The palace's tale is awakened.

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Kiers POV:

I twitched slightly as i heard Drews muffled whispers, opening an eye i caught a glimpse of his figure through the doorway of the backroom. "Kier! I need to talk to you!" He whispered aross the room, as i looked down to the sleeping body against me. "Does it have to be now?" I whispered back, slightly irritated to have to leave Cy once again.. "Yes, it really does." And with that he moved from the doorway, not another word said. Great. I sighed and looked down to Cyrus, his eyes were closed peacefully, his perfect lips slightly parted as he slept against my chest, his ruffled hair soft through my fingers.. I really felt horrible about leaving him, i don't even know why.. I leant down and pressed my lips to his forehead lightly, closing my eyes, before i slipped out of his grip quietly. "I'll be back, love." I whispered, brushing a hand through his fringe before i made my way to the doorway. Leaning against the side so that Cy could see i was there when he woke. "So what's this about? I was quite happy where i was with Cy.." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes roughly. "That's exactly what this is about." He said through a hushed tone. "What? Cy..?" I asked, a blush dancing across my cheeks. 

"Kier, come. Sit down." He smiled, walking over to a chair near the fire. "N-no, thankyou." I muttered, my blush rising. "Why not?" He smiled slightly, my nerves rising.. "B-because.. i.. because he.. i-i don't know.." I sighed, staying put as i looked to the floor.  "I do." He grinned, as i raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Huh?"  "It seems..the love you gentlemen much stronger than we could have imagined.." He smiled warmly, my blush rising as i shifted on the spot. "Uh.. what do you mean?" I asked, i knew i loved Cy, with all of my horrid, thieving heart, but i honestly didn't have a clue what he was on about.. "The reason why you two can't be apart for two long, or start to have panic attacks.. worry when the other isn't around.. even hallucinations and shadows.." I puzzled slightly, and looked back to my peaceful mechanist, stretched out quietly on the bed. "Yes Kier, you and Cyrus have one of the strongest powers in Grandomina. It's only been known to have occured once before, but i know what Cyrus experianced yesterday... and it's one of the greatest weapons we have." He carried on, as i suddenly snapped my head to Drew, the anger rippling through my body.

"Our love is NOT a weapon, and never will be. I love Cyrus, for who he is. He's perfect and is the only person, to ever love a disgusting thief like me back!" I blurted, the tears rising as i stumbled back slightly, leaning against the chest of draws as i held my head in my hands.. "Kier.." Cy's soft voice cracked through the room, as he hurried over, stumbling slightly from the sleepyness. "W-well it's freaking true isn't it!" I sobbed, cursing in my head at the mess i was.. "Kier please, you're beautiful, you're the most beautiful person i've ever layed eyes upon. Never say that, because that thieving heart means alot to me, you mean alot to me. You're utter perfection." He whispered, leaning his head against my own, as the sobs quietened. "You're more important than anything.." He carried on, lifting my head and wiping the loose tears from my lashes. "Ugh, i-i'm sorry.. I've never felt so emotional..i just.." I mumbled, a sigh escaping my lips. "That's what i'm trying to tell you Kier, the reason you are so emotional.. I didn't mean to upset you." Drew's soft voice came from the doorway, as i looked up to him. "What?" Cy asked, his arm firmly wrapped around my waist as i lent my head against his chest. 

"Let me tell you guys a story.." He began, his formality dropping as soon as he'd shown emotion through his words.. Cy looked back smiled down to me, and kissed my forehead, slipping his fingers between my own. "Come on, together." He whispered, a smile stretching on my lips as he led me from the room, to the arm-chair beside where Drew had sat. He dropped into the chair, pulling me by my waist into his lap, as he kissed my neck lightly, a blush spreading across his cheeks once more. He's so adorable.. I grinned instantly and wrapped my arms around his chest as we turned our gaze to Drew. He grinned to us before he began. "In the palace atop the hill, the 'man' in charge of Grand London waits, forever ordering his guards, his government to do nothing but cause havoc within our city.. Hense why we're gathering our little group to rise against them. But.. there is a secret only known by few. A secret that was hidden behind palace walls until recently.." He explained, my thumb tracing light circles on Cy's chest as he carried on.

"Basically, i know where our 5th member lies, and although we still must complete our duties with the Pilot, our 5th friend has already agreed to our operation, he just can't at this moment in time.. You see, he holds some royalty within the palace, and is the one who told me of this secret. The Cardinals secret. The Cardinal is the monster who plunges our civilisation into chaos, and the one we're aiming to destroy. But, he had a love like no other, before he turned to the sinful beast he is.. She was called Evelyn. And their love was the greatest love known throughout the palace. There would be screams heard throughout the palace whenever these lovers were apart, bad omens, shadows creeping through the stone of its ancient structure. And The Cardinal couldn't cope with it. So he..changed." "Changed?" Me and Cy asked in unison. "Yes.. He turned into a complete monster. Not even human, our friend said. Causing Evelyns love to run wild. But he didn't know that his bond with the girl would be broken, and Evelyns love soon fell to Laurence. The Prince. The last to join us in our mission.."

Me and Cyrus simply looked at each other, and back to Drew. "S-so our love is.." Cy began. "Yes. It's the most powerful bond to exist in Grandomina, as was The Cardinals, before it was destroyed. "Cyrus blushed as he lent his chin against my shoulder, thinking to himself. "And, the 5th in our group, is.. The Prince? The Prince from the palace?" I asked, still absorbing everything that had just been told. "Indeed." Drew smiled, but before we could reply, our discussion was interupted, a bearded man, with a grey top hat and waistcoat soon flinging open the door, a mace apearing by his side. The Pilot.

Listen to your Heart. (Kier/Shane) ~ FVKWhere stories live. Discover now