Chapter 38

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That night the bounty was celebrating the return of the (F/c) ninja with a party of some sort. Everything was in full swing as the whole family was smiling happy to have the missing piece back in their lives once more. Nya was still teary eyes but getting better as she was close to the other girl and continuously saying how much she missed her.

"This toast goes to...(N/n)" Lloyd starts with everyone holding onto their cups wanting him to only continue on and get it over with. "For coming back to us and coming home, welcome back"

A chorus of cheers came after everyone took a sip of their drinks. Jay and Kai were going to 'war' as they take off their shirt saying how manly they really were. Zane was short circuiting every other second, maybe nindroid can't even handle alcohol. That was a lesson that has consequences if Cole didn't at least save him before he went naked to do some yoga on some castle. (Who is this Chihoko?!) Lloyd was the only one besides (Y/n) and Cole who were the only sober ones. Good thing Sensei Wu and Misako left the seven on their own or else they would be witnessing pure confusion.

"Man you guys all seem too lost, was it always like this when I was gone" (Y/n) ask taking of her drink trying hard not laugh as Kai was doing the Macarena. Both of them look at each other before laughing, that will scar him for life! Soon calming their laughing fits down and leaving them in comfortable silence.

"Actually we all were, we really did think you were dead and we couldn't even say sorry for everything we did to you. We all ended up grieving over your 'death' in our own way. The bounty was so quiet and gloomy no one wanted to even leave their rooms" Lloyd reply looking over at the pure shock expression on her face. Seeing this he went on from there and even elaborated. "Like I said it was hard for all of us after you left. Kai, Jay and Nya wouldn't even want to leave their rooms. Kai would have a punching back and at night you could hear him punching it, Jay: would be so quiet that you wouldn't even know it's him and Nya would starve herself to death. Kai would have to drag her out to eat sometimes. Zane would be in his room only talking to his bird. Then there's Cole and I....after you were gone it was hard for us to handle each other in the same room. We said so many cruel things to each other it got really hectic."

"But through it all, Cole was the only one who wanted to believe you were still fighting and coming back to us. None of us even wanted to believe him because we didn't know you as much as he did. To him you were still stubborn and wouldn't go down without a fight at least. Who knew it was all true because in the end here you are and Cole was right along" Lloyd finishes looking at (Y/n) once again who looked like she was in deep thought. Makes sense since he said so much in one sitting, it's impressive his lungs weren't screaming out for air yet at all. "So you should be thanking Cole for keeping your spirit alive while you were away and never giving up on you."

He...He really didn't give up on me after all, (Y/n) could only think of that at the moment, watching the other male help Jay back into his clothing with Nya crying. She wasn't able to see how much he truly did care about her even after everything they been through and everything they would be going through ahead. She couldn't hide a blush on her face that was slowly surfacing as she gazes at the Earth Ninja. Seeing this Lloyd was smiling, patting a hand on her head catching her attention back to him.

"I'm sure he really wants you back. But if he ever hurts you again tell me. I'll give him a beating" Lloyd said with a fiery aura around him and making her laugh at his protective manner. The two joke that he shouldn't do the head patting because she was older than him, leaving the two into their own world. It wasn't until a pair of hands warp themselves around her waist and turn to the culprit.

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