Laurence. Laurence Beveridge.

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Shanes POV:

My world harshly snapped, as my body flew around to watch Kier fall, everything running in slow motion. His eyes rolled back slowly, as his arms shook slightly, his body gently falling forward onto his knees, before he plumitted onto the ground. His arms and legs spread out lifelessly across the grass. I felt my heart thud harder, even harder, as something clicked inside me. Turning on the tears, that began to chase each other down my frozen face. I just ignored the gasps from behind me, and shot towards my Thief, digging my arms underneath his skinny frame, holding him up against my knee. I went to open my mouth, but nothing came out, everything had gone silent. Along with my silent but endless tears. It was just as it sunk in that i was full to burst.. "H-HELP HIM NOW!" I screamed, hopelessly flailing to find a pulse, my vision glistening over and blurring from the tears.. I couldn't see anything but a distant red fringe bellow me..  "Cyrus, we need you to stay calm, come on, we need you strong if Kiers going to pull through." Drew suddenly whispered into my ear, his warm arm rubbing against my back. I just knelt there, hopelessly, staring at Kier.. i felt pathetic, i wanted to do something, but i was just a little Mechanist..

"He has a pulse, b-but, his arm.." Luke choked, capturing my attention as i rubbed my sleeve across my eyes harshly, trying to see. But i really shouldn't have.. Drew was even speechless as he looked down at Kiers arm, spread across the grass. A vein of disgusting looking liquid was running up from beneath the cloth around his motionless knuckles, purple and black blotches surrounding it.. I just snapped forward and ripped off the cloth, staring at the marks in his skin. They'd grown, two ragged dots almost, and two disgusting fang-shaped scars stretching from beneath them.. I didn't know what it was, but i knew we had to sort this out, NOW. I looked up to Drew, and held back the tears. "We need help." I whispered shakily, before looking back to Kier, stroking my shaking palm across his white cheek.  "We need Laurence." Drew confidently confirmed, as he looked to Luke, and then to me, his hand still soothing my back. I just couldn't draw my eyes away from him, i wanted him to look up and show me his cheeky smirk again.. "Just..hurry." I whispered slowly, as i lifted Kier higher, until he was cradled in my arms, his own arms dangling beside him as i returned to the silent tears. The sobs replaced by pure determination. He better make it, but if love is death, then let me fucking die.

I strode between Luke and Drew with Kier, and began to stretch my legs, escaping into a sprint across the field, my eyes set on the palace upon the horizon. "COME ON!" I yelled, soon hearing some small feet running behind me, followed by Lukes boots crunching through the grass. "Where's the park?" I asked sternly, still sprinting. "We need to head through the first district of the town, and aim for the alleyways, no matter what, all alleyways lead to the palace." Drew panted from behind, my legs soon kicking in as i ran through the gates with my thief, heading for the first alleyway in sight. And after that, it was just nothing, but the palace in my mind. The palace, Laurence, and the possibility that my love could be saved. 

I listened to my feet padding rhythmically against the cobbles of the alleyway, the echoes stretching up and bouncing off the crumbling walls. My mind racing in circles as i caught yet another silent tear as it trickled down my lips. "WHICH WAY?" I called, recieving the direction as i turned, racing down another alleyway, until the sight of lush, green grass rose at the end. I slowed down instantly as my throat stung, and frantically walked through the fresh grass, aiming for the concrete table near the shed-house on the far end of the tiny stretch of grass. I gently lay my Thief across the surface, and moved some hairs from his beautiful, but closed eyes, as i grabbed his arms softly that were dangling off the edge, and lent them across his chest, before leaning down and planting a loving kiss against his forehead. My shakey breath spluttering out a hidden sob as i collapsed onto the nearby bench, hanging my head in my hands.. Letting the sobs un-mask themselves from inside me, and sound through the park.. I felt so broken, as if my heart was ripped out back in the field, as soon as i'd realised. I heard quiet footsteps approach, but ignored them. I didn't care anymore, i just had to let them out. They stopped a few feet away from me, but there was no point in seeing who they belonged to.. My vision was gone, the minute the sobs arrived. 

They stood there for a minute or two, before walking closer, and kneeling down slightly. "Cyrus? Cyrus Barrone? The Mechanist.." A warm, but low voice floated through the air, as i spluttered slightly, my sobs fading.. I felt their hands pull my arms from my face, as Kier had before we..first kissed.. But what was before me, soothed me actually.. The warmest of eyes met mine, green, almost hazel, ink-black hair spread out across their forehead. Their eyes surrounded by the pattern seen at the edge of the Vane flag sometimes.. Dotted, with smudged blue surroundings. His eyes glinting slightly as he looked up to me. I brushed my fringe from my face as i rubbed my puffy eyes, the realisation punching me in the stomach.. "Laurence Beveridge.." 

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