An evening walk.

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Shanes POV:

I'd had enough of this crazyness for one day really.. After we'd had Luke's story (The Pilot) explained to us around the fire, i'd simply nodded, carrying on with all of this as if it were normal. But it's not normal is it? I've been pulled into a group, i didn't even know would exist, Kier is attacked by beasts that no one has asked about since. Drew thinks he leads our freaking lives now, and apparently mine and Kiers love is a weapon. This isn't just me is it? I smiled sweetly as i walked past Kier and Luke at the fire place, they were studying each others weapons in the fire-light. I chuckled slightly and lent against the doorway watching him. Kier. He's so beautiful, i just can't help but think that he's going to forget about our love.. That he's just going to use it as a 'weapon', as Drew had said. And, if i'm honest, that man was my life now, i never knew i'd ever fall in love with a thief of all people. I know he wasn't proud of what he'd done, but he had to do it, for his survival. And that broke my heart. He glimpsed over to me and grinned, as i smiled back warmly, his teeth glinting as he did.

I watched him drop his cross bow onto the chair, Luke happily studying it afterwards, as Kier trudged over. "You ok?" He whispered, resting his hands on my hips. "Yeah." I smiled, looking down into his hazel eyes, as he looked back to the fire place, and back to me. "Want to go for a walk?" He grinned, earning an instant nod in reply from me, finally, alone time with him.. I blushed at how much i'd wanted this, as i felt his fingers slide between mine, his lips brushing off my cheek before we crept out.  I led him away from the forest, more towards the grassy fields behind the city walls where hardly anyone went. It was peaceful really, the evening sunset was just begining, and the peaceful silence between us was nice. Nothing but us and our hands intwined. I brushed my thumb across the back of his hand lightly, as i looked down slightly, wishing everyday could just be like this.. No mystery friends, no palace, no havoc, no creatures, no weapons.. I grimaced and looked back up, my breath floating ahead through the mild air. I looked to my side slightly, Kier seemed to be in thought too, deep thought.. His eyes were running over the grass beneath us as we walked, his lips tightly shut in a straight line. I wanted to know what was on his mind actually..

I stopped in the middle of the field, and smiled at him slightly as he looked up. An orange glow covering half of his face from the slowly setting sun, shadows casting aginst his silk skin. I just brushed my thumb very lightly across his jaw, as i watched his facial expressions change.. From hope.. to happiness.. and back down again, close to tears.. I scrunched my eyebrows together questioningly as he stepped back slightly, slowly dropping to the ground, crossing his legs as he played with a strand of grass. I knelt down in front of him and placed my hands over his lightly. "Kier, what's wrong?.." I whispered, as his lip quivered slightly, he looked up to me, his eyes glistened over with tears as he just tugged on my shirt. I moved closer and shifted my arms under his legs, gently moving him into my lap, his arms lightly latching around me as he buried his face into my chest. His warm breath waving through the cotton, touching my skin as i ran a hand through his hair. I didn't want to say anything yet, i just wanted to hold him, forever.

He shook ever so slightly, as i felt the warm tears soak into my shirt, my arms imediately grasping around his legs, pulling him closer. My free arm soothing down his back. My heart was breaking to see him like this.. "Kier.." I whispered into his hair, as he moved away slightly, moving up to rest his forehead against mine, his eyes scrunched shut. I just kissed away the tears trickling down his cheeks, the darkness around his eyes running down his face, like makeup. I didn't think he could answer me yet, so i just pressed my lips to his lightly, as he instantly pushed back hungrily, His tattooed arms wrapping around my neck securley as i lay back with him into the grass, holding him close. "Kier, you can tell me anything, always." I whispered against his tear-soaked lips, as he moved back, staring at me. I ran my fingertips across his chin, up his cheek, traced the outline of his eyes as he closed them peacefully, letting my fingers run across his skin. "Please." I breathed, my knuckles stroking across his jaw. 

"W-why is this world so..fucked up Cy?" He suddenly whispered, looking down as he curled his fingers around the cotton of my white shirt, sitting up. "I don't know, but somehow, through the darkness of it all, i found you. Nothing else matters anymore." I whispered, watching him as he looked up, a light blush dancing across his cheeks. "Do you mean that?" He whispered, as i pulled him closer with the hands i'd had around his hips. "I will always mean that." I smiled, as he grinned slightly, moving to wrap his legs around my waist more comfortably. "I just, i wish i could live a happy life. W-with you." He whispered, his forehead warm against my own. "We still can, as soon as this crap is over. I'm never letting you go back, i never want you to be alone again Kier.. Something brought us together for a reason." I whispered, as his smiled, his fingers warm against my back. "I'm just terrified that somethings going to happen, and i'll have to live on my own again, nothing but the memories to keep me going. Struggling as i did before.. i-i never want to go back.." He broke down towards the end, his face nuzzling into my neck as the sobs returned. I swallowed back my tears at how hurt he was, and cupped his cheeks softly, facing him directly as his pained face focused on me. "You are never going ot be alone. You're my whole life, and it breaks my heart, to know you've been alone for so long. You will never go back, i promise. You mean too much to let go." I said, my voice quivering as the emotions took their place. "I'll never leave you." I confirmed, his lips returning to mine as i held him as close as possible, his skinny legs secure around my hips. "I love you." He whispered, my heart already jumping as a grin stretched at my lips. He will always know my answer to that..

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