Chapter 3

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We made it back to the bounty safe and sound. I look to see that (y/n) was fine now with less puffiness in her (e/c) eyes. Why did she start crying? Was it because of me? Of something else...but right now it isn't important. As we made our way to the living room the gang came in all worry about me.

"Cole are you seem to be more down in the dumps now & more than usual when Jay eats your cake" Nya said gesturing to Jay who was shock for being blame.

"That was only one time! And Nya is right did something happen for this up happen to you" Jay said now looking worryingly at me.

"I'll tell you guys later but...right now I only want to talk to (y/n) about all of this. So can you guys leave for a little bit" I said placing a hand on (y/n)'s shoulder. They gang understood so they left leaving (y/n) & I in the living room.

"Hey (n/n) should know now of what's happening between (c/g/n) & I by now right. If not than I'll tell you...we broke up a week ago after finding out she's been cheating on me" Cole said looking down at the ground. I was shocked to hear that because they look so cute together & to see them together made my heart shatter. But to see Cole happy is all I want for him so I was putting his feelings first then my own. But now to hear about her cheating & hurting Cole made me furious.

"Are you going to be okay Rockhead" I ask using his nickname I gave him a long time ago before he ever became a ninja or even a elemental master. He nods at me and giving me a weak smile but I knew it was fake.

"I'm just a little hurry after what happen to us that now I can't accept it all. I'm still in love with (c/g/n)! Even if he really did break up like a week ago I still can't accept it" Cole was now shouting in my face as if I was the one who broke his heart. A tear stream went down his face and it hurry me allot to see him like this.

I grab his face and gave him a head bump which he gave me a confuse look on his face. Unlike our brothers I was the only one who could do that without going into a concussion which makes me someone not to mess with.

"What the hell was that for?!? I know you had a brain but you still have a hard head since we were kids. Why did you headbutt my head" he asked while rubbing his now sore forehead. I relive he was still his old self even if he was depressed about (c/g/n). I would be also because the annoying Chloe was flirting with was my boyfriend,well now Ex boyfriend.

Why did (y/n) do that? I know she only does that only when I need to calm down since I can be very crappy when I'm mad. I felt something wet on my cheeks, I was crying. I'm crying and didn't notice until now. That's probably why (y/n) headbutt my head so I could focus on something else. She's always there for me when something happens.

"You should out of all people should know I would only do that to you. You know why only you? Because that's a sign for you too calm down. Look in my opinion she didn't deserve you. You're funny, charming, hardworking, brave, tough and a great leader. If she was stupid enough not to see those traits and more than you deserve better" (y/n) said looking at me while crossing her arms. She place a hand on my shoulder and I look into her big (e/c) eyes.

(Y/n) has always been by my side since our childhood. But now that I think about it I was the one who mostly show feeling & emotions while it was very rare to see (y/n) cry let alone show a different emotion than being happy. But this is the (y/n) I know and consider a sister.

"Thanks (n/n), I needed that a lot. Gez I don't always need that when I'm crying. But still I'm happy to have a friend like're like a sister to me than just a friend" I said stroking (y/n)'s silky (h/l) (h/c) hair. She was just fine with me treating her like a pet but if I did anything else beside pet her head she will probably kill me at the spot.

"All I hope is you get over that girl" (y/n) said sitting next to me after I finish stroking her hair. "I know when you meet her you'll be glad you got over that (c/g/n)." I smile at her which she smiles back. To have a friend like her by my side I'm glad I became a ninja...

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