Chapter 18

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    How long have I been here for, I thought looking at the monitor next to me telling me my heart rate is becoming normal. I probably stop getting use to pain and for that I got weaker or the fact I cut on shoulder for the first time. Fuck just let me leave already. I look at my wrist to see old faded memories there, yes its true I use to cut myself back when I was traveling.

     "Miss (l/n) I have guest for you" my nurse said the move to the side for me to see Lloyd and Nya with flowers. I would smile at them for at least caring about me and visiting but I feel just don't feel it in me. All I could sadly do is slightly bow my head to allow them into my room and stare at them.

    "Hey (n/n) I'm really glad you're awake now. You've been unconscious for almost two weeks" Nya said placing the flowers in a near by vase and then sitting down next to my bed with Lloyd behind her. "How are you going now, hun"

     "What do you expect me to say I'm fine I just got my heart broken to my now ex childhood best friend/ boyfriend. And not just that I got into the hospital because of him being the ignorant bastard he is. So yeah thats how I feel like now if thats what you're asking"  I said bluntly, well at least I didn't lose that. But my answer probably made the two of them hurt by what I just said. "If you want the truth then I'll give you that much at least. I don't feel anything anymore besides old scars that are on my arms and legs."

    "H-how did you get so many" Lloyd said now getting involve into the conversation and just in a shock state looking ta my scars. Nya was starting to cry while I kept a blank face looking at him and apparently he didn't like that  answer. "(y/n) answer the fuck'n questions when did these show up and why is there so many of them in the first place."

    "I had these every since I was child when my parents died and they added on when I was out of Ninjago city and I miss home. I became depress but no one knew about that and it stayed like that the most of my life until I came back and once I was stable to live in the bounty I slowly stop cutting and becoming more happier" I reply to his questions. There was silence in the room the only thing anyone could hear was the beating on the heat monitor which was getting on my nerves. That is until the same nurse that brought them in was there with a sad expression on her face.

     "I'm sorry to bother this reunion but I gave have grave news for Miss. (l/n). Your aunt...just died from a car crash and she didn't make it when the doctors did everything they could. I'mm so sorry for your loss" the nurse said bowing. Everyone looks at me but I held onto the blank expression then look out the window, it was raining jus the way I like it.

    "That sucks I was happy to see her again after I got out. Anyway the lawyer will have to wait when I discharge to see me and that is final" I said looking at them and they were looking at me like I had a second head or something. I can't show feelings anymore, even if I wanted to I just can't.


    When Nya & Lloyd left I ask if I could be discharge now and they allow me to go and get my clothes. Once I was out I took a deep breath of the city air instead of smelling the hospital vented air, it good to be a wake sometimes. After that little celebration I made my way into the bounty or to just my room that had a window so I could do a lock picking in it. Then I got in, hm I wonder whats going around here? I walk through the hall and nothing seem to change at all well except the weird giggling coming from the living room and you know what I found. Cole and (c/g/n) cuddling together watching a sappy soap opera, yes like the one in the 1980 and stuff. 

    It looks like Cole doesn't give a damn about me being then the hospital well in that case lets have some fun, I thought trying to figure out what to do. Being only able to use the environment only is bad because I can't use it inside somewhere. But...

    I place my hand on the wall and slowly concentrate on something to do and when I open my eyes they were white completely. Out of now where I use a bow and arrow to shoot through the ceil and out in the open to then feel something falling and it was the shooting stats. Well better go for now and I jump out of my window and keep a distance to see one star hit the bounty and slowly disappear, what the hell was that? 

    'Sun/Moon which means to control the weather patterns or something related to space' sensei  said before which now has me thinking.

(a/n: can anyone guess what chapter that quote is from?)

   "Whatever that was it was amazing" I said feeling a tug on my lips, was I smiling? Weird that I'm smiling again all of a sudden. Any who I went to teach for my aunts house and then for the lawyer.

    Apparently my aunt thought ahead of time for me to keep the house which was in the same district close to Mr.Brookstone who I shall never visit again. I get to keep the rest of the money she had left and the property so I had a job to do. But first I have some business to attend to the bathroom.


    Today was my aunts funeral which not many show up since she was always inside her home but for sure the world lost an amazing chef. The one person I thought would be there wasn't there and neither was Mr.Brookestone. 

    After the service I clean her home among sure there was no problems in it but when I was cleaning I saw photo albums from when I was a kid. I realize in all of them I would never smile and I remember my parents thinking there was something wrong with me. The only times I could smile or anything was when Cole was in the picture, I was a stupid kid back then too I guess. Everything can't go my way anymore, I lost all my blood relatives and I love the love of my life plus the trust of my second family.

    I should probably go to sleep by now its pretty late by now, I thought yawning putting the last box in the right place. Making my way upstairs I change my black clothes to my normal ones and going to my aunt's bed. Good night...


    I slowly open my eyes to see chains on my ankles and the shackles on my wrist. What the fuck?! I would get up but the chains were pulling me down and my knees were really weak fro no reason. How the hell did this happen to me...

    "Oh~ You finally woke up huh" a voice said with pure evil intertwine with every word they said. It was...

WORDS: 1276

    👾Its a somewhat cliff hanger but you all have a guess of who it is already because it really easy to see. But I'm not saying anything bad about that. Anyways Valentines day is almost over which makes me super happy. I hope you enjoy this part of the story comment down below on your thoughts to the story. Until then Reader-kun...




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