Listen to your Heart. (Kier/Shane) ~ FVK

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Grandomina. A world falling to ruin. Cobbled streets lined with faded, dried blood, with smoke emerging from blacksmith's at every corner. Crooked houses standing tall through the shadows. The repetative clang of a hammer, whistle of a stranger, and chime from the near bell-tower.. Alleyways hiding deep secrets, and shady figures at every turning. But most 'important' of all; the grand Palace atop the hill. Hiding yet more dark, disturbing secrets.. There's more to this world than meets the eye..but yet, life carries on through this mysterious world. Or Grand London to be precise. 

Kiers POV:

My breath came out in heavy spurts, as i rounded the corner, quickly slipping into a dark, abandoned alley that didn't stretch very far at all.. I slid the loaf of bread into my back pocket, the necklace falling next to it, as i haunched over. My hands steadying me on my lanky knees, as i caught my breath. "YOU, GET BACK HERE! You shall pay for your crimes!" The guards husky voice echoed through the alley, as i snapped my head towards the voice, armour glinting through the musky smoke.. "Shit.." I whispered under my breath, as i kicked off the wall, darting down the alleyway, my footsteps pounding through the eery silence. "I SAID GET BACK HERE, YOU RAT!" He echoed behind me, the struggle to not trip up on these cobbles becoming a real challenge.. Fed up of these palace brats.. I took a breath and wound around the next corner i could find, soon enough running into someone through the musk.. Fuck. I stumbled back, coughing as i struggled for all the breath i could.. "S-sorry, are you alright, sir?" He stuttered, i glanced up trying to see where the soft voice came from through the musk of the towns district, but it was no use.. "Y-yeah i'm fine, sort of.." I bit my lip looking behind me, as the smoke began to clear. Oh great.. 

I turned back to the man and instantly found myself smiling, as i finally got a good view of him.. No, NO, Kier you're being freaking chased, and you stop, to smile at a stranger. Great. I shook my head, and sighed, my eyes soon falling back to his own.. I couldn't move, like..i was actually frozen in the spot. He was obviously, a wielder of some sort.. or a blacksmith, but judging by the goggles and cogs on the table behind him, i'm guessing the towns mechanist. He smiled back at me, blushing as my gaze travelled across him, i just couldn't help myself.. His dark eyes capturing my attention, the pink tint bellow his lashes making them stand out even more.. "Search the whole damn district, we're going to get that Thief!" A soldiers voice stormed from down the street, as i was snapped out of my trance. "S-shit, um, ok, you have to trust me here, ok?" I stuttered through panic.. Pull yourself together Kier.. I ran towards the mans house, slipping behind the doorframe, as i put my finger to my lips, a smirk forming from my lips. He just stared at me, eyebrows raised, as the soldiers emerged from around the corner, the scraping of their metal footwear against the bricks taunting my mind.. I watched the man quietly, as he blinked, swirling around, and sliding his goggles onto his head, his roughed up hair laying over them lightly. As he picked up some cogs off the battered table, and studied them quietly. 

"You there," The guards strutted over to him, looking around his shoulder to the table, before he turned around innocently, eyebrows raised. "Can i help you?" He mumbled, wiping his fingers down his grey waistcoat. "Have you seen a man with, a short red fringe, black dusty clothes, red neckerchief?" The soldiers eyes pierced through the other mans, as he brushed his fingers through his rough hair. "No, it's the muskiest, dirtiest district here, do you really think i would have?" He lied, leaning on the table as he rested a hand on his hip. Damn, he's good.. I found myself grinning as i watched. "Pff, alright, no need to get angry, mechanist. Keep a look out, alright? Hope it's not too much to ask." The soldier snarled, clicking his fingers as they continued on, down the crooked streets. 

I grinned and slipped out, strutting over to the man, who had turned around by now, still lent on the table. "What did you do?" He smirked, as i lent back on his table. "All i did was care for myself, since no one else does in this shit-hole. It was a single loaf of bread, i'm freaking starving.. And maybe one small necklace." I grunted, crossing my arms across my chest. He just chuckled warmly, shaking his head, which did actually surprise me.. "What?" I grinned, looking up to him as he straightened the black and white striped bow dangling from his neck."I just say, good for you. I despise the brats, always have and always will." He shrugged, still smiling. I smiled, properly for the first time in a while.. A genuine smile, (which is freaking rare from me.) "I'm Kier, Kier Kemp." I grinned, holding out a hand. He wiped his hands with a cloth quickly, before shaking my hand, a weird spark surging through my veins.. "Cyrus Barrone." He smiled, a blush dancing across his cheeks. "Pleasure to meetya, Cy." I grinned, slipping the bread from my back pocket, splitting it, and giving him half. "For helping me." I smiled, as his eyes widened. "N-no, i can't take that.. you deserve it Kier.." He said, but i kept my hand out, the bread still in my palm. "Take it. Please." He bit his lip, and took it, smiling. "T-thankyou." He replied, before hesitantly leaning to hug me. I instantly obliged, secretly smiling into his chest. I felt his warm breath in my hair, before we pulled away. "Well, i best be going, to wherever it is i gotta go.." I sighed, smiling slightly as he patted my shoulders. "Here Kier," He mumbled, giving me a flask of water. "For your journey, will maybe see you around." He smiled. Holy crap, real water.. i haven't had healthy, clean water for weeks.. "Thankyou Cyrus! Really, for everything." I grinned, before slinging the flask over my back, waving goodbye to the beautiful mechanist as i turned towards the forest. A smile plastered permanently across my face..

Listen to your Heart. (Kier/Shane) ~ FVKWhere stories live. Discover now