Chapter 5

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I'm planning to go to my friend's bakery that ha the yummiest treat in all of Ninjago City in my opinion. It was in of course Ninjago City so I had to go over there just to get something. So might as well bring the King Lover of cakes with me since I tell him about it all the time.

I look around for Cole to find him practicing rock climbing at a nearby mountain. He is always amazing to watch that I think I might drool by just watching, but nows not my time my friend is waiting for me.

"Hey, blockhead do you want to go with me to town so we could go to the bakery I've always talk about" I shout to him. He literally stops climbing and looks at me with his brown cake loving eyes.

"Give me a minute" Cole said as he fell from the place he was in. Then transform his dragon to come to the deck. He was now in front of me with no shirt on, plus his 8-pack right in front of my eyes. Right now at that moment I could of drool, but had to keep it in my throwing him his black hoodie. While he was busy putting it on I was trying to calm my blush down so he doesn't see him.

"Now come on before they get busy since at this time they get hectic," I said walking to the edge of the deck. "Well come on."


Yes, I'm finally going to get some treats with my very close good childhood friend (y/n). She talks about this shop a couple of times and she always said it was heaven in your mouth. So the chance to try it is a dream come true!

(y/n) fell with her dragon appearing so she had a lead on me. I hurry to try and catch up to her. After a while, we were in Ninjago City well on the main road. She stops off the road and walks the rest of the way so I did the same. When I walk next to her we stop in front of a small shop with a bright window filled with cakes and cookies.

All I could do is drool in front of the window thinking of the traits that I'll get it. While (y/n) was giggling which made my heart skip a beat. What just happen, I mean I've heard her giggle before but this made my heart skip. As I was thinking I knew I was blushing and (y/n) say me but acted like she didn't.

"Come on let's go before you cloud the window" (y/n) said opening the door then going in. I follow right behind with my tail wagging at the sight and smell of it all. Inside was filled with small treats like cookies, cupcakes, macaroons and of course CAKE! The room's wallpaper was lime green with design on it. Plus a neon sign saying THE CAKE MASTERS which was the name of the place. Everything was good enough to eat.

"Hello and well come to...(Y/N)!" someone said from behind. We turn around to see a young boy about our age grinning ear to ear. He was shorter to me but was built (of course not as build like Cole) he had red hair with caramel eyes. All he did was walk up to (y/n) and took her hand which made me have a twinge of jealous. But the next thing I know is he was on one knee and kiss her hand. Then she immediately blushes fifty shades of red. What is up with this guy?

"H-hello (r-r/b/n) it has been a while since I c-came here. This is Cole my childhood friend I talk about before"(y/n) stutters while trying to calm down. I don't like this guy one bi- Wait a minute why am I so worried all of a sudden. I should be used to seeing this happen to her since in middle school almost all the boys back then use to have a thing for her.

"Oh so this is him he's cute" (r/b/n) said looking at me as if trying to look seducing but instead gave me a shiver down my spine. "So what happened to your boyfriend anyway. You two always came here together like a date. How is he doing."

Wait now that I think about it she's been spending more time with me than him so what happens? I look at (y/n) who look like she was about to cry. But instead shook them off and was about to say something...

"Good...anyway Cole you better get something so else we'll leave without anything" (y/n) said sternly at me. My wides open and I hurried around to get me some yummy treats while (y/n) stays with (r/b/n) who was making me a bit jealous at the sight of them together.


As I watch Cole act like a child all I could do is just smile at how cute he is. But I felt someone staring at me and it was (r/b/n). I look at him with the what-do-you-want face at him but he was still acting all cute.

"So~ What really happens between you two" (r/b/n) ask sternly to me. I explain what happens between (c/g/n) and my boyfriend and in the end he was shocked. "WHAT he did that. Oh, the next time he is here I'm gonna charge him twice as much and kick him out of the shop."

I couldn't help but laugh at what he said. (r/b/n) is a really good friend who would always helpmeet no matter what the problem is. Cole came to the cashier with a sample of almost everything in the shop. (r/b/n) gave me a wink when Cole was right next to me, I look away from him with a blush on my face. I felt Cole staring at me with confusion.

"Hey (y/n) is everything okay. I mean you've been gloomy and you've been a bit flustered at the time so are you going to be okay" Cole said getting closer to my face. I might like him but when he gets too close to my face I get a bit pissed. I did my signature head butt and he was once again in pain but this time I did it more lightly so there isn't a bruise.

"I told you as kids I hate it when people get up in my face so please stop doing things like that or else I'll make your head bleed," I said sternly while I pay for his treats and left. Cole was on my trail but still rubbing his forehead, but in secret, I got a admit he was a bit cute like this.


I need to rub my forehead just to make it feel better. I hate this (y/n) is a hard head and she does have a hard head. The sound of laughter was right in front of me to find (y/n) laughing at me. She was so cute when she shows her emotions and when she laughs she always makes my heart beat really fast.

"I hope you get full with those treats because the next time I'm going I'll try to bring you some. Well, I got tired just by watching your so goodnight" (y/n) said as she did something unexpected, she hugs me lightly and left me. My face was light up like a light bulb. Think I know what this feeling is now because this is how I felt when I was with (c/g/n)...I'm in love with my childhood friend...

Words: 1279

Thanks for waiting! I hope you all like it...Just to tell you all next week I can't update or publish any new parts to the story because I'm going on vacation without my precious computer...So this week I might be a bit busy so it will take a while for the next part. Until then Reader-kun...



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