Chapter 39

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It had been two months since the whole return of the (f/c) ninja and everything seems to go back to normal. One fateful day after that the two loving couple had something planned, well one did as he wanted to surprise his girlfriend with something. He knew once he shows it, she'll only be in tears, he hopes that is.

Dragging her out of the bounty, the two escape the city and their family to go into the woods where it became their place. (Y/n) was still too confused about why so late in the afternoon did he want to get out of the bounty. She, however, stopped questioning it as they finally reach their special place.

"Okay Cole now you gotta tell me what we're doing now, I mean come on. What's this huge surprise that seems to be very exciting" (y/n) said with a slightly annoyed tone in her voice. Even before Cole could answer there was a sound of a whimper. Moving toward the noise as the feeling of curiosity overclouds her annoyance.

Seeing a large patch of flowers looking like a hiding place she moves more closer as the sound of whimpering was now in front of her. Removing the patch of flowers she was staring right into a pair of big green eyes right back at her. Tears slowly slide down her face as she looks at the face of an angel.

"I know you miss Fang and I knew he was someone important in your life that was taken away too early. Also, I know I can't bring your family back so this is my way of helping continue the family grows. So this is where this little guy comes in," Cole said as he holds a loving gaze as he sees (Y/n) hold the small pup in her arms as she starts crying. He was a splitting image of Fang as he stares right into her (e/c) eyes. " this a good reason to drag you out here?"

"Y-You...You are just too much at time Cole you know that? But this is...just perfect so, I'm so thankful. He's such a wonderful surprise, it's like Selene seeing Fang pup when they first met. I just look at him and I'm in love" (Y/n said as she caresses his furry face and he lets out a happy bark "OMG YOU'RE SO CUTE AND FLUFFY!! Also, Cole looks very jealous of a pup right now~"


I look away with a flustered expression since I've been discovered by the person I didn't want her to see me like this. She only laughs as she holds the pup closer and he gives me his big green eyes puppy dog stares, he's good. I can't be mad at him because he's too cute right now. I let out a breath I've been holding in and leaning against (Y/n).

"Yes...but you blame me, he's too cute for his own good and he looks like he can't hurt a fly at all" I reply looking any direction that didn't involve me looking straight at her. She chuckles before places a hand on my cheek and making me look at her correctly.

"Well, you know if you asked me for my attention give it to you any time you ask me. I love you so when you ask for anything I'll do my best to help you or give you what you want" she said with a smile on her face. I lean forward and I could feel her breath fan my face and warming it up, nit because of how close we are to each other. "Just know Cole I really care about you."

I didn't need to say anything as I lean against her as the three of us look over the cliff. Fang runs through the meadow looking at the incests and barking at birds that try to land near him, he's perfect guard dog. I held (Y/n) closer to me as we look at the waterfall with a comfortable silence surrounding us.

"After everything that happened, we're finally together. That took a while didn't it" I ask as (Y/n) agrees. "Now we can save Ninjago still and I finally have the girl of my dreams with me."

"Yeah, and you're stuck with me until the very end so sorry I can't be returned" (Y/n) replies with a smirk on her face. I wrap my arms around her waist and leans against her as we switch positions.

"Good because I would never want to return you back," I said holding her. I love her too much now to let her go without fighting for her love. Even if she loves me, I'll do my job and protect her and the love we share.

"I'm so proud of you my son," a familiar voice said. Glancing toward the forest I see a familiar figure standing there looking at (Y/n) and I. The feeling of tears fell down my face, so it really was her. "Cherish her Cole, she's a keeper and please tell your father, I love him. I love you, Cole."

'I swear mom I'll protect (Y/n) for the rest of our lives. I love you too, mom...'

WORDS: 800+

This is the end of the story...thank you for the support and love you've given to this book. Thanks to you all, it was even possible to make this book in the first place. Wow so much even happened in this book, that took over 2 years to get to this point. After finishes two stories in the same year makes me feel old and I didn't even do anything at all, but here I am getting into the mood. It's like my children are leaving home.

Anyways hope you enjoy this last chapter to Childhood Lovers it was a fun ride and along the way you all were to see it evolved into the story it is today. Comment down below your thoughts and I'll be happy to read them all because I find it fun to do. Thank you all again.

See ya again Reader-chan...

Question: What is your favorite part of the story?





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