Four- frozen feet

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"They shouldn't be able to find us here." Hiccup muttered, looking back at the fiery haired princess. She glared at him, sitting on the fallen log, her wrists still tied behind her back, a gag in her mouth. The only reason she wasn't lunging for him or escaping was because of Toothless crouching next to her, it's eyes watching her every move.

Jack landed on the tree branch. He glanced at Merida. "Hic, we should get going." He said. "It won't be long before they catch up."

Hiccup nodded, going over to her. "I'll untie you, but you have to promise not to run." He said. She glared at him.

"Don't even bother, Hic." Jack said. "She'll be much easier to handle tied up."

Hiccup glanced at him. "Just because I agreed to help you doesn't mean I'll do it your way." He said, untying her wrists. The moment her wrists were untied, she ripped the gag off, lunging at him. She reached for his mask-

Then Jack froze her feet.

She yelled in surprise. "What the-" she exclaimed, staring at the ice.

Hiccup looked at Jack, who shrugged. "She tried to attack." He said.

"You know what happens when you freeze their feet." Hiccup said. "C'mon, let her go!" Jack rolled his eyes, and the ice melted. Merida's legs gave out, and Hic caught her just in time. "I can't feel my feet." She whispered in horror. Hic glared at Jack.

"Sorry..." Jack said. "Don't worry, it's not permanent."

"It'll wear off soon...." Hic said. "Hopefully." He muttered. She looked at him in horror. "You'll be fine." He assured her. He picked her up, placing her on the dragon before climbing on himself.

"Lets go."


After flying for a few hours, they landed in the forest, where they decided to stay for the night. Hiccup went to gather some firewood, leaving Merida with Jack. Jack glanced over at Merida. "So, princess, what's your name anyway?" He asked.

She glared at him. "You kidnap me and you don't even know my name?"

"If I did, I wouldn't be asking you, now would I?" Jack said.

"Why did you even kidnap me?" Merida asked.

"I was ordered to." He said.

"By who?"

"You'll see." He replied. "Hic's back."

A while later, with a nice fire burning and fish for dinner, Jack took the first watch as Hic got some rest. He sat on the top of a tree, looking up at the sky. He could see the constellations in the sky, the ones that Punzie had told him about, long ago. Emma had loved the stars, and had made up constellations of her own.

He looked away. He reached into his pocket, taking out the pendant that he had made, together with them. He fingered the sun symbol on it, remembering how Punzie had painted it on. He gripped it tightly.

"Wait for me." He whispered. "I'll come back soon...." He looked up at the sky. "I promise."

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