No time to be queasy.

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Kiers POV:

I picked up the metal cross-bow, and smirked slightly, blowing the dust off it. But i couldn't help but feel dreadful.. Something was coming on to me, whether it was a cold, i don't know.. I just didn't feel like my usual self.. I let go of the bow with my bad hand, and un-wrapped the cloth, raising my eyebrows at what was before me.. The pierce marks had swollen, purple blotches rising around the skin, spreading across most of my hand. And they weren't healing at all, the marks were more ragged, the disturbed skin rising slightly with the open pierce marks. It didn't look right at all.. I bit my lip slightly and trudged past the fire place, reaching the sink, where i ran my knuckles under the cool water slightly. I had to bite onto my necker-chief to stop the hissing that was threatening to escape my mouth, as my hand pulsed painfully.. To be honest, i was scared.. I didn't want Cy or the guys to see it.. I'm stong, i've been a Thief for years now. I'm sure i can get by a stupid cut. I shook my head slightly and wrapped the cloth around my knuckles again, just as footsteps were heard across the floor-boards behind me. I just closed my eyes peacefully, as i felt the warm palms of my Mechanist wind around my waist securely. 

"You ready?" He mumbled against my ear, kissing my neck as i exhaled slightly, smiling. "Yeah." I replied, turning around in his hold, capturing his lips with mine, as he pushed back gently. My hands starting to caress his back lightly. I heard the clanks of metal suddenly, as i caught the glimpse of Drew pulling his bloody stakes from the floor, before walking past us to the other sink without a word. This situation with Laurence really has changed him.. He'd usually make a comment about how me and Cy were standing together, or he'd stride past in his cloak, not shuffle past in skinny jeans, a tight-ish white shirt, braces and heavy eye-liner. It intrueged me actually.. He smiled timidly to me as he walked back past us, some clean stakes stuck safely in his studded belt. I just lent my head on Cy's shoulder and sighed. I really hope Drew's ok.. He even looked up quickly as Luke trudged past him, he'd normally just stay as still as stone.. Was this good or bad? We'd have to find Laurence to find out.. 

Luke grabbed his mace from beside Cy's hammer on the floor, and swung it slightly as he walked, grinning to us. "Mornin." He called, playing with his mace in the air as we watched him. "We all set?" Drew asked quietly, a slight smile sketched on his face. "Yup." I smiled, Luke agreeing. Cy quickly hurried out of my arms, and picked up his hammer off the floor, leaning it across his shoulder as he strutted back over to me. Damn Cyrus. He looked gorgeous walking back over.. I just had to let a blush seep through. I grabbed his waist as he reached me again, and tugged him against me, smirking into another passionate kiss before we had to go. Feeling his lips twitch up into a grin as he kissed me, his free hand running through the back of my hair as he pushed me even more against the table i'd lent on. My body starting to arch over the wooden surface.. "Alright guys, you do need your faces for this you know." Luke smirked, standing by the door with his mace flung over his shoulder. I just grinned as Cy blushed, moving away as he slipped his hand into mine tightly. I just pecked his cheek quickly, before following Luke and Drew out of the door, still studying Drews peculiar silence.

"So what's the plan?" I asked the quiet Drew, as he walked ahead silently towards the city gates. "Oh, sorry. We've got to make our way through the city first, and towards the quiet park behind the palace. It shouldn't take us too long to get there, but Laurence said he could make it there for half an hour at the most, to speak to.. us." He said quietly, having stopped and faced me with a timid smile on his face. "So we're not taking him with us?" Cyrus asked, a look of confusion on his face. I watched the familiar blush rise across Drews face as he sighed slightly. "Not today, remember when i told you about for him? She hardly lets him out of her sight. So we're figuring out how to get him out, i-i'll talk to him about it today. We just have the weapons in case we run into any guards, or heart-attaks." He explained, as i caught up slightly. "Heart-attaks?" We asked in unison, as Drew stopped again.

"They're the beasts that lurk the forests.. your encountered enemies, Kier." Drew explained, as i suddenly became more aware of the throbbing pain growing in my hand.. It was reaching my wrist now, it felt horrible.. It was all so sudden, just at the mention of their name..But i'm going to stay strong for them, i'm not letting a stupid cut get in the way right now. I just smiled slightly, attempting to hide the worry in my voice. "Oh..i-i see." I mumbled, glimpsing to my hand in Cy's, the way his palm was surrounding the marks making me feel queasy. I just walked on behind Drew and Luke again, my vision begining to fail, the more i let the pain wave through me. "Kier.. are you alright..? You're really pale love." Cy whispered beside me, as i smilied, spots flashing through my vision, but i just nodded. Trying to walk on with my quivering legs. "Kier?" He asked, louder. Drew and Luke turning around, as a flash of worry pasted across their faces. I guess it was really begining to show..

And that was when i couldn't take it. My vision flicked to blackness, as i felt a spark fly through my limbs, leaving them with a limp feeling. The only feeling left was the sharp pulse from the bite-marks running up my arm, before i felt my body hit the ground. Everything flying away from me in seconds..

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