~Valentines Special~

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      "What is this, you promise no secrets so what's up" (y/n) ask looking at her boyfriend who was pulling her toward a garden then show her the beautiful picnic within the garden. She was shock of how amazing the place was. "Y-you did all of this for me. I-I don't know what to say all about this"

    "You don't have to say anything, see your shock smiling face is enough for me to see. I wanted to do this because this garden reminds me of you. You always say you're not pretty or perfect but to me you remind of this place even a flower has a flaw somewhere but they still come out beautiful like you did" he said smiling at her while she looks away with a slight blush on her face. She couldn't show it but she was really happy that he did this for her of all people. 

     "I love this.." (y/n) said walking into the garden to look at all the flowers inside. This was the best Valentines day ever!


     (Y/n) jolts up from bed which makes her fall of her bed in surprise. I hate waking up from stupid memories of that jackass and on the same stupid holiday that made me feel special from by him. Ha I was stupid back then to even like him, (y/n) said staring at the ceiling without a care in the world.

     "(n/n) are you okay? I heard something far was that you" Nya ask coming into the room as (y/n) was bring her duffle bag that had all her costumes in it. She had to explain it was her waking up from a dream so there was nothing to worry about. "Ok just making sure Cole is waiting for you and everyone is excited to see the performance you're doing together. Good Luck!"

    "Hey you ready (n/n)" Cole ask on his dragon as (y/n) went onto her dragon following him to the playhouse in the city. Today was Valentines day but it was also the day Cole and (y/n) had a performance with a mix class all over Ninjago city. The two of them had the main roles because they were the best dancers that the city has seen. 

     Once they made it to the play house they went in to get ready fro the show even when it involves (y/n) wearing dresses is its for the performance then she willing to pass that because it was for a good cause. All the money they make today would go back to the hospitals for children with caner and she was willing to do that for them.


     "Look at all these people here they really want to help the kids" Nya said as she sits down in their reserve seats by Cole and (y/n). Being close to the dancer you can get front row seats to see the show. Behind them there was so many people that almost all of New Ninjago City came. 

     "Hello everyone thank you for coming today and your generous donations are going to a greta cause" the speaker said on stage to have everyone go to their seats. "Now I'll say Happy Valentines Day to everyone and now lets go on with the show."


    Once the song slowly came to an end the audience gave a standing ovation to the dancers who had big smiles on their faces even (y/n) had a smile on her face. Cole gave her a side hug as they bow then going back stage. The other dancer congratulate each other especially the main couple who did an amazing job.

    "That was really fun too do and it was for a cause" (y/n) said as she was walking at the back with Cole holding her hand. "You said you were going to bring me somewhere so where is it?"

     "Well m'lady you're going to have to wait and get on the dragon" Cole said laughing at (y/n)'s pouting face but follows along. They went flying the place Cole was playing to bring her, in no time at the made it there. "This is what I wanted to show you."

     As the got closer from walking they went to an all familiar place to (y/n) with every step beginning to hurt her. All the memories she wanted to forget slowly come back like they were looking own on her. Once they finish the row of flower hedges they made it to the meadow in the back. 

~(Y/N) POV~

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~(Y/N) POV~

     Memories that I wish to go away are coming back and I don't want them back in my life. WHY I'M FINALLY HAPPY?! So why are they coming back to me now at all times.

    "(y/n) this place is ama- what happen to you are you alright" Cole ask shaking me slightly. I place my hand on my cheek to feel it wet from crying all of a sudden, I wipe some away but more became to come out then I couldn't stop them. My legs were failing me so I almost fell but Cole catches me before I could hit the ground then bridal carry me to a near by bench.

     "You have to tell me whats around because I want to know and I'm worried about you" Cole looking at me straight in the eyes. I pull myself closer to him to let me place my head in his chest and let him hold me. I hate being vulnerable in front of anyone even Cole so I need to relax.

    "I-Its just...he b-brought me here before...and...and memories of this place came back right...now. I want them gone" I confess to Cole who holds me closer and squeezing me but not to hurt me. 

    "Shush, Shh I know you've been hiding your feeling for so long let them all out right now. It's not healthy to hold them in for too long. Don't worry I won't judge you" Cole said as we separate to look at each other. "You've been holding the tough side too long so you should let it all out..."


    "Thank you, Cole. Just thank you for coming into my life and for everything" I said as we sit on the bench watching the sunset over the meadow. After a while from me crying I calm down and we sit there forever and Cole didn't judge me for it happening. 

    "I thank you too for coming into my life too (y/n). You're my everything and I want to spend every Valentines Day with you like this" Cole said holding my hand and squeezing it. "I love you (y/n)."

    "I love you too, goofball" I said with a close eye smile when I felt a hand on cheek to open my eyes to see Cole smiling then slowly lean in. I follow his example then met in the middle, it was a long kiss with compassion and love in it that made it the best. 

    Even if I had memories from the past that won't change who I am now and I hope the person in the future as well, because I want to spend all Valentine Days with Cole and share memories to come...

WORDS: 1204

   👾❤️HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO YOU PEOPLE! Well to those who have someone to celebrate with the happy Valentines day but to the single people out there in the world happy Single Forever Day! One of my friends made that day up so I want to share you that as well. I'm not a huge fan of the holiday but I still have to be nice. Anyways I come back from the dead and glad to update at least for today of all days.

I hope you enjoy this special to the book and this isn't involve in the story just to tell you people. Still I hope you enjoy reading this, I enjoy typing it. Comment down below you thoughts to the special or anything and I'm always happy to read them. Until then Reader-kun...




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