Chapter 25

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   We follow behind (Y/n) who was going at the most faster speed and we try to catch up. Every time we try to get closer to her she seems to get fast every time. It's like she has something at mach 20 or something like that. As we got closer its was clear t the sound of weapons come through. We got closer to see the rest of the our brothers fighting against Pythor but he didn't have a scotch on him at all!

   "H-How is the possible? The rest of the brothers combine should be strong enough to defeat him...But they're losing" Nya ask out loud looking at the fight below us. They were beaten, bruise, cut and Pythor had nothing like it as if they didn't even touch him at all. I grit my teeth wanting to join the fight but when (Y/n) woke up she told us not to leave but we just follow her when we were told not to. And we went against her words.

   "The gem on his forehead...its's suppose to protect the wearer but in the process its will take them over because of using it for the wrong doings" (Y/n) explain looking down at Pythor with a blank expression. She grabs something from her pocket it was a black gem which is the opposite color of the one Pythor has. "Thank you for staying by my side even when I said stay back but still thank you for worrying.

   " seems (Y/n) actually woke up from her sleep already and even on her own. This proves she is a strange women I must say" Pythor said looking at (y/n) and the others did the same with surprise/shock expressions. "You seem to ruin the fun (Y/N) much like a child."

   "I don't do it on it intentionally like you may think. But at least I don't stalk a child, kill her parents, steal from her and experiment on her. Compare my crimes to yours then we'll see who is the worse one" (y/n) growl landing on the ground with the gem around her neck. "Compare to yu its my way of life while you on the other hand wanted something else that killed many people ."

   "Oh so you remember now, lucky you. But that won't mean a thing once she is unlock. Then she will have a different perspective of my actions to save her" Pythor explains getting serious staring at (y/n) who did the same. I felt a rumble underneath us which shook us but it wasn't an earthquake. It was how much power they were clashing against each other. "I must take back what I said, you seem to have unlock her but not using her. You're very interesting~"

  "Shut up you reptile" (Y/n) yells attacking Pythor then he blocked it with a katana that just appear. But didn't notice (Y/n) kicking him in the stomach to much him backwards. "Pythor is the day I will kill you in honor as the last remaining of the (L/n) clan and as the only survivor to continue the line."


   Pythor comes back by swinging his katana to then have to block (Y/n) once again. (Y/n) keeps pushing forward to try to push more force onto the sword against her kunai. She didn't notice him bringing out a shuriken (a ninja star) to ram it into her rib. She screams out in pain using some of her leverage to have Pythor push her backwards. To save herself she did a backflip even if she was in complete pain. 


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