Chapter 26

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  ~3RD POV~

    A sudden Earthquake happen after just like (y/n) he transform into a snake once again but with an evil look in his eyes. Even as a snake his body got longer which made him taller. The gem was place on his chest as a necklace in always, golden & black pattern and an armor chest. (Y/n) could only as she tries to help for friends or more like drag their bodies away from him.

   "Oh darling where are you going? Are you trying to leave me after all the waiting I did for you to come to me" Pytor said looking over at (y/n) helping Cole who was the only one half conscious watching

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   "Oh darling where are you going? Are you trying to leave me after all the waiting I did for you to come to me" Pytor said looking over at (y/n) helping Cole who was the only one half conscious watching. "Not only that but you had feelings for an Earth beast of all creatures?"

   "Oh shut up compare to you back then they treated me with kindness. Humans show much care more then you have ever" (Y/n) said growling once she had them a safe distance she look up at the moon. "I call upon the moon wolf, Fang to appear by my side." 

   A glimmer of light appears near the moon then like a sooting star glides it's way down to Earth. When is lands next to (y/n) a wolf appear with glowing eyes. He seems to be happy to see his master again as he next to her.

   "What do you need Selene" Fang look up at her. With a smile on her fcae as she points to the brothers and Nya who were unconscious. "Are you sure you want me to do that? By doing so you'll be taking most of your energy away for me to help."

   "It's fine I don't won't to lose them so please heal them. I have some unfinished business to do with a certain reptile" (Y/n) said glaring at the reptile that was trying to find them. But (Y/n) held up a shield to protect them from him. "I'll put them in your hands Fang. I have some business to handle. "Once they wake you know what to do."


  I broke the shield towel out and be face-to-face with Pythor who was smiling. All I hope is that the shield will hold now that I'm not in it. but they also have to learn who they really are and where they come from. I walk closer to him and I could tell his smile was getting wider.

   "Ah Selene I see you're still wanting to help the little humans. That is just so like you. But to bad they have to go through they cycle of life so you aren't really helping them" Py- I mean Askook said While I glare at him. I can't tell weather or not if it was his snake demi-god form or him human form.

   "In this time period I am name (Y/n) given to me by my parents so don't call me anything else besides that. And I have to help them because they are my only remaining family that you didn't kill. Which is why I am protecting them form you. Even if they die they will be reborn and they will stop you when the time is right" I explain while he only hum circling around me. Before he could strike me I turn around, jump back and shot an arrow at him.

   "I see you're still read to attack no matter how I see it good for you. But I know you wouldn't hurt me because I as your fated one no matter how you see it" Askook said taking a step forward but I held my bow up to show I mean business with him. He looks at the arrow with a blank expression probably still know.

   "Let's see if you will have a head still, try me, I dare you. I'm here to protect my friends and not only that I'll keep the prophecy continue. This is the era of when you will die" I growl ready to shoot but he took a step which was a good for me.

   Before he could notice I lounge forward to cut his chest. Now a normal blade or arrow would hurt him but I change my kana and weapons to the moon and sun. The kana and tip of my arrows are made of pure moon crystal. While it is mix in with Sun stones. Then his chest is cut open which gave me an opportunity to cut him to open more wounds. Askook scream in pain as I back off before he tries to attack me right back.

   "Oh it's on now bitch and I don't care now if you're my lover or not. By doing this is a sign of betray" Askook said now coming at me but not with a sword or a weapon. He has something else up his sleeves or scales for him at least. Before any thing the world suddenly turn upside down. Askook grab me from behind using his tail. "Oh look like you let your guard down for one second to end up like this. Now where should I cut~ You still haven't heal from the shrunken in your rib. Maybe here instead."

(A/n: The world turn upside down...The world turn upside down...The world turned upside...down, down, down, down! Freedom for America, Freedom for France!Gotta start a new nation, Gotta meet my son! Ok Ok I'll stop and I was actually listening to that song while writing this. CONTINUE!)

   Suddenly pain came to my stomach when a blade grazes through it. My body was crying out as blood was dripping from the cut on my open wound. Askook drop me and I hope to get away but he use his tail to grab me again them lift me. After wack me on the ground a few times back and forth to the point where I am half conscious and my would didn't help at all. I can't call Fang because he is still helping the others and by using my energy to keep the shield up. What can I do?

   "So (y/n) how does it feel about be killed by your ancestor? Probably surprise that no one can help you now" Askook said grabbing my right arm to dislocate it. I grit my teeth to not give him the satiation that he won. "Huh, even when beaten you still want to pick a fight? You are most interesting, to bad your legacy will end here."

   "I call on my father Artemus and my mother Dysis to come. They combine give me strength to deafest the evil once and for all" I humble feeling my energy draining away faster. Two bright lights appear in front of me one was blue the other was yellow. Using both as rays I point to Askook with my only good hand. Soon as I put the order they move forward towards Pythor who was to slow to reach. After there was fog finally it's over.

    "You really think it's that easy to get rid of me, darling" a voice said coming out through the smoke. Even before I could turn around arm got a hold onto my neck and lift me up. "this is it! I'll have to kill you but first I need to make sure you can't move anymore."

   In a instant he was tightening his grip on my neck. I try to make him let go but my body gotten weaker. So the shield must be down by now all I hope is they are ok. Askook slither somewhere then stop, looking down is that I'm on the ledge of a gorge where I'll probably die. He slowly continues to tighten his grip to the point I can see spots in my vision. Is the how I will die? Am I going to see my parents again? My aunt? My sister? If I am sorry guys I couldn't keep my promise..

 Is the how I will die? Am I going to see my parents again? My aunt? My sister? If I am sorry guys I couldn't keep my promise

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WORDS: 1324

   👾It's getting good! I'm so proud of my self, just kidding I just like doing that on purpose now for my enjoyment. I wonder what will happen to (Y/n) now? Her friends are unconscious, Fang is busy babysitting them and here we are at the edge of death. I'll be posting in a week or so just to tell you guys and I'm talking to a certain person who shall not be named. If you can figure out who congrats. 

   Anyway I hope you enjoy this new update to the story I know I enjoy writing this for you guys. Comment down below your thoughts to the story or what will happen next and being me I'll always enjoy to read them. Until then Reader-kun....




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