh! And Faine?'" She looked up when I called her name, "'You can count me in on whatever you decide.'" Jane and I left the room and I shared one last thought with Faine and Jordan:

'I will keep your secret. All I want is for no one to get hurt and freedom when this is done.'

Jane and I spent the rest of the afternoon playing yahtzee. She won.


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