The Flames of your Past.

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Kiers POV:

I could see it happening all over again.. A twisted, horrid repeat of what had happened.. The venom teasing its way up my arm like a million scratches and cuts.. The look on Cy's face as i felt my legs give way.. His pained expression disapearing as the darkness arrived.. The yells from Drew and Luke as i hit the ground. Hearing everything, but secretly screaming inside from all the pain writhing through my limbs.. But it switched.. the pain took me through this nightmare, appearing through the other end. All i could see, was a golden light surrounding me.. Flames, flickering around my feet, around this concrete table i was lying across.. The flames grew, staring down at me.. it beat the darkness anyway.. But the flames seemed to take form.. people. Family.. my parents that were lost in the house fire years ago.. My throat clogged up through the tears, but none escaped, i just stared at my mothers face, the tears rolling down her smooth cheeks as she grinned to me. Oh that grin, i miss her so much..

"You can push through it Kier, i know you can sweetheart. You're going to be just fine. Just listen to Cyrus, listen. And you'll know what to do." She chimed, her voice quivering slightly as she spoke, before leaning down to plant a fiery kiss on my cheek.. "It hurts so badly.." I whispered, staring at her through the flames, a smile resting across her lips. "It will be over soon, dear. Just be strong, because i know you're in good hands now." She whispered, her hand releasing itself from my grip. "Don't leave me, please.." I breathed, watching her as she turned to my father, taking his hand. "We'll always be with you son, we always have been. In this." My fathers low voice cracked through the flames, his finger brushing across the ring around my finger. "Thankyou.." I mumbled, letting the tears drop onto its metal surface, as i watched them disapear through the fire, my body slowly lying down within the flames, holding my breath as Cy's voice floated around me. I just listened, and pushed, pushed when i could feel the pull on the end of our invisible bond. That's all i had to do, push. Push through it all, nothing but Cyrus appearing in my burning mind as the flames engulfed me, the light blinding..

 I blinked as my blurred vision slowly adjusted, the cool, fresh wave of air cooling me down as i struggled to sit up, freezing as the faces of Drew and The Prince were seen across a plain of grass.. Staring at me as if i'd just woken form the dead.. Oh. My heart beat quickened as i turned further, an evil looking, skinny boned man stood as still as stone, his gaze upon me.. I began to shake then, i knew there was one person left to see.. Just one. And there he was. I took in a sharp breath as our gazes met, something so perfect being snatched away from me as i watched him plumet to the ground, a horrid thud sounding as his head hit the cold, hard floor.

"CYRUS!" I screamed, shooting forward as i scrambled from the covers, falling ontop of them in my panic as i studied my surroundings.. Arms enclosing around me, someone trying to take me, where was i? WHAT'S GOING ON? "KIER, KIER IT'S OK, PLEASE. IT'S ME, CYRUS!" The person yelled, everything suddenly snapping into my head as i froze, staring at the wall ahead, as tears began to trickle down my face, tickling my skin as they began to drop onto my bare legs.. "C-cy.." I whispered, leaning back into his warm touch, the feel of his silk-smooth chest against my back, soothing me. "Shh, it's ok love, i'm here.." He whispered, his hands wrapping from behind, locking around my waist as he pulled me closer..

I turned to look at him, and stared. Stared at this beautiful Mechanist.. the pain i felt, the pain i'd caused him.. My parents.. Everything just piled ontop of each other in my mind, my heart aching with the overwhelming feeling as i collapsed forward. His arms shooting around me in comfort, my sobs being muffled against his neck, as his soft hair tickled my own gently. "Shhh, it's ok. I know it's hard right now, but i'm here, Kier. Always will be.." He whispered against my bare shoulder, the dark light of the moon, casting against the bed as i looked up slowly, the sobs hitching through my throat as i tried to stop them.. "What's wrong, love?" He whispered, his smooth palm running across my cheek as i closed my eyes, blinking away the tears that were clinging to my lashes.. I just sighed and looked back up, running my fingers through my hair, before i curled them around his neck. Keeping myself as close as possible.

"I just- I'm so sorry about all this Cy.." I breathed, my heart steadying slightly as i felt his lips against my head. "You have nothing to be sorry about, Kier. It's not your fault.. All of the fault rests on the Cardinal.." He whispered into my hair, tracing a light circle against my hip as i relaxed.. "I saw my parents, when it happened.." I whispered, Cy looking down to me sympathetically as i carried on. "They told me i was in good hands. That's what helped me to come back, but regret how much i've put you through.." I sighed, looking down at our intwined hands bellow as we sat, nothing but the heat from our bodies surrounding us. "Oh Kier.." He sighed, running his hand through my fringe, before pressing his soft lips against my own. Pulling away as our eyes locked. "I could never regret anything i've ever done with you. You're too precious to me." He stated, smiling as that one, familiar blush rose from his cheeks. I just threw myself forward again, burying my face against his smooth neck. Before letting my lips press against his delicate skin. "I love you, Cyrus." I whispered, pressing my face into his neck as we lay back again, my chest pressed ontop of his own. "I love you too, Kier.." He whispered, into my hair, the strands tingling as his breath passed through them. I just smiled to myself, the happiness stuck inside me as i gave myself up to sleep. The warmth of his chest against mine, keeping the smile of my face.

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