And yet, the love stays strong.

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Kiers POV:

I closed my eyes against Cy's shoulder, as we sat in silence. Peaceful silence. Both watching the glow of the sun fade. But i just didn't want to move.. I wanted to stay in his hold. He was so warm, his skin so, so soft. And as he trailed kisses down my neck, i smiled, tightening my legs around him. "As much as i want to stay.. i think we best get back, you're shivering love. A-and.. you don't know what's around at this time.." Cy spoke up, just above a whisper, as i sighed. My smile fading with the sun. "I know you wanted to stay, but i promise we'll have some time tonight." He whispered, as i grinned to myself, pressing my lips to his neck. "I'll hold your word to that." I grinned, watching his blush rise. I looked down quickly, blushing to myself as i un-tangled my legs from around his back, shuffling off his lap as i held out a hand. "Sorry about the dead legs." I smirked slightly, tugging him up, and steadying him by his hips, as he chuckled slightly, planting a kiss on my cheek. "Come on, i'm craving the warmth of that fire right about now.." He smiled, intwining our hands as we began to walk. And even if i was with Cy, i couldn't shake off the feeling that something was going  to happen..

I made sure i looked behind us on the field as we walked, glaring around the edges as Cy began to look uneasy. I didn't want to say anything.. but i knew we had to hurry.. Grandomina isn't a normal world after all.. We began to jog slightly as the noises around us grew.. I slid my arm around his waist as we began to sprint, panic filling our bodies at the realisation of footsteps behind us.. Well more like grunts and rustles.. That's it, i can't take this.. I stopped and spun around rapidly, as one of the creatures launched itself at me, the gargling grow ripping through its throat as its fanged face lurched towards my neck. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I yelled, punching it square in the mouth as blood rolled down my knuckles, weak pierce marks reflecting from my skin. Cy knelt down by me, hurridly getting me to my feet as one crawled towards him from behind, stretching its limbs as it began to look more un-human. I just grabbed Cy's collar to steady myself as i launched my foot out, kicking it in the jaw. And we just watched in horror as they began to mend themselves, bones cracking through the air as they rose from the bloodied grass. "What the hell are they.." Cy breathed, as we began to step back, slowly. But as a sinister hiss errupted behind us, my heart dropped. We were cornered.. Sweat danced down my forehead as one lunged for Cy, the horrid sound splitting through the air as it clawed against his arm.. That was when my heart thudded through me.. Insanity racing through my limbs as i jumped for the beast, crushing it to the ground in a mixture of screams and yells, every part of me aching, but the adrenaline pumping through me as i kicked at its chest, the slice of metal ripping through its body soon enough..

"GET BACK TO THE HUT, NOW." Drew yelled, as Cy and me scrambled to our feet, the shock plastered on my face as we stumbled past Luke, his mace swinging through the air, followed by the bone crushing snaps that filled the field. I felt horrid. Me and Cy raced, as fast as our aching limbs could carry us, until the hut came into view. I threw myself in that direction, soon enough stumbling through the door, collapsing against the nearest table as Cy slammed the door. "C-Cy are you hurt?" I stuttered, turning back and running over to him as he stumbled towards me, studying my bloodied hands. But i tugged them away, tears rising. "Cy, your arm." I whispered, staring at the disgusting scratches that scattered his perfect skin, engulfing his left arm. "Kier. I'm fine. You are my priority." He mumbled, staring at me before we collapsed against each other, shakes rippling through our skin as the shock slowly subsided.. Nothing but relief waving through our damaged bodies. "Let's get cleaned up.." He slowly whispered, moving over to the sink as he lifted my hands in his, testing to make sure the water was warm enough.. I just couldn't bring myself to say anything else.. I was in shock most of all.. it was just so sudden, and.. that could have been the end.. I was snapped to my senses as Cy pulled me by my waist gently, before rolling up my sleeves slightly. He was stronger than me..that's for sure. His arm looked excruciatingly painful, but he didn't even flinch, it was like he was just determined to help me.. And no one has ever felt that way for me before.. I'm normally the one attempting to tend for myself. Note, attempting.

And yet, even now. My love grows for this man. He took my hands softly, and held them under the running water, looking up as i sucked in a breath.. The skin was damaged around my joints, but.. it was the pierced marks that worried me.. I mean, it looked like a snake bite.. just worse. He brushed his fingers over mine, rinsing the blood out as he lent over for some cloth on the shelf, soon wrapping it lightly around my knuckles. Kissing them once he'd done. And it was only then that i'd realised i'd been staring at him for the whole time.. "Thankyou.. Cy. But i want to help you now, and you're not allowed to say no." I whispered, taking his hand lightly as he smiled, brushing his thumb across my cheek. I just kissed his hand before reaching up to get some more cloth, and filling a bowl with the rest of the warm water. I just led him quietly to the backroom, and let go of his hand, lighting the gas-lamp on the bed side table, as i pulled him closer by his belt, making him sit on the bed. "Kier you really don't hav-" "Shh. I'm taking care of you, that's that." I smiled, looking down to him as he smiled slightly, the glow from the lamp waving off his skin. I dropped the cloth into the bowl, soaking it through, before i tugged a stool over to him, sitting between his legs slightly as he blushed deeper, starting to take his shirt off.

I smiled slightly, and took the tattered shirt once he'd slid it off, cringing slightly as the cloth rubbed across my knuckles, which caused him to grab my hand again. "Hey, relax. I'm fine, it's you i'm worried about.." I muttered, staring at the horrid scratches down his arm, and (attempting to) not stare at his chest. I just blushed furiously and began to dab at his arm lightly, stopping everytime he hissed or cringed at the touch. That was when Drew and Luke tumbled through the door, out of breath in the door-way as i carried on. "Are you two alright?" Drew breathed, dropping his blood-covered stakes on the floor next to all of our weapons, as we both nodded slightly. I was admittingly still a bit shook from what had happened, but Cy was alive. That's all that mattered. I looked back to the blushing Mechanist, and carried on with his arm, as we were left alone once again.

He just kept glancing up to me as i did, the struggle to concentrate becoming too much as i looked to him, soaking the cloth in the water as the blood leaked from it. "Thankyou.." He whispered, still looking at me as i blushed. "I'm just glad you're alive.." I muttered, locking my eyes with his as he lent his hand up, brushing his finger tips across my neck. Causing my eyes to close at the touch, his warm skin sending electricity bolting through my veins once again. I just smiled to the awaited feel of his lips against mine once again, as i gripped around the back of his neck, kissing back firmly.. I don't know why, but.. I just wanted to be closer every second.. And as though he'd read my mind, he slipped his arms underneath me quickly, lips still connected as he pulled me onto the bed, my hands imediately clutching around his bare waist, the feel of his soft skin becoming heaven to me.. I just grinned properly, for the first time today, as i lost myself in his kiss.. Leaning back as i flung off my neck-tie, slipping my slim shirt over my head as i threw it on the floor. Nothing but a grinning Cy appearing ahead, as we tangled above the covers.. I didn't care for the thumping pain across my hand, We were finally cherishing each other properly, for the first time since we'd felt the need.. And not even a horrifying attack could get through to us. This. What we had now. I was proud of. I just grinned as we stayed together for the rest of the night, the love we'd built for each other soon showing through.. 

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