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Shanes POV:

I felt completely sick, within a matter of seconds. Everything was so perfect.. i'd thought the evil was gone for good, this new happiness had made us forget why we'd gathered in the first place.. And while we were enjoying it, the Cardinal was one step ahead.. I couldn't stop my heart from racing faster and faster, Kier holding onto me as i pressed my lips into his hair, silence falling for a few minutes.. But i must admit, i wasn't expecting the sight that was waiting..

We all just stared, through shock, but curiosity as Luke stumbled across with the small princess beside him.. Her face did show guilt, and she looked frozen. I could tell this was going to be a story to remember.. I looked slowly to Laurence and Drew, they were both staring at the ground, hands clasped tightly. I hope this wasn't going to go too wrong.. We've achieved too much to just suddenly lose it all.. "Luke..what's going on?" Kier piped up, since the rest of us were completely lost.. "C-can we explain inside? Please.. she's frozen, we've come quite a distance.." He muttered, looking around to us as me and Kier nodded slightly, walking past the quiet Drew and Laurence, the confusion dancing around us silently. 


I was sat in an armchair near the fire, Kier in my lap, in silence, playing with a strand of my hair as we all stared into the flames.. Laurences hair was straightened once more, his coat spread out across Drew who was laying across the sofa.. His feet on Laurences lap as the Princes thumb brushed across our Vigilantes foot lightly. Silence. I looked over as Evelyn emerged from the wash-room, her ginger hair curled delicately, a small, cream-laced dress clung to her body as she came over awkwardly, looking back to Luke as he smiled to her. "Why are you here?" Laurence mumbled, not looking away from the fire, as she moved forward slightly more, her bare feet silent against the floor-boards. "Laurence.. i-i.." Her velvet voice was silenced, her face spreading into a frown as she looked to Drew, his expression saddened as he glanced to her.. I guess she did play with Laurences heart, Drew had every right to feel uneasy.. I leant my head against Kiers, watching them, kissing his cheek quickly as i noticed his peaceful expression. I knew he was silent through worry, he'd been through one hell of a past.. I'm just going to stick by him through all of this mess. At least someone's at peace here.. Evelyn let go of Lukes hand, and sighed, looking back up to Laurence. "I'm sorry for..everything. Laurence. It was wrong of me to play with our bond.. I..it was.." She took a deep breath as her voice began to shake, causing our gazes to land on her, curiously. "The Cardinal has played all of us, Laurence." Luke piped up from the back, all of us looking to them intently as he walked closer..

"What do you mean? What's he done to you?" Laurence asked, his eyebrows knotted together slightly. "Not me.. Evelyn." He replied softly, looking to her. She quickly flicked a few tears away as she carried on. "He took.. advantage of me. I..i couldn't stop him.." Her voice faded out slightly, as she looked away, her gaze resting on me and Kier as she smiled slightly, quickly moving her gaze to the floor. "What are you on about?" Laurence asked, concern showing through his gaze.. She swallowed, and took a deep breath, blurting out everything she could in that one moment. "He.. took advantage of me in my bed chamber, most nights.., for letting my love fall to you.. In fact, he even destroyed it.. I couldn't love anymore, i..that man ruined everything, and.. I'm just so sorry, it was through no fault of my own..he damaged everything i held dear and..i just lost it."She whispered, staring down, as she felt her hands being lifted slightly. Her eyes shooting up to The Prince, his firm fingers clasped lightly around her palms..

"I'm sorry.. i didn't know either..I shouldn't have been so harsh, Evelyn, but, my love fell to someone else as it happened. We weren't ment to be... But, The Cardinal will pay for this, he'll pay for everything.." He muttered, kissing her cheek, before dropping her hands, and stepping back, looking down to Drew. "He bought us all together for a reason," He began, helping Drew up, as he pulled the Timid into an embrace, before looking across to us. "And we can fight against them, we have too much to fight for." He said, softly, Evelyn stepping back, taking Lukes hand as she smiled. "You all deserve a better life than you have.." Evelyn suddenly whispered, a tear trickling down her soft cheek as she smiled slightly. "I'll help you in any way i can.. that Palace isn't home anymore.. Luke has helped me to see what's really worth living for.." She looked up to The Pilot and smiled shyly, as he lifted her hand, and kissed it. 

"For Grandomina." Drew stated proudly, standing inbetween us all, as he looked around. "For love." Kier smiled slightly, pushing himself off the chair, holding his hand out to me as i took it, holding him close to my waist. "And so, we have our 5 companions.. Let's complete this, and end this rancid evil for good." Laurence spoke, the speech of our Prince floating through the room, as we all gathered into the middle, the fire casting our shadows through the flames. We all nodded to each other, and clasped each others hands, the clutter of weapons laying behind Evelyn becoming a beacon of what was to come. 

And with that, mission Exposition had officially begun.

Listen to your Heart. (Kier/Shane) ~ FVKWhere stories live. Discover now