No words to be said.

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Shanes POV:

I dug my nails into the wall, and turned away from Drew, scowling ahead of me. "C-cyrus?" Kier mumbled. But i just lept off the wall, the heat of embarassment rising through my skin. "Drew needs us." I muttered, walking across the grass with my head hung low.. I wasn't mad at Kier.. I was just really fucking embarassed.. Ok, i admit it, i was about to kiss Kier, i love him. I love the Thief. And now he knows what i was going to do, even Drew will question me, and i can't handle the attention. I grumbled under my breath and pushed past Drew, going into the hut. "What's wrong, Cyrus..?" He quickly asked, scurrying in. "N-nothing, i'm fine. Please." I mumbled, as i sat by the fire, waiting for Drew to tell us what was so amazingly important. He opened his mouth, about to reply, when Kier slowly shuffled in, sparing a glance to me, which imediately made my cheeks flare up. I was so embarassed.. Drew shot a questioning glance to the blushing Kier, but he shook his head at The Vigilante, shaking it off. Thank God..

"Um, right, anyway.. I know the location of our next companion, gentlemen. The pilot. Have you heard of him?" Drew began, as i puzzled slightly.. "Doesn't he operate and fix the transport near the Palace?" I mumbled, still rubbing my hands together through Kiers heated gaze. "Yes, indeed. He's more famously known for his co-orporation in running the steam train near-by." Drew smiled, Kier nodding slightly. "So..we off to find him?" Kier began, scratching his neck. "Well, it's too late for travel right now, it's better to make our way at first light. For now, you need some proper rest, you especially Kier." Drew said, patting Kiers shoulder gently, earning a nod in reply. "Now, i'll return a bit later, i have some buisness to take care of tonight at the palace. I shall return soon, my friends." He carried on, before leaving without another glance. That's it..? And the palace? No one is ever alowed in the palace... And now he's left me awkwardly with Kier, no doubt i could light up the room with how red my cheeks felt.. I smiled up to him, timidly, to break the tension, as he smiled back.. His labret piercing shining through the warm glow of the fire..

"So, think this Pilot guy is gunna be nice?.." Kier mumbled, barely audible. "Mm, i hope so.. i'm sure he is, though we seem to be getting closer to the palace with these mystery locations.." I muttered, smiling before i looked back to the fire. "True.. We're going to end up with the king himself soon.." He agreed, pushing off the table he'd been leaning on, as he made his way across the room. Taking a seat opposite me by the fire. I blushed deeper, looking down to my hands, as i rubbed them together sub-conciously.. "Cy.." And here it comes, the questions, what am i ment to say? "Yes?" I replied timidly, looking up. "What did you mean outside, by 'Me too'..?" He asked, as i looked up to him, my mouth opening and closing as i struggled to form the words.. Before i gave up with a sigh, leaning my head in my hands, as i roughly dragged my fingers through my hair.. I saw him get up from the chair, watching him come closer through the locks of my fringe.. Before he knelt in front of me, his breath-taking eyes appearing through the glow from the fire. "Cyrus." He whispered, his fingers running along my jaw as he lifted my head gently..

"Answer me this, do you know what i was trying to say..?" He asked softly, brushing the fringe from my face lightly, his smooth fingers running across my cheek. "I..i think so... I don't know, i just," I sighed and looked down to the floor-boards.. "I'm such a fool." I whispered, scrunching my eyes shut. "No, no you're not." I heard him sternly reply, causing my head to lift again, questioningly. His eyes were glistening ahead, the way his fringe had swept across his forehead, he looked perfect.

I watched as he pushed my legs apart, moving inbetween them on his knee's, as he leant up, running a hand across my neck.. I couldn't help but let out a shakey attraction to him growing by the second.. He placed his other hand against my jaw lightly, leaning against me, the warmth of his chest against mine causing my breath to hitch. I locked my eyes with his, gently sliding my arms around his waist as he lent his forehead against mine, his warm breath fluttering across my parted lips.. "Cyrus.. let me show you instead.." He breathed, tilting his head as my heart sped inside my chest. I let my eyes close, as the warmth of his sweet breath got closer, until i felt his lips press against mine lightly. I breathed in instantly, the feel of his hands caressing my neck causing me to push back firmly. His scent, the taste..he was perfection. I captured his mouth with mine as he moaned slightly, the feel of his lips spreading into a grin against mine.. It wasn't a foreceful kiss, or a rushed one. It was sweet, soft, and perfect.. I felt him pull away lightly, still hovering close to my lips.. My eyes opened to see his, staring right into mine, our breath murging between us.. I just kicked back the chair i'd been sitting on, and dropped to the floor, lowering to his level, as i cupped his cheeks gently, pressing my lips against his once again.

He chuckled slightly, his hands travelling up my back as i pulled away, gathering all the breath i could.. "I'm-i'm sorry i.." He lent his finger against my lips, stopping me as he kissed my cheek tenderly. I just didn't know what to say, i don't think he did either.. We just kept smiling at each other, still in a warm embrace. I watched a smirk form from his lips, as he started laying back on the floor, gently pulling me with him by my striped bow.. No words needed to be said tonight. I think we both knew what we'd been wanting to say.. And i didn't have time to think about how perfectly happy i felt.. Because it wasn't long until  we'd drifted off .. My grip around his waist, pressed up to his chest as our foreheads met against each other. The warmth of the fire sending us into a peaceful sleep in each others arms.. Nothing else mattered right now. Kier was my only priority. My one, and only.

Listen to your Heart. (Kier/Shane) ~ FVKWhere stories live. Discover now