Chapter 35

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   Without (Y/n) around it wasn't the same anymore, as if the same spark that held them together was now gone, an empty part in their hearts as if they lost their purpose to live. Her body still rest as if in Snow White but no matter how hard they could try, she won't come back to them. She can't show off her cooking skill, her skills of kicking Jay's butt and so much more. The halls were dark enough that the dead could hide there, it was a ghost ship for you see they all were mourning over their friend's death.

  Jay couldn't bring the spark to conversations and only stay quiet, Zane would only stay in his room to program his little friend, Kai would have a punching bag and had a hourly schedule to punch it and they all would cry on the inside not wanting others to hear them. Nya wouldn't even leave her room and Kai had to drag her out of her room to eat because she would be willing to starve herself, her best friend needed her and yet she wasn't there. Last but not least was Lloyd and Cole, the two who only fought for HER attention. Now the two couldn't have a clear conversation but only glare at each other; one filled with hatred & jealousy and the other was annoyance & pain.

   "Why can't you accept it already?! SHE'S GONE! (Y/n) is gone" Cole shouts glaring at the leader who isn't backing down. The others could only watch in horror wanting to help but they couldn't go in between for the two were willing to attack. "SHE'S DEAD! And she isn't coming back no matter how hard you try to convince yourself that!"

   "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! You're giving up so easily, after everything that happens to us. You know (Y/n) won't go down without a fight no matter what happens, even if she half conscious she would still fight for her life. You have to have more faith in her" Lloyd replied now glaring back. "But coming from you it makes sense, not once did you even believe in her did you?! I bet even after everything that happened between the two of you, you think she would love you! She has more balls than you ever did"

   "Say that to my face again. I. FUCK'N. DARE. YOU. LLOYD" Cole said walking over grading a hold of his collar, who still wasn't backing down. "I loved her with my every being, I would put my life on the line if I had a chance. I wish it was me who died but it's wasn't, was it? I was a fool to let her go.."

   "YEAH THE HELL YOU WERE! I've had it! SHE DIDN'T DESERVE TO DIE, YOU DID! After all the shit you put her through and yet look who is still here" Lloyd finally said showing his true colors. "Every since our first fight I've despised you, you had everything you could want and yet you still abused it. When you were hurt, you only used (Y/n) a tool from your break up. And once another girl came back, you jump the first train that sabotage your perfect relationship. You may say you love (y/n)...but DO you really LOVE her?"

   Having enough from the brat Cole did the one thing no one else could, punch him in the face. A full right swing to the face was sent to Lloyd who took it head on without blocking, it's as if he knew it was coming. The rest of the brothers had to hold down Cole from attacking Lloyd. Nya helps the younger boy get up and get a glare from him as blood drip to the floor. A staff was heard (more like slam to the ground) throughout the room. They all turn to see Sensei who had the most disappointed expression they had ever seen, they couldn't even meet his eyes after that.

   "Enough you two, I've allowed you to take this far enough. I didn't want any of you to fight after what has happened and yet you still do. I'm ashamed of all of you" Sensei states as the six look down in shame. "As the two were fighting, any of you could of just stepped in to stop this but none of you did such thing...Now Kai and Zane help your brother with that bruised face and I must talk to Cole alone. Once I'm done with him, I must talk to my nephew. Understood?"

   "Yes Sensei..." was heard from the six. Kai and Zane help Lloyd walk down to the infirmary, Lloyd quickly glances at Cole who still held his head down. Jay and Nya only look at the Black Ninja with worry before leaving the room allowing their Sensei to talk alone with him. Following behind his sensei back to his room he stayed quiet.

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