Chapter 22

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FYI: You can yell at me after you finish reading if you want to or not...


    "It's your...fault...I have to kill you to be free from this" (C/g/n) whisper faintly but (Y/n) heard its with sudden confusion taking over her. All of a sudden (y/n) punches (C/g/n) right on the nose . She didn't want to do that to happen she got up from her place on the wall and grabs her kana to get into fighting position. "Can't you see...I don't want to do this...I want to be normal...why can't you let ME!?"

   "What the hell are you talking about? Be from what? and why the hell is my body moving on its own" (y/n) ask suddenly running toward (c/g/n) who did the same with a katana at hand. (Y/n) tries to move back or away but its like her body wasn't in her control. 

   "Can't you see...we're just puppets to him... he plays with us when he's bored. So we are toys made to fight" (c/g/n) explain jumping back but she held a painful expression while (y/n) was confuse about what was even happening. "Are you still blind!?...he's trying to make us fight each other! That's why you don't have any control over your action or body! When you were running to the bounty to escape you went into an alley, but all of  sudden you fell right?"

   "Well he plan all of that to happens so he could inject something in your body to control you. See if I try to cut myself I can't" (C/g/n) demonstrates by placing above her wrist but there was a force to stop her katana from touching her. "See! I can't kill myself because he has control over my body. He even has the power to control my personality since I've been his lab rat since I was a child."

   "What, Wait? How can you be a lab rat? All the things you did from what you told me....about your childhood was a lie" (Y/n) shouts as she dashes forward to attack (C/g/n) who git lucky enough to block it. But (Y/n) had more force and strength pressuring her to push her back which was to the opening in the wall.

   "No I was force to say those things so no one will know the truth. The tattoo I showed you it wan't a real tattoo it was my bar code as a lab rat. All my life I've been a guinea pig, my parents died after i was born, my so clawed father was a scientist that experimented on me. I thought I was going to die before he came to save me from there and I thought I was saved but he ended up using me too" (C/g/n) explain trembling while (y/n) was struggling to stop herself from pushing her off the edge. Something inside of (Y/n) told her to save (c/g/n) because she knew there was something still good inside her; "I'm sorry I lied to you all this time I never wanted to hurt anyone honest. You all treated me like a real family to the point that I would even risk my own life to save any of you. I didn't mean to hurt you, (Y/n), you were like a sister and family I wish I had. I'm so sorry."

    (C/g/n) was getting more closer to falling to her death. With the remaining stubborn strength she had left in her whole body (Y/n) threw both her kana and (c/g/n) katana to the other side. And not wanting to kill his toy the force on (c/g/n) stop so she wouldn't be push to the edge but hug by (y/n). (c/g/n) froze not knowing what to do but she slowly and hesitantly hug back with the same amount of passion. They felt as if they've known each other for so long that they didn't want to ever part or even let go.

   "(Y/n) there's something I want to tell you or show you and it's important" (c/g/n) said slowly and quietly letting go but held (y/n)'s hands. With (y/n)'s attention completely on her she slowly remove her purple hair to actually be a wig and her blue eye contacts. And underneath it all was short (h/c) hair and the same (e/c) eyes, (y/n) could only stand there in shock of what she  was seeing right now. (c/g/n) look exactly like (Y/n). "I'm...I'm your twin sister (y/n)...I was ten after I was born then older that my parents were dead. But when i escape I went to go look for them but they weren't there. I change my appearance since I was told to sow I could infiltrate the bounty. But when I got there I froze because right in front of me was a spitting image of me. So them I realize I had a twin but...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."

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