A Different World.

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Shanes POV:

I hadn't really slept since Kier had woken from his nightmare a couple of hours ago.. My mind was flashing with memories, thoughts, anything to keep me from sleeping, and i just had to give up in the end.. I just couldn't rest. I was lent up against the headboard of our bed, Kier sprawled half on top of me, in a peaceful sleep. His head resting against my chest. My eyes hadn't stopped wandering around the silent room, looking at the walls, but thinking of how i used to be a quiet little Mechanist before all this.. My gaze travelled out of the window, but my mind was thinking of how i felt when i first laid eyes on Kier..my Kier. I just sighed and rubbed my forehead lightly, my thumping head driving me insane. I just lent my head back, and looked down to him. I just studied his face quietly, it was still the early hours of the morning, so the moonlight was still lighting up the space around me, making Kiers bare back look like a blanket of pale silk. I trailed my fingers through his hair, watching the strands bend through my fingers, before i pushed his fringe back lightly. His beautiful face showing, how peaceful he looked, his lips slightly parted releasing a warm flow of breath against my chest. It was soothing, but not so soothing enough to calm my mind.

I lent down, and kissed his cheek gently, letting my lips press lightly against his silky skin, before i began to slowly move him.  I lifted his head gently, and lay it against a cushion, before i moved his arms to rest on the soft sheets. I untangled from his legs and moved to sit on the edge of the bed as i ran a hand through my roughed up hair. A shiver suddenly jolted through my spine as the sharp, cold air hit my skin, the realisation of how cold it was really did shock me.. I quickly tugged on my jeans, and pulled on my white shirt, buttoning it up losely, letting it hang over my jeans. Before i slipped on my boots, smiling to my peaceful Thief before looking to the door and creeping through by the fire. I gasped slightly as i looked outside, leaning closer to the window, rubbing it with my thin sleeve. A coat of snow was pasted across the landscape, light snow-flakes still floating through the dark sky.. It was purely beautiful. I didn't give a thought to a coat, or more layers, i just wanted to be out there, right now. I looked over to Drews door, and quietly made my way over, opening it slightly and peering in. 

I just smiled, tilting my head at them. Laurence had Drew in his arms securely, his raven hair curled at the edges, his forehead lightly pressed against Drews. They were so perfect together, who would have ever known..The Prince and The Vigilante. I just stepped back and closed the door, making my way to the front door, and letting myself out into the cold world ahead. The cold did hit me instantly, but i shook it off soon enough, the breeze almost soothing, as i felt it float through the thin cotton of my shirt. I took a breath in, and began to walk forward, smiling contently as the snow crunched against my soles, the flakes dancing around me to the invisible music of nature.. It was beautiful. My eyes wondered around me,  as i marvelled at the beautiful scene. The gentle breeze ran through my hair, as i grinned, holding my hands out to the slightly-lighter sky, watching a glistening flake fall into my pink palms, melting slowly against my warmth. I just let out a sigh of relief, as i let my eyes study the world around me, the evil of Grandomina being hidden under the blanket of snow, this new world finally slowing the running thoughts in my mind. The thoughts becoming clearer, and more longing. 

I closed my eyes and lent my face up to the sky, a smile resting on my lips as the flakes tingled against my skin. My head jolted slightly as i heard the hut door close again, i opened my eyes and waited for the crunches of footsteps to rise behind me.. but nothing but the breeze was heard. I shifted around and felt my lips twitch into a smile. Kier was frozen in the spot, just in front of the hut, staring up at the sky, his mouth hanging open. His flame-coloured fringe almost reflecting the light from the snow as it waved slightly in the breeze. He only had his thin red shirt on, buttoned up slightly, with some skinny jeans on that had holes ripped along the legs, some rough boots tight around his feet. He looked breathtaking..

I quickly dug through my back pockets, and tugged out my small sketchpad, sliding the charcoal from the spine as i looked back up to Kier, his arm stretched up through the air as he studied the snow, as if it was simply magical to him.. I grinned and slid it back into my pocket after a few minutes, before i bent to the ground, curling my cold fingers through the powdery snow, squashing it together in my palms. I closed an eye, and threw it through the air, watching it break against Kiers shoulder as he jumped, looking around startled. As soon as his gaze rested on me, my heart fluttered in my chest, a blush spreading across my cheeks as i grinned. He just smirked and dived his hand into the snow, looking up with the perfect grin.

I didn't even have time time to react when i felt the powdered snow break through my hair. I shook my head and chuckled as the white powder flew from the strands. "There you are." Someone whispered against my ear, my hairs standing up at the back of my neck as i felt Kiers arms wind around my waist from behind. Now i couldn't be happier.. I ran my arms around his own, and looked across my shoulder, meeting his glinting hazel eyes, wild but gentle as he smiled to me. It warmed my heart to see that smile, the snow just literally lit up his face, he looked twice as perfect, and i didn't even know that was possible..

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