For Grandomina.

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Kiers POV:

This was it. This was the day we'd been building up to for weeks. This is the day that i'd dreaded, but taken no notice of.. This is the day, that would change everything forever.. I stared at the darkened ceiling, and sighed, looking over to the sleeping Cyrus beside me. It was the early hours, too early. But in a matter of time we'd be preparing, and it made me feel utterly sick.. I cringed as my stomach writhed beneath me, i hadn't been able to eat yet, i felt like i was going to throw my life away today, i've gained too much to just lose it.. I shook my head, the thoughts pinching at my brain as i rose from the bed. I tugged on some skinny jeans, my red shirt soon following, as i began to do up my belt, and tighten my old boots around my ankles. I looked down to Cy, curled up against my pillow as he slept. He was so, so beautiful. He didn't even deserve someone like me, i feel like our love is still being used for this.. I'm so lost, at the worst time i possibly could be.. I ran a hand through my hair and turned away, shrugging on my tight jacket, as i pinned the feathered broach to the chest. I needed some air, before i had to throw everything away. Everything i hold dear..

I glimpsed over to the fire, the still-burning flames flickering against the wood of the fireplace. This place was nothing but a tattered hut, but it had come to be home to me. I trudged over to the fire, inspecting the mantlepiece, something instantly catching my eye.. I picked up the crumpled parchment, and let out a breath.. My emotions murging and running around as i dropped into a chair. A sketch of me? There's only one person who could draw, and i could tell this was done the day we'd met. I was so lanky, that tattered red hankerchief around my neck.. his flask slouched across my shoulder, that really kept my strengths up.. Did he really feel the same way so early on? I smiled slightly, and folded it. Slipping it into my back-pocket as i got up again, walking to the window, and glimpsing across the now green land. The snow had melted, along with the perfection. All that i saw coming to me, was pain. Maybe even loss. And it felt disgusting.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, a soft, gentle hand. I would have thought it to be Cy's but i knew it was too small. Much too small. I smiled down to Drew as he sat on the table, in front of the window. "You alright?" He whispered, his sympathetic face soothing, taking my mind off of the grey world behind him. "Mm, i'd be lying if i said i was." I muttered, looking back out past him. "Kier.." He whispered, catching my gaze as i turned back to him. He lent out his arm, taking my hand in both of his, as he squeezed it. "We can do this." He smiled, looking down to me from his perch. For some reason, he pushed a little confidence into me, whether it would stay or not, i don't know. I just squeezed his fingers and sighed, smiling up to him. "I'm sure we can." I mumbled, releasing my grip as i stepped back, lifting up the small cross-bow from the floor. "I have something to fight for after all." I looked up, my gaze floating out of the window, as the deep thought kicked in. I could tell Drew was worried about me, but right now, i didn't care about anything. I was numb, numb from anything but the horrid feeling that was constantly rising in the pit of my stomach.


It was 5 minutes until we had to set off, and i hadn't said one word since we'd gathered, i really wasn't planning to.. I fumbled with the cross-bow in my grip, as they spoke of strategies, techniques, everyone was excited. Full with adrenaline. I wasn't. Not one bit. I was a Thief, was i really needed here? I lent the bow across my shoulder, as i walked out of the door, the grass refreshing against my feet. I just blinked back the tears as i strolled onwards, the will to find some motivation, taking over my senses. I just felt so stupid and emotional, useless. I needed to get rid of that. Right now. I just stopped in my tracks, lifting the bow, as i aimed towards an old oak tree, watching the arrow slice through the mist, and penetrate the crumbling bark. I instantly threw the weapon into the grass, the fustration firing through me, as i jogged through the long grass, clambering onto the all-too-familiar wall, as i glared at the Palace on the horizon.

