Chapter 2

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It's been a week since the group heard Cole speak. When they had a conversation about anything and wanted his opinion all he did was nod and say a couple of words. Even when they talked about cake he still was silent. Everyone wanted to know what happened to the cake loving Cole they knew and cared about. Especially (y/n) who of course was Cole's old friend.

Why? Why is this happening to Cole. This morning I saw bags under his eyes and was shocked to see his beautiful green eyes were puffy and red as if he had recently cried. I want to help but it isn't my business to enter.

One day I was at the gym doing the treadmill when I saw Cole staring into space. I followed where his eyes were when I saw it. The girl Cole was dating was with someone else and not him. Wait who was that with her. I walk closer to Cole because he had a better view of everything... that's when I realized who it was. It was my boyfriend!

They were being flirtation with each other that made me feel weak. I wanted to run but I couldn't. I just turned to Cole wasn't there anymore.

I can't believe her she was flirting with a guy in front of me and in public. Heard footsteps to where I was sitting with the dumbbell. I looked up a bit to see (y/n) shocked like surprised. I looked into her eyes as she stared at my ex girlfriend and the dude.

I had enough... I just stood up and walked away. As I made my way to the exit I heard someone call my name I turn to see (y/n) with a light puffy eyes. I was shocked to see her like this. She never cried before and if she did she was good at hiding from people. She jump onto my chest putting her head in. She was... trembling.

That was my boyfriend who she was flirting with. Now I wanted to walk up to him and slap him for all of this but didn't. Cole left and so I went to leave as well. I turn to see (C/g/n) and him were....kissing. He smiles and looks up to see me horrified and shocked. He tried to saw my name but I left because it was to painful to watch. I went to the exit and saw Cole walking away.

"Cole" I said and he turned around. I jumped into his chest so he doesn't see me crying. But the problem is, I was now trembling. I felt hands on my shoulders and knew it was Cole. As fast as I could I wipe my tears away. I look up to see Cole's beautiful green eyes. I smile up at him to show I was ok...but in reality I was putting up a act so he doesn't know.

"I just wanted to tell you that if you ever need someone to talk I am always there for you, OK" I said still having my fake smile still on my face. In a blink of an eye I was in a hug with someone's head was on my shoulder. It was Cole and he was crying.

"(Y/n you are the only one I trust besides Jay. But we've known each other since childhood and you are like a sister to me" Cole said putting his head into my neck. I place my hand on his back and stroke him so he can calm down. After a while he was breathing a bit normal so I began to talk.

"Hey Rocky, if you need to talk to someone I'll listen" I said placing my hand that was on his back now on his head. He nods after in response. When we get back to the bounty he'll tell me everything that happen.

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