Chapter 37

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   I suddenly wake up from a nightmare I had about (y/n) dying right in front of me but much worse than before. She would slowly move toward me crying that it was my fault she dead and she shouldn't have loved me. After that I was waken to my room with a blanket around my body, probably one of my brothers found me lying outside again. Slowly getting up to stretch all of my muscles I really feel like I actually had a good night sleep.

   "Well besides the nightmares that is" I grumble to myself as I fix myself to start the day. Which means just wearing the same clothes from yesterday or that day before. Man I really let myself go after all, makes sense since I let the girl of my dreams go on accident and now she can't come back to me.

   Taking a deep breath I went to go open the door to only be slammed by Jay who was either sobbing or panicking. Trying to clam him down Nya comes over asking whats wrong which is exactly what I would like to know too. Jay then looks at me straight in the eyes.

   "(Y-Y/n)'s body isn't there...." he finally spits out. As soon as those words came out of his mouth I literally threw him to the side to only go straight into (Y/n)'s room where her pod is only to find out she wasn't there anymore and her body had completely vanish. 

   After that everyone went searching for the (Y/n)'s body on the bounty but no could find her. It was impossible for someone to get onto the bounty when it was in the air and no one has access to even step foot on it. Even after almost a whole day of searching the bounty and any weird locations nearby we still didn't find anything or anyone. I was lost, so lost to the point I couldn't even think straight.

    "Where...where could she have gone? Who would want to take her body? Why did they take her away from me again" I kept mumbling to myself looking down to the ground in complete shock and pain. I lost her again and I couldn't do anything about it. It was quiet in my room too quiet and I could hear my thoughts telling me it's my fault.

   "Uh...Cole" Kai said from the door. Trudging over to the door I look at him as he had a confused expression on his face. "You might want to see this for yourself."

    Dragging my lifeless body to the kitchen I got a whiff of something familiar to me, (Favorite Cake)? Getting to the kitchen finally I see there was a whole meal waiting for us, Zane was the one who found it after we left to look around outside of the bounty. But who could it be, not only that who knew how to make (F/C)? Looking around everyone starts to taste the food saying it was delicious, the most delicious they've had in a long time. As I was about to sit in my seat I notice a small white note waiting for me to take. Grabbing I notice the words on the note and immediately notice the words were familiar to me. 

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river, and it made me complete

   Getting up I look toward the gang who were questioning me and the paper but I could only smile then looking around for any other one like this. My heart was only pounding out of my chest as I look into her room again to find another one like this on her bed, just laying there for me to take. Looking over it I could see it was a familiar writing on it and I was only smiling, how could anyone know this song? This is the song we only shared with each other as our songs because of what it means to us.

Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin

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