Ten- back in Burgess

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Jack looked up as Hic and Merida stumbled back into the camp. "About time you got back here." He remarked. "Where's the bottle?"

Hiccup looked at his hands. "Oh." He murmured. "I'll go back and get it." He said, leaving. Jack raised an eyebrow, glancing at Merida out of the corner of his eye. "Did anything happen?" He asked, suspicious. She shook her head quickly, her face turning as red as her hair. He blinked in surprise. So something had happened... He frowned. That wasn't good...


"We're here." Jack said as the dragon landed. "Welcome to Burgess."

About a dozen men dressed in dark cloaks were waiting for them. "Jackson Overland Frost." He said. "Where is the princess?"

Jack reluctantly pulled Merida forward. "Princess Merida DunBroch." The man said. "The king will see you, all three of you, now." He glanced at Toothless. "However, the dragon stays behind."

Toothless growled, looking ready to pounce, but Hiccup held him back. "It'll be alright, Toothless." He said, patting the dragon. "Go back home, I'll be back as soon as this is over." He said. The dragon huffed, and with a final glare at the cloaked men, it left.

"Follow us." The man said, walking ahead with the others. Jack moved closer to Hic and Merida. "Keep your eyes open." He murmured. "And be ready for anything." He gripped his staff tightly.

"Merida." Hiccup whispered, a hand on her shoulder.

"What?" Merida whispered back.

"Don't expect the Shadow king to keep to the deal." Hiccup muttered.

Crossing over the drawbridge to the palace, Merida couldn't help but marvel silently over the sight of the dark palace, with its tall spires and towers. The entire palace seemed to be made of the same dark black material. "Don't touch it." Hiccup whispered, pulling her hand away as they passed under the gateway. "The whole palace is made of shadows. Touching it could kill you."

"And we wouldn't want that, now would we?" They all looked up. Standing on a balcony, Pitch Black grinned down at them. "Come girl, don't you want to see your brother?" He called, looking back.

Emma stepped out slowly, it was obvious that she was scared of him, it was plain as day. "Come on out, then." Pitch said impatiently, pulling her forward. She cringed at his touch.

Jack grit his teeth. "Don't touch her!" He shouted, looking ready to freeze him to death.

"Alright, alright. No need to get nasty." Pitch said. "Come on into the throne room, then! Then we'll talk."

Jack growled, glaring as he left. "You little..." His fingers clenched around his staff.

Hiccup placed a hand on his shoulder. "Jack." He said warningly. "Come on." Jack grit his teeth, following the cloaked men in.

After a series of hallways, they soon reached a pair of double doors. The man pushed the doors open, and they went inside. "Jack! You finally returned." Pitch smiled. "We were starting to wonder if maybe you had gotten lost along the way." He turned his gaze to Merida. "Ah, you must be the young princess. Merida DunBroch. You seem to have inherited your mother's beauty."

"Enough with the small talk already." Jack said. "Where's Punzie?"

"Ah....about that." Pitch said thoughtfully. "See, there's a slight problem."

"What kind of problem, exactly?" Jack growled.

"See, I can't give her back to you, Frost." He said. "Considering how she was never yours in the first place. Isn't that right, Gothel?" A woman stepped out, her eyes cold as they settled on Jack.

"You." Jack hissed.

"Yes, it's me. You stole her from me!" Gothel shouted.

"What?" Hiccup exclaimed.

"And that, is why, I have to tell you that darling Rapunzel will not be returning with you, Jack Frost." Pitch smirked.

"No! That was not the deal, Pitch!" Jack shouted.

"Oh really? Well, you should have ought of that before you broke the deal yourself." He said. "You should have kept to the deal."

"What are you talking about?" Jack asked.

"You should ask your partner, Jack." He said. "Ask him what he did with the princess yesterday."

Jack looked at Hiccup. "Hic?" He asked.

"Go on, boy. Tell him. Tell him all about how you've fallen for the princess!" Pitch smirked. Jack stared at Hic. "You-" he shook his head quickly, turning back to face Pitch. "So what if he did. The deal was, I kidnap the princess, bring her back, and my sister and Punzie are returned safe. This doesn't change anything."

"Hmm, tell me, Jack Frost. How are you feeling?" He asked. "You do seem...a little paler than usual. Are the shadows getting to you?" His smirk grew wider. A shadow shot out, striking him in the chest, sending him flying across the room.

"Jack!!" Emma shrieked.

Jack coughed, struggling to get up. "Did a fearling get to you, Jack?" Pitch sneered. "You should know better than to come back here, to where all the shadows are, Jack."

Jack grit his teeth, glaring at him. "But, I guess that does benefit me." Pitch continued. "I get to keep the princess, and finally get rid of you two." He looked at Hic. "You were right, him falling for the princess didn't change anything. Honestly, I was just looking for a reason to kill him."

Shadows shot up around him. "But since when did I ever need a reason to kill anyone?" Pitch grinned.



Muahahahahaha~~ great! I feel evil now.....

Don't worry, it definitely is NOT the end for Hiccup yet!!

Hope you enjoyed the update! :)

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