My Kier Kemp.

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Shanes POV:

My mind was racing right now.. It was night time once again, and my mind just had to set off.. I was just so lost in what had happened today.. I mean.. how am i here? I just felt like i was burning up, completely, and.. next thing i knew, Kier's parents were at my side, speaking to me.. Talking to me about Kier, and how much he needs me.. It didn't even click that i was dead then, until i saw the pain in Kiers eyes before he saw me.. How exactly did i cheat death though?

I looked down to my arm, the fire was reflecting off the scars, and they were just glaring at me. Mocking me. Reminding me of the fact that i've actually been dead.. and somehow came back.. Kier hadn't left my side since i'd..returned. And i hadn't left his either, i think we were just both afraid we'd disappear again.. lose each other, and it's the most painful feeling in existence. I sighed lightly into the back of Kiers neck, and looked across his shoulder. - He was curled up on my lap in the armchair, beside the fire.- He turned his head slightly, his eyes glinting from the flames as he nuzzled closer, his nose rubbing against my throat, silently. I just ran a hand up his back lightly, and looked up to the others, a smile dancing across my lips.

Laurence and Drew were asleep on the sofa, The Prince having spread out across the dusty cushions, with Drew sprawled out ontop of him, snoring gently. I'd have never known i'd make such perfect friends out of something like this.. Though i could feel my own eyes feeling heavy, snapping me out of my daydream imediately. I mean, you could say i've been through alot today afterall.. I looked across by the fire, Luke and Evelyn were quietly sat in front of it, reading through various books, just talking quietly to each other. So it was just me and Kier, left together. And i could do with some alone time with him right now.. I was just overwhelmed, and confused.. i just needed him, only him.

He looked up to me, almost as if on que, and i smiled slightly, as he lent his hand up to caress my cheek, a serious expression pasting across his beautiful face. "Do you want to go to bed?" He whispered, leaning his forehead against mine, the warmth of his skin making me blush like i used to.. "Please.." I mumbled, smiling to him as he slid off my lap, holding out his hand. I slipped my fingers between his instantly, and pulled his hand to my lips, before tugging him towards the backroom quietly. I let go, and shuffled over to the lamp, leaning over to light it with the strike of a match."Hey, are you alright?" He whispered, coming up behind me, and taking my hand again. That warm, smooth skin... "Yeah." I smiled, dropping to the bed silently, as i started to tug the laces from my old boots. "Cy.." He whispered, making me stop, and look up to him, the glint in his eyes, flashing as his labret stud did against the fire. "What's wrong?" He asked, coming over, and sitting on my lap, as he wound his arms around my neck loosely. I just sighed.. And tightened my grip around his waist, collapsing into his chest as he cuddled my head close to him. "'s ok, love.." He whispered, running his fingers lightly through my hair, as i breathed gently into the cotton of his shirt, keeping the tears back.

His warmth was driving me insane, the irresistable curve of his hips, his skinny legs against mine.. I just pulled my head away, and looked up to him, running my thumb across his jaw.. "I just... thought i'd never see you again.." I mumbled, looking down to his lap on mine, as i ran my palm across his leg, lightly. "Oh either, but.." He whispered, lifting my chin with his fingers, "No matter what, we were ment to be together. You're everything to me, Cyrus Barrone. And you're my priority now, as much as i was yours." He smiled, leaning down slowly, as his soft lips captured mine, his fingers dragging through my hair as he did. I just breathed a sigh of relief against his lips, and turned him around slightly, so that his legs were wrapped around my waist, tight. Before he tugged away slightly. I just shot my eyes open, to lock with his instantly, that beautiful glint returning, the glint that had caught my eye, the very first day i met this man. "My heart's always going to be yours Kier. No matter what.." I whispered, watching his eyes flicker from my lips to my eyes as he leant forward ever so slightly. "And you have mine, it's always belonged to you." He whispered, my eyes glancing to his lips, before i tugged them to mine once again.

It was different this time, it was like neither of us ever wanted to break away, or leave this moment. It was a world of perfection, all over again. I just leant back with him, and locked my palms around his curved waist, letting my fingers slip under the shirt, to access his silky smooth skin as he leant above me. His warm breath, the flash of a flame from his roughed up hair, the sweet taste of his lips against mine.. I've never been so glad to be alive. He just  pulled away for a split second, and stared at me, the same cheeky green spreading across his lips, that had appeared when i first layed eyes on them. And that's when i crashed my lips against his again, surrendering to the perfection that i'd almost lost. 

It's amazing how something so beautiful can come out of a world so evil.. His life had been turned around completely, and i just hope that it's for the better.. He's my Thief, and i've never been so glad to have met this man, because i don't have a heart anymore. He just stole it the minute he saw me.. My Kier Kemp.

Listen to your Heart. (Kier/Shane) ~ FVKWhere stories live. Discover now