An Impossible Couple.

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Kiers POV:

I felt myself cringe as the sunlight crawled through the tattered windows, the sadness that my dream was over, growing. I could feel tears itching at my lashes as i sighed. Why did life have to tease me like that.. But i imediately froze, as the warmth of an arm held me tighter around my waist. Woah, wait, it was real..? No.. no way. I opened an eye, to see Cy's scruffy hair flairing out across the floor boards between us, his goggles discarded by the fire, and may i just say, his lips were inches away from mine.. I felt my breath hitch as i studied him. He was so, so beautiful.. I looked down slightly, his outstretched arm warm against the skin, my top having ridden up slightly.. And our legs were hopelessly tangled over the rug..

I guess i'm allowed to do this then.. I stroked my fingers across his arm that was across my hip, as i smirked, kissing his nose lightly. I didn't care anymore, because last night really had happened. And i'm never letting that go. I moved closer, his peaceful face twitching slightly as i ran my fingers through his fringe. "Wake up, beautiful.." I grinned, wanting to see the reaction he'd give. I felt his fingers move slightly across the skin of my waist, as his eyes opened slowly, a blush sweeping across his cheeks. "So, it was real..? Wait, what did you call me?" He mumbled sleepily, his eyes widening as i chuckled, my hand resting over his collar bones. "I called you, beautiful." I whispered, teasingly planting a tender kiss on his neck, as he blushed even deeper.

"Y-you think i'm beautiful..?" He mumbled, staring at me. His fingers lightly dancing over my hips.. "Yep. I do Cy. And i'm not really afraid to say it anymore.. That, and the fact that you're so cute and timid.. You actually drive me crazy." I smirked, letting it all out. I mean, he won't.. reject it. Would he?.. He just blinked and ran his finger tips along my jaw, my grin growing. This is just perfect.. All i've ever wanted since i saw this man.. He giggled slightly and blushed, he is so adorable.. "No ones ever said something like that to me before.." He muttered, frowning slightly, as he sat up, staring at the floor. "Cyrus Barrone, you look at me." I stated, sitting up, and taking his hands in mine, locking my fingers between his own. "I..Ok. I lo-" I cursed under my breath and looked back up to his crystal eyes, my fingers shaking slightly against his hands.. "I love you." I finally blurted, as i smirked at how confident it came out, and watched his eyes widen. And before i knew it, his sweet lips were crashing against mine, his warm hands caressing my neck.. Woah, this isn't the Timid side of Cyrus.. I smirked and opened my mouth slightly, his lips slotting between mine perfectly, as i wrapped my arms around his neck. "Good. Because i love you too, Kier. I really do." He whispered against my lips, my heart jumping as i closed my eyes at the perfect words, tangling my fingers through his hair, as he lent over me confidently. Ok, i quite like this side of Cy.. I must admit. 

But before we could get carried away, a cough was heard across the room, Cyrus darting from me with the greatest blush i've ever seen.. "The Thief and The Mechanist, a couple i would have imagined to be impossible.." Drew giggled, getting up from the chair near the door. I just smirked as Cyrus looked down, his blush never leaving. "Well, you better believe it. Because i still can't.." I grinned, getting up as Cy's gaze followed my movements. I just turned my back to The Vigilante, and bowed to Cyrus, leaning out a hand in the process. He just chuckled and placed his hand in mine, as i pulled him off the floor, leaning my hands on his hips. "You're stuck with him now." I heard Drew state, smirking as i waited for Cyrus' reply. "Fine by me." He mumbled through his blush, leaning down to capture my lips with his. Yep. I'm in love. And everyone better believe it.


We'd left the soon enough, Drew having finally pulled us apart, as we made our way through the dusty districts of Grand London, dodging groups of guards and courtiers along the way. And through the whole of this, i hadn't let go of Cy's hand, my fingers firmly slotted between his. We followed The Vigilante through the alleyways, stopping as soon as the platform where the train was kept came into site.

"Alright, we need to split up here." Drew began, my eyes widening as i shook my head blushing. "Come on Kier, it's the easiest way.." He looked back to me, his bronze mask catching the light as he did. "I have a cross-bow, i will use it.." I muttered, holding Cy's hand tighter as i blushed. "Kier, we can do this." Cyrus whispered, his hand brushing across my cheek as i kissed it, looking back to Drew. "Fine." I stated sharply. "Right, i'll go ahead and sneak into the train, i'll look around there. Cyrus, you're going towards the machine shed, you're easily disguised there, and Kier, i want you to get to the top of a nearby roof, you're excellent with range, so if you spot him from above, shoot an arrow at the sandbags, then we'll know where to go. Are we all clear?"Drew finished, breathless. I nodded, determined, and kissed Cy's cheek gently, smiling before i trudged back down the alley, crawling up the nearest crumbling wall. I climbed over the edge, and shuffled along the roof, stealthily, before i watched Drew and Cy sneak off into their own directions. The boredom already taking its toll on me. This is going to be fun.. The fact that i already missed my mechanist didn't help at all. Not. One. Bit.

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