An unwelcome Confrontation.

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Shanes POV:

I leaped the last two steps of the staircase, and jogged outside, my spirits slightly hightened by the hope Laurence had given me.. I rounded the corner and sprinted down the hallway of the Palace, pushing open the large gates, before swinging them behind me. My heart fluttering, but dropping at the same time, as my gaze rested on Kier. I took a deep breath and jogged past the sleeping Luke, before stepping up and sitting at my Thiefs side, breathlessly. I rubbed my thumb across his pale cheek, and smiled sadly, his beautiful face so still..

"So, what gives you the right to run through my palace, Mechanist?" I froze, and locked my eyes on the cold surface of the table.. The horror running through my eyes at the Cardinals voice.. His sly, creaking voice, a hiss humming through his throat at every vibration. I snapped my gaze to him imediately, and watched as a grin sketched onto his face, long, ragged teeth sliding across his cracked lips.. I just gritted my teeth and glared.. He was one of the monsters that did this to Kier.. To my beautiful Kier. "Who said it was your Palace?" I mumbled, watching as he shook his head, walking towards me. "Oh, Mr Barrone, you don't understand, do you?" He laughed, a disturbing shudder errupting through my spine. "I UNDERSTAND, EVERYTHING." I snapped, my grip on Kiers hand tightening, our bond was somehow growing stronger.. maybe he could still hear me? I stared at the Cardinal, the fury pumping through my veins as he raised an eyebrow. "But do you know what? Y-you're not breaking this bond. Go back to the filthy hell that you came from." I spat, fear suddenly rippling through me as his expression changed. His eyes locked on my reddened face. "A bond?" He stepped forward, making me lean over the table.. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, A 'BOND'?" He snarled, his rough, dried fingers soon sliding around my throat slowly. 

I scrunched my eyes shut, and wiped my mind of everything. Everything but the memories i'd had with Kier. No one but Kier. Kier was my priority, and i let him down. I'll never do that again though. No, Never.. I snapped my eyes open, Kiers face locked in my mind as i screamed, lunging for the disgusting 'man' before me, knocking him to the ground, Luke suddenly bolting from the bench. "What are you going to do Cyrus? You don't stand a chance against us." He snarled, an evil grin plastered on his face, as another creature snapped at Luke, The Pilot soon being held to the ground. "I do stand a chance, because i have something you lost. Something you will never have again." I growled, something pushing the words out of me..

"A LOVE, YOU WILL NEVER HAVE. STRONGER THAN YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE." My voice rose, all the timidness locked away, pure fury escaping me.. "Stop." He hissed, was that shock showing on his face? "A NEW BOND, THAT WILL DESTROY YOU. IT WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING YOU STAND FOR." I yelled, my throat stinging as the words ripped through. "STOP." He screamed, kicking me in the stomach as i flung backwards slightly, my head smacking off the concrete, the one, permanent thought of Kier in my head keeping me concious and stronger than ever though.. I pushed the thought through. I pushed it through my whole body, and let it out, my glare striking the Cardinals face. I carried on until my energy completely drained from me, my vision misty as i watched The Cardinal step back slightly, staring above me. All i could see behind him, was Drew and Laurence, blurred in the background, frozen in the spot, their faces showing pure shock towards me.

I waited for my vision to return, and began to move my numb limbs.. I lifted my pounding head from the concrete gently, and sat up, my heart jumping through my chest, as my eyes rested on the concrete table above me. "C-Cyrus..?" He breathed.. his hair reflecting the colour of a vibrant flame, his eyes rimmed with a dark outline, a tight red shirt clinging to his chest where a slim jacket took his old waist-coats place, a feathered broach pinned by the buttons. I just let my eyes roll back, the concrete smacking the realisation into my head once more..

Listen to your Heart. (Kier/Shane) ~ FVKWhere stories live. Discover now