"Kier." The whisper of my Mechanist floated against my neck, as i felt his warm breath against my cheek from behind. I took in a breath and closed my eyes, as i felt his arms wind around my waist, instantly locking my palms across his arms, as i cherished his touch. I turned my head slowly, and looked at him, the same saddness i felt was evident through his own eyes, i wasn't alone.. I just tugged on his collar harshly, letting his lips crush against mine, as i took in the sweetness of his breath. His warm fingers, gently sliding up my thin shirt as i sighed slightly against his lips. "I'm only doing this for you now. I don't care about Grandomina anymore." I mumbled, looking away slowly, my gaze getting locked on the waving blades of grass beneath him. "Oh, Kier.." He whispered, his soft thumb pushing against my jawline, as he lifted my head. "We'll fight for each other, but we have our friends to fight for too.. Our future.." He breathed, something clicking inside me as i thought of the future we could actually have together.. It would be magical. I just let a smile form, as i looked up to him, turning around, and wrapping my legs around his waist from my perch on the wall.

"You're right..I just hope we can last." I sighed, leaning my forehead against his own, as we fell to the silence around us. Nothing but the breeze, once again. "You ready for this?" He whispered, his breath warm against my lips. "Let's go kill some vampires." I muttered, smirking slightly, as he pulled me from the wall, embracing once more, before we had to do this. I just took in the scent of his shirt, scrunching my face into his firm chest as he breathed into my hair. " I love you so much, Cy." I whispered, leaning up and kissing his neck tenderly. "I love you too Kier, with all of my heart." He smiled, capturing my lips with his, as i ran my fingers across his neck, his silky hair sliding through my grasp. That's my motivation in place, now let's get this done.


I felt Cy's fingers slide between mine, as i tightened my grip around them, casting a glare towards the misty fields, as we began to stroll onwards. Nothing but the shuffling of old boots through the grass, sounding around us. The fear was leaving me, with every single step. This was what we'd all been waiting for, it was really happening.. I looked to my right, Luke swung his mace through the air beside him, his eyes cold, nothing but hatred shooting from his gaze as he glared ahead. A cap now resting across his black hair, a loose shirt tucked into the same black jeans we all wore, some thick black braces holding them against his muscley frame. I feel sorry for whatever blood-sucker decides to mess with him.. I smirked, and led my gaze to my left, my Cyrus. His hair was roughed up, his goggles resting between his messy strands, as he gazed onwards silently. His eyes held emotion, but the pink tint bellow them hid it. He had a slim, black shirt on, a black tie hanging from the collar, swinging slightly as he strode onwards. The bullets clinging to his hips, glimmering against the large hammer that was resting across his shoulder. He weilded it effortlessly, he was perfect.. I looked around his frame, studying Laurence silently, a grey jacket was clinging to his build, braces tight across his chest, holding the black skinny jeans up to his waist. And his face showed nothing but hatred, and determination. The once, royal blue swirls around his hazel eyes, were replaced with black flicks, his straight black hair complimenting his appearance perfectly. The clanging of his sword against his boots being the only sound heard.

Drew looked so small against the Prince, but they just fit together. The eyeliner around his glimmering eyes made him look handsome.. He looked like the leader here, and he was really. He wore a white shirt, tucked into his own skinnies, a single, black bow-tie was tight around his neck, matching the black braces that were strapped down his chest. And he wore the same signature boots we all did. As for me, i just felt like a flame, a flame that would never stop burning. I felt like we were going to plough through these creatures, the cross-bow was becoming lighter, much more comfortable in my grip. And i just let a smirk land across my face. All of us coming to a sudden halt, as we looked up, towards the horrid army across the hill.

The Cardinal stepped forward, removing the hood, to show his slicked, blonde hair, an evil smirk was dancing across his dry lips as he studied us. The creatures were cracking, crying, crawling around behind him. We just looked across to each other, no emotion across our faces. With a nod to each other, we suddenly threw our bodies forward, a scream errupting through my throat as flames rose around the field, the whining creatures ahead becoming blurred silhouettes in the shadows; as pure rage took over my body. The awaited clangs and clatters of metal sounding through the once empty, silent plain.

Listen to your Heart. (Kier/Shane) ~ FVKWhere stories live. Discover now