A vampires mark.

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Kiers POV:

I was awake. I could feel, all of my senses kicking in, but.. i just couldn't move. The pain from my arm was trickling through my body, and it was completely unbareable. I couldn't feel my arm at all, and the numbness was seeping through my torso, the feeling excrutiating. I could hear Cy's crying.. every sob breaking my heart, i just wanted to scream. Scream through the pain and grab him into my arms, and keep him there. But i couldn't do anything. The liquidy pain that was running through my veins, was like torture. It kept my senses, but nothing else, so that it was my emotions and pain being all i could feel.. I had to stay in this lifeless body, forever crying the silent tears, as half of my heart was broken.. The bond between us was wearing thin, and i couldn't let that happen.. I don't..ever..want this bond to be destroyed..I'll just have to listen, and wait, or more like scream and shake in my oppinion, since it's all i was doing in my world.. I just gritted my teeth through the feel of the liquidy, stinging, burning sensation that was crawling through my lifless limbs.. and surrendered to the silence.

Shanes POV:

"Yes, i'm Laurence, i've waited so long to meet you..friend." He whispered, smiling slightly as i shot him a weak smile. "Please, tell me what's wrong Cyrus, you look heartbroken.." He mumbled, a frown spreading across his face as he swiped a firm finger across my cheek, catching a stray tear in its path. "That's because i am.." I breathed, coughing as my throat stung through the tears. "Why ever so?" He asked, kindly, his warm eyes glinting as his gaze focused on me. "K-Kier, he..he's..He's hurt. No.. More than hurt. He looks dead." I spluttered, my head shooting down only to be wrapped in secure arms. He held me comfortingly as i weeped into his chest, the soft, expensive cotton of his shirt soaking up my tears. Before he moved his comforting arms, and stood up, his long, royal blue coat swaying slightly as he stepped back, holding out a hand.

"Show me." He smiled reassuringly, as i looked up, rubbing an arm across my face, before i stuggled off the bench, taking his firm hand in mine as i lead him to the concrete table. He let go as i watched in awe, his warm face suddenly shooting to a wave of concentration, his tall, handsome figure lent over the table. I can say, he looks perfect for Drew.. But i was snapped out of my trance as he hummed, lifting up Kiers arm gently, and studying it. "Heart-attak bite. It's gotten rather infectious." He suddenly explained, gazing to me, before a smile spread across his face. "This will be no problem." He whispered, before gently laying Kiers arm back down. "W-what? You can h-help him?" I stuttered, stepping forward slightly as i looked between Kier and him. "Of course i can Cyrus. Anything for a friend. I've dealt with vampire bites before in fact." He explained, turning his head and moving a hand through his onyx black hair, showing the exact pierce marks that were on Kiers knuckles, but they were scarred upon his neck. A vampire bite..." Afterall, your bond must be cherished, a life without Kier would kill you aswell.." He explained, his tone saddening as he finished his sentance. "T-thankyou so much." I whispered, making a mental note to persuade Drew that this man, is a God.

He just grinned towards me, dimples sitting upon his cheeks as he did. I'm liking this Laurence. He opened his mouth to speak, until the pounding footsteps of Luke errupted through the grass from through the alleyway, followed by a panting Drew. Laurences cheeks took on a beautiful crimson colour as his gaze landed on Drew, Drews face responding in the same manor. Just even deeper. "I-is he ok?" Luke panted, before he widened his eyes at Laurences presance. I let a grin leak onto my face slightly towards Luke. Yes, he's a prince Luke, remember?

I just sat on the edge of the concrete table, holding Kiers good hand firmly in my own, before looking back up to my three companions, a smile soon etching on my face. Laurences back was towards me, his arms securely wrapped around Drew, his head leaning lightly on my Timids, with his eyes closed. Drews face buried in Laurences chest as they embraced. "I-it really is good to see you again." I heard a muffled whisper from Drew, as i sighed slightly, looking down to Kiers lifeless hand in my own, I studied his skin, running my fingers across his own, his ring flashing slightly as it caught the sun. I lifted it and placed a kiss on the back of his hand, closing my eyes tightly, before looking down to his face. His lips were slightly parted, his eye-lids securley shut, and he looked so, so pale.. I just lent down and lent my forehead against his.

"Laurence said he can help you, Kier. I promise we're going to try our best, You're my priority, remember?" I whispered, staring at his eyelids, hoping, praying that they would flicker even slightly. "Just never forget.." I carried on, quietly so no-one else could hear. "My heart will always belong to you." I finished, my tears rolling off my chin, landing on his cheeks, as they rolled down slowly. I just lent up and sniffed, leaning my chin in my hands as i looked up to Drew and Laurence again. Laurence turned away from Drew and smiled to me. "Let's save our Thief." He confirmed, Drew nodding to me reassuringly before gesturing for me to follow, as we left Luke to guard the love of my life. My glimpse resting on Drew and Laurences interlocked hands as we jogged towards the palace, thoughts and hopes grinding around like cogs in my brain.. 'You're going to be ok Kier, i promise.'

Listen to your Heart. (Kier/Shane) ~ FVKWhere stories live. Discover now