Almost the End.

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Shanes POV:

Silence. Nothing, but silence. It wasn't a peaceful silence, it was an eery stillness. I didn't know if i was dead, or alive. I didn't know if anyone was. There was a breeze along my exposed skin, but it stung. So, so badly. I tried to a move a muscle, a limb, anything, but the pain just jolted through me, endlessly. It was a bloody battle, i remember. Very bloody indeed. But.. how much of the blood was ours, now that was a mystery. I felt the stinging rise, a light appearing through my eyelids, as my eyes twitched open. The skin peeled slightly as i did, causing a whimper to escape my mouth. I felt like i was perminantly on fire, but knowing i was awake did help. I studied the sky, from where i lay. I let my gaze travel over the misty clouds, before i looked across the plain. Bodies, endless bodies were scattered throughout the field, and it made me feel sick. It was weird though, because as much as i felt myself moving, i had a side view of my body. Almost as if i was looking at a corpse, my eyes weren't wandering after all, they were open, staring towards the sky. Oh. I could see it now. It was simply over..  I gaped at the pierce marks running down my arm, the burns surrounding my skin, making it blister and scab over. I looked like i was asleep, but, i knew i wasn't. I knew it was different to that. Much, much different.

Kiers POV:

I ran, so, so fast. Faster than i've ever been able to run. I knew he'd fallen, and i knew it was bad. The bond was breaking, and i had to be closer to fix it again.. That's if, it wasn't already too late. My vision blurred as me, Laurence and Luke ran across the field, the bodies crunching beneath our soles as we ran. The Cardinal knew how to hurt me and Laurence, and unfortunately, he'd taken glee in it. I felt my heart catch in my chest, as i froze. He didn't even look peaceful.. My eyes locked on my Mechanists. They weren't full of life, they were blank. Un-moving. And his skin was broken, torn, blistered, every part of him bruised. And that was when i felt my heart crack, and melt inside of me. I dropped to my knee's, and watched the blurr of Laurence run past me, a disgusting crack sounding as a corpse was being flung through the air, as he tugged Drews body from underneath it. It was so blurry, in slow-motion, but i recall every minute of it.

I watched Laurence drop to his knees, tears trickling down his darkened face as he screamed. He screamed into the air which everything he could. I crawled across slowly, my eyes resting on Cy's body, as i dragged myself across the endless corpses. The Cardinals corpse, with Cy's hammer slung into his chest.. I carried on, and knelt at his side. Turning to his beautiful face. So still, quiet, i lifted his arm, and slid my palm along the rough skin, catching his hand with mine. As i collapsed against his lifeless body. The never-ending tears forever soaking into his filthy shirt, nothing but mine, and our Princes sobs echoing through the field, as our hearts slowly broke away into pieces. I choked out a sob, as i lent my face upwards, the sun cracking through the clouds, just reflected off of his body. The bruises shimmering, as my tears rolled endlessly onto his skin. There was one single moment. One, silent moment that me and Laurence shared in that instant.

We looked to each other, his glimmering, blurred eyes locked on mine, as we felt ourselves slowly fade. The light was leaving us, and i was hoping that death would take me now. I'm not living, if Cy isn't there along side me. I just kissed his pale, cold palm, and let myself go. Let my body fall into the darkness i welcomed, so, so much. Nothing but Lukes yells fading out behind me, hopefully forgotten forever.

                                                                           1 Week Later     *

Why was it so warm? It felt like the flames were returning to me, but i didn't want that. No, there's no point. I was numb, and broken, and it's all i deserved. I just opened my eyes instantly, and felt the tears well up. I was awake. How, was i awake? I didn't deserve to be awake.. Cyrus.. Oh Cy.. I let my eyes lock on the wooden ceiling that had appeared above me, and stared at it. Letting the tears run swiftly down my face. I couldn't help it. I didn't have a heart anymore, it should have died. It did die. Back out there in that field. It died. 

