The Thief's melting heart.

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Kiers POV:

I was grinning into his chest, happier than i've ever felt before, and i didn't really care how forward i was being.. Cyrus really made me feel better. Better about everything, actually.. He coughed slightly as we pulled away, Drew appearing across from us, just sitting with a smirk on his face.. I really hope he hasn't been there for long.. I blushed, realising i still had my top un-buttoned, so i stood up, the heat swelling through my veins as i began to feel a bit iffy.. Buttoning my top slightly, i mumbled.. "Um..i'll be back in a moment." I smiled weakly, jumping off the table, and slowly stepping outside, closing the wooden door behind me as i did. I just let out a sigh and trudged on behind the hut, soon finding a wall to perch on near the edge of the road. I heaved myself up, and dangled a leg off the edge, leaning on my other that i'd pulled to my chest.

Why was i feeling so weird..? I've never let anything get in my way before, i've stolen without a thought, no sympathy, and until today i hadn't even thought of my parents.. I moved a hand to my face shakily, biting my lip to stop the tears from coming.. I don't even know what's going on anymore.. So i just let the tears come, watching them slide between the gaps of my fingers, across the silver ring that ment so much to me.. I smiled as i looked at it, it was the only thing i'd managed to retrieve from the fire back when i was young.. so was the most precious thing i owned, if i lost it, i'd have nothing.. But would i have nothing?.. I mean, apparently there's 2 others i'm yet to meet, but i guess i have these guys now.. I have...Cyrus. I smiled as i pictured his face, his glinting eyes, how handsome he was.. Did he honestly mean more than a friend to me? I closed my eyes, remembering the feel of his fingers across my skin.. It just made complete sense.. I snapped my eyes open. I'm falling for Cyrus Barrone..

"Kier..?" A soft voice came from behind me, goosebumps rising across my skin.. "Oh, hey.. Cy." I rapidly wiped my eyes, as he lept onto the wall, looking ahead. "Hav-have you been crying?" He asked, placing two hands on my shoulders.. "N-no, well, it doesn't, it doesn't really matter, i'm fine." I mumbled, staring ahead. "Kier, please.." He knew how to win me over.. I slowly turned my face to his, studying his expression.. He lent his hand up, wiping the loose tears away with his thumb. And there's that perfect feeling.. I just wanted to hold his hand in place, to be able to feel his touch endlessly.. In the end i had to look away.. or else i would have really shown how i felt.. He truly made my heart melt. And i didn't know how to fix that.. "Talk to me, please.." He whispered, the feeling of his fingers across my cheek taking over my emotions.. I blinked back the tears, and hesitantly placed my hand over his, holding it to my cheek.. Inside, my head was screaming, 'WHAT TEH FUCK ARE YOU DOING KIER, HE WOULDN'T LIKE YOU, LEAVE HIM BE.' And as much as i knew that would be true, my heart won me over. 'Go for it Kier, there's no other moment as perfect as this, tell him Kier, tell him.' I debated quietly in my head, realising i was still staring at him as i did.. "C-cy.." I whispered, his thumb stroking across my cheek as i blushed. What am i ment to say?

"You can tell me anything, i promise i'll understand," He smiled, before ushering me closer.. I shuffled along, sliding an arm around his waist as he rubbed a hand up my back. "I..i can't.." My voice cracked, as he held me tighter. "Of course you can.. i know it." He replied softly, leaning down to look at me, closer. I looked up at him, my puffy eyes adjusting to how close his face was.. Don't Kier, don't do it.. I tried to force my feelings into words, it's not like i have anything to lose.. "I just.. all my life has been stealing.. being poor... lost, a-alone.." I began, his thumb still soothing across my jaw. "Y-you.. ever since... i l-" I couldn't do it. I can't. He just smiled at me, leaning his lips to my ear.. "Me too." He whispered, a shudder travelling through my whole body. W-was that a confession? Wait, did he just-? What? 

I looked up to him,  his face moving closer as a blush fluttered across his cheeks.. His lips were so close.. His warm breath flying across my skin.. "KIER, CYRUS!" A yell sounded, as we shot around, Drew rapidly gesturing for us to return to him. So fucking close. I am going to kill that Woolnough..

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