The 5 before the flames.

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Shanes POV:

I grinned to myself as i watch him dissapear through the smoke, a last glimpse back to me before he trudged round the corner towards the forest. I don't know what, but something about him really made my stomach churn, a weird feeling taunting at me. I bit my lip, and crouched under the door frame, walking past the machines and tools that were scattering my living area, until i found it. I pulled the parchments from above the fireplace, as i turned back to close the front door, soon slumping into a wooden chair by the fire. I'd made a sketch-book if you can call it that, by tying together some parchments in a book-like thing. Came in handy when i needed to get my ideas down.. I put the book on the floor, as i brushed the dust from the mantle piece, soon finding what i needed. I lifted the box, sliding out the slip, as i took a piece of charcoal from inside, rubbing my thumb across its surface lightly. I dropped back into the chair, and looked into the fire, the orange glow surrounding me soothing my mind. I smiled, and pressed the charcoal to the parchment, soon getting the picture out of my mind, and onto its surface.

So, a nice, swept blood-red fringe had to lie just above an eye, his eyebrows raised in his cheeky smirk, as i added the glint into the mans hazel eyes. Before gently dotting the light stubble surrounding his labret piercing, making sure his teeth were showing in his smirk. I lent my little finger to the parchment, smudging gently down from his eyes, to create his dark marks that trailed from around his beautiful eyes. I moved down to his neck, the dusty red neckerchief hanging losley around the smooth skin, making sure i got the patterns correct, after beggining on his clothes, easily finished within a few minutes. I blew softly for a sketchy effect, and held up the parchment in the light, the slim figure of Kier smirking at me from it.. I blushed and placed it on the chair, a knock at my door soon sounding out. I jumped and squinted to my window, nothing seen but dark clothes, hovering by my door.. I put a cushion over the drawing, and coughed, getting up and hurrying across the floor boards, opening the creaking door.

"Mr Barrone." The mysterious voice came, almost velvety through the wind, as he lifted his head, a bronze mask covering half of his unfamiliar face, as some honey coloured locks of hair swept across his forehead. "C-can i help you, sir?" I stuttered, suddenly wary of the dangerous people hovering around at this time.. "Please, may i come in?" He replied calmly, as i nodded slightly, moving aside as he strode in. I closed the door and turned back, to see him remove his hood and mask, two stakes becoming visible from his hips. "Y-you're the vigilante.." I gasped, soon enough wringing my hands together nervously. " You've no need to be afraid, Cyrus, i'm a friend. The eyes and ears for the people of Grand London." I nodded slightly, as he lifted a cushion, curiously lifting up the drawing, damn, should have hidden that.. "You know this Thief?" He asked, an eyebrow raised. "Um, w-well, sort of. I s-saw him once." I mumbled, my face heating up. "Good. We need him." "W-what?" He knew Kier? What the hell is going on.. "Cyrus please, sit. We have much to discuss." His face was soft, gentle, something about him soothed me, so i obeyed, sitting in the wooden chair, beside him.

"I'm Drew Woolnough. And we share something, my friend. We both despise this cities government." He began, as i nodded slowly. I wasn't going to ask how he knew..he was the vigilante after all.. "And i think, it's time to make a stand, against these brats. There are 5 of us, each with different professions, jobs, even lives. But it's only us that can go against them. " I thought for a moment, looking back to the drawing, that was lying on his lap. "Yes, Kier is one of us. I've yet to find the others, but there is not rush." I nodded again, the heat rising across my cheeks at the mention of his name. "We can start our search tomorrow, Barrone, but for now, just rest. I know it must be quite a shock to realise you're part of something so important, but please, trust me, my friend. Because if we do this, we'll change more lives than you think." He smiled warmly, a hand over my shoulder, before he got up, and walked to the door. "Wait, um, who are the others?" The question had been itching at my mind for a while.. "All in good time, Cyrus. All in good time." He replied, before disapearing, with no trace, no door slam, just shadows. I blinked and shook my head, so now i'm going to spend my time with 3 other strangers, and The Thief that doesn't help my emotions. This is going to be interesting.. I smiled at the drawing on the chair across from me, soon enough drifting off to a deep sleep as the orange glow took my energy, thoughts of seeing..him again tomorrow, plagueing my mind.

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