"Kier! Kier it's ok, Kier please!" Someone tried to break through my wailing sobs, but it was no use.. I couldn't stop.. I just choked, curling over, as i scrambled from the covers, attempting to walk but falling straight back onto the hard, splintered floor.. I just wanted to escape, escape everything possible. Was that so much to ask? "Kier, please.." Came their choked reply. Drew.. Can't you give me some peace..Wait, Drew?! DREW. "D-drew?" I choked, sliding away from his grasp,staring through pure shock as he pulled his arms back, looking at me with sympathy. "W-what, y-you, Cy?" I whispered, shakily, crawling forward, locking my fingers around his loose shirt. "IS CY ALRIGHT, DREW?" I yelled, waiting for his reply. I watched his eyes well up gently, as he wiped his eyes quickly, taking my hands. "Ok Kier, you have to li-" He began, but i couldn't take it. "Drew.." I whispered, staring at him, as the tears began to clog up behind my eyes. "I-i'..." He stuttered, and lowered his voice to a slight whisper. "I'm sorry, Kier." 

I froze  at those words, and stared quietly, before i just backed away.. So every one is alright, other than my Cyrus. Everyone, untouched. He looked to the floor as the tears rolled from his eyes, darting up to me as i shot up. Stumbling through the door, i headed for the front door, bursting through it as i ran through the grass, running until i reached the wall i'd come to love so much... And all i could do, was collapse against it.. I dropped against the rough surface, and closed my eyes, as life began to flash around me. What do i do? I can't live without him. No. I can't. I slid the ring off my finger, and bought it to my lips, as i scrunched my eyes shut, the puffyness stinging at my skin. I couldn't take my mind off him. My Cy.. I took my mind back to when i'd met him. His beautiful, fluffy golden hair, waving through the mist of that district. The glint in his eyes as he'd looked at me. The way i used to buzz when his skin touched mine, the warmth of his breath against my neck.. " Please come back.." I whispered shakily, the stinging tears attacking my inflamed skin once again. I just pictured his beautiful face, and locked it there. My eyes shot open, to see Laurence, Drew and Luke running towards me, pure worry flashing across their face. But i erased it all, i pictured a blank canvas in front of them, and made Cy's beautiful face stand out on it. Nothing but his face keeping myself in tact.

"K-KIER?!" Laurence yelled, over the overpowering sound of flames that rose around me. I snapped my eyes open, and screamed. Staring at all of the flames that surrounded me, enclosing me against the wall. " Kier, it's ok." A flame spoke, it was forming a figure, just like before.. Before. That's it. My eyes widened, as my mother appeared, stepping towards me. "M-other, please give him back.." I choked, staring into the eyes of the woman i'd loved so much. She smiled, and looked down to me, sympathy shooting through her gaze. " You've had something, none of us could have ever had, Kier." She began, looking behind her, as the flames gathered. "And a bond like that could never be broken." She stated, holding out her hand, as another gripped her fingers, forming through the flames. "You need someone to look after you, dear. And i'm making sure that you do." She looked back to me, and my breath caught, as i watched the hand grow, and form into a thin arm. Scars travelling across the velvet skin. A black shirt showing, then a long black tie, swinging slightly, and then-  that's when i knew. 

I felt my breath hitch, as the tears began to fall once again. Cyrus's golden eyes locked to mine, as they widened. The same shock i felt, rose across his face, as i watched the golden tears trickle down his cheek. His goggles reflecting the warming flames around us. He let go of my mothers hand, and stepped forward, hesitantly,holding his hand out in front of him. As if he was unsure this was real.. I just swallowed the rest of my stinging tears, and leant my arm out, sliding my fingers between his, as the flames began to fade from his skin.. his touch, so warm, his fingers fitting perfectly between mine. As he stumbled towards me instantly, our sobs sounding out as we embraced. I locked my arms around his neck, and held him tightly. Tighter than i ever have before.

His warm palms were caressing my back, as we laughed into each others chests, the joy was so overwhelming, i couldn't breathe. I locked my palms with his, and leant up as our lips crushed against each others. The flames began to rise around us, as they left Cy. The sun cracked through as they began to fade. All but two flames, remained. I pulled away, and looked across to my mother, a grin on her face, as she stood with my father, hand-in-hand. "Thankyou." I whispered, before i watched them fizzle out, everything going silent, as i looked back to Cy. Our eyes locking, i couldn't believe this. That didn't just happen.. did it? I opened my mouth, looking up to him as the silent tears trickled across my cheeks, but no words came out. None. All i felt, were his thin fingers curl around my neck, the softness of his warm lips against mine, replacing my heart once again, as the perfection seeped back through, warming my heart all over again..

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