A Bond like no Other.

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Shanes POV:

I shifted around the steam train, the filthy surface rubbing across my white shirt as i did. I bit my lip, and blushed, Kier not leaving my mind at all. Is it bad to already miss the Thief? I sighed and looked back up to the roof, to see him staring across to me, i blushed and turned away, the grin spreading across my lips. Damn Cyrus, get your act together. I coughed and quickly jogged into the machine shed, heading over to the table that had the machines lining its wooden surface. And pretending to study them, i kept an eye out through my fringe, forever searching for this Pilot. Drew had said all he knew, that the man had a beard, and possibly wearing a top hat. So that's exactly what i looked for. I snook around the tables, smiling timidly as the workers trudged past me. I didn't have a clue what i was doing..

"Oi, you don't work here!" Busted. I scowled and turned around, the guard from the other day standing in front of me. "Um, i'm on official buisness here, had to collect some... machinary. Yeah.." I mumbled, suddenly feeling  uneasy as more people gathered behind him. "Oh, is that right. Fetch the pilot." He muttered to another guard, a slight smirk itching at my lips at the pilots name. I waited awkwardly as the guard stutied me, but he was soon starting to touch my clothes, my goggles.. i've had enough of this. "GET OFF ME." I screeched through my teeth, imediately wanting Kier by my side.. "Well well, aren't you a fiesty one, quite handsome too.." He smirked, stepping forward. I backed away, shaking slightly as i looked up to the roof, Kier nowhere to be seen. No.. he wouldn't leave me, would he? I knew i wasn't worth it, i'm too timid and useless.. Why did i give my hopes up? My vision suddenly darkened, shadows appearing everywhere i looked, as my body errupted into a shaking mess... "Sir, the pilot's nowhere to be seen.." A breathless guard called, as it clicked. Drew's found him.. I looked to the sandbags imediately, sure enough an arrow emerging from the fabrics.. "Come with me." The guard gritted through his teeth, reaching for my arms as he tugged them behind me, keeping my head back with his fingers roughly through my hair.. "I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING, LET ME GO, PLEASE!" I yelled, the tears itching at my lashes as i imediately felt more alone than ever. I''ve never been afraid by palace guards, so why now?..

"YOU GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF HIM." I heard a voice scream from through the crowds. An arrow soaring into the guards armour as he stumbled back. The loose tears flung from my lashes as i snapped my head to my rescuer, my thief. "K-kier, thank god.. P-please, get me out of here.." I stuttered, as he ran over cupping my cheeks. "Come on, it's going to be ok i promise, Cyrus, look at me." He whispered, everyone staring as i looked up to his gorgeous eyes, my own becoming blurred through the hopeless tears. "Trust me." He whispered, lifting my hand and kissing it, before he locked his fingers between my own shaking finger-tips. I nodded rapidly as he began to pull me through the crowds, running faster as he slipped a firm arm around my waist, soon winding us around the corners, and down the alleyways, guards trudging behind in the distance. "We're almost there i promise, a little further." He breathed beside me, my shaking limbs almost collapsing as we reached the edge of the city, the hut becoming visible in the distance. We arrived at the hut, as i stumbled through the door, walking passed the panting Drew with our new guest, and heading straight for the backroom, collapsing onto the bed at the far end. I felt purely horrible. At least the shadows had gone.. I felt slightly better.

I lay lifeless, my breath warm against the fabric of the pillow, as the shaking slowly stopped, someone shutting the door as they rushed over. "Cy, are you alright? Are you hurt?" Kier rushed, crawling onto the bed and gently sliding an arm under my chest, pealing me from the sheets. I sat up and launched myself into his chest, breathing in his beautiful scent, as i buried my face into the crook of his neck, my arms tight around his chest. "Shhh, it's ok, you're ok Cy. I'd never let anyone hurt you." He hushed, a hand  running through my hair as i looked down, the embarassment rising through my skin. "I-i'm sorry.." I mumbled against the skin of his neck, as he kissed my cheek gently, leaning back to cup my cheeks. "Cyrus, i'm so sorry i wasn't with you, i hate to see you upset. You have nothing to apolagise for." He whispered,  rubbing his thumb across my cheek as i relaxed slightly. "I-i don't even.. I just.. I felt like everything was getting ripped away from me... It only came back when you appeared... I've never felt anything like that before.." I whispered, looking into his eyes as i tightened my arms around his waist. "I love you so much.." I breathed, a blush rising from my cheeks.  He just kept his hands on my cheeks, leaning up to kiss my forehead lightly, before his lips moved down to my own, tenderly. I pushed back firmly at the touch of his tounge, my love for him growing every second.

"You're never going to be alone again Cyrus, i don't know what happened back there, but this world is messed up, and i'm not having it mess with your emotions.." He began, closing his eyes as he lent his forehead against mine. "Because i'm never leaving your side, it hurts too much." He muttered, his fingers smooth against my jaw. "I never want you to, i'm just afraid you're going to leave me suddenly, and dissapear.." I whispered, cringing at my own words. "Never." He stated, brushing the fringe from my eyes as i smiled. "Come here." He grinned, laying back down on the bed, tugging me with him by my waist. I instantly obliged, pressing my forehead to his as he wrapped his arms loosely around my hips, the comfort of the pillow beneath, instantly soothing. I wound my own around his chest as his gaze soon rested on me. "I'm saying it now, so that you'll never forget it. I love you, Cyrus Barrone, and i'm never leaving your side, not for anything, ever again." He whispered, as i pressed my lips lightly to his neck, closing my eyes at the feel of his smooth skin. "You're my own perfect thief.." I whispered timidly, to no one but myself, as he kissed the top of my head lightly. I love him, more than life itself. I don't know what happened back there, but all it's done is make us stronger. So Grandomina.. Bring. It. On.

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