Chapter 31

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   As the two separate from that oh so lovely 'bonding moment' one was flaming like a stop light and the other was just smiling like it was nothing to her. Cole looks up at her as she gets up and opening her hand to him. Slowly he takes it as she pulls him up and getting him to safety.

   "I'm so happy you are okay...that wound took so long to fix after he attacked you. The others are trying to attack him while I was trying to heal you in some way" (y/n) explain as she helps him walk toward the battle field. During that time it suddenly become very awkward between the two of them. After that kiss his heart has been beating really fast like it was the first time they had ever kissed. But looking over to (Y/n) who was in a neutral state it didn't seem like much to her. Did that kiss mean nothing to her?

   "W-What happen to Fang" Cole quietly ask noticing the slight puffy red eyes of the girl. (Y/n) flinch after he ask the question by then they were at the battlefield. Letting go of each other she clench her first which didn't go unnotice to the earth ninja.

   "He's...He's dead Cole...Askook killed him after you were unconscious. He was about to stab you in the head before Fang came back and took the blow for you" (Y/N) reply quietly clenching hand into a fist before feeling a hand reaching. Taking it slowly as the hold tighten to a reassuring squeeze.

 Taking it slowly as the hold tighten to a reassuring squeeze

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    "Fang's death will not be in vein, he will be honored...We will defeat Askook and then have a proper burial for him ok" Cole said looking over to (Y/n). The expression he made at the very moment made her heart skip a beat, taking a deep breath she felt more relax. Looking back to him straight in the eyes she was ready...


   "Ah it looks like your saviors left you once again, why do you all even try" Askook said smirking at the fallen heroes who were once again beaten to a pulp. Their rage filled them with adeline and it was slowly draining away. And it was all because he had killed Fang right in front of them to make it a breaking point. "Well might as well hurry up now since no one is here to help you anymore."

   As Askook raise his claws to Jay who was the closet to him the others scream for him to stop. But their pleas were in vain since he only craved bloodshed and wouldn't listen to reason. Once it was at the highest peak before Askook could even swing an arrow had flown in and rip both his arms off completely.

   Now he was hunch over screaming in pain over his now missing limbs as the others with their remaining strength use their powers to over power him. It actually work and they had enough time to grab Jay before Askook could hurt him. The evil glint in his eyes appear as he turns to look to where the arrow was shot and to see (Y/n) there glaring at him, looking into his soul almost. And...beside her was Cole who had the same fueling anger toward the snake for what he did to Fang.

   Before he could move again a few more arrows came in fast before Askook could attack back. And Cole was fast enough to send an earthquake his way breaking his balance. Seeing a chance Jay and Nya work together to splash water onto the ground and a surge of electricity toward him electrocuting Askook. Then Zane quickly freeze him in place as Kai was able to land a blazing hook and Lloyd could send an energy ball his way. That one move made by (Y/n) gave everyone a chance to attack him, weakening him to the point it look like he couldn't even get up at all.

   "Ah I see I'm really getting weaker, it must of taken so much energy to transform to be easily defeated" Askook said from his spot on the ground. There was silence for a moment as relief was spread from each ninja, that had to be it. It was finally over. Cole looks over to (y/n) who was looking at him with a huge smile on her face. It was over for them and they could live their lives more freely.

Cole gazes at the girl with such love that couldn't be compared no matter how much. He could be with the girl of his dreams, to make it right again for the both of them. As he walks closer to the girl none of the team knew what hit them. The moment became a blur that no one could see it happen. (Y/n) suddenly stumble side to side until she hit the ground suddenly. The relief was now gone as the team went to save the (f/c) ninja. How could this happen?

"Haha, I might be down but that can't stop my snakes from holding a grudge" the vile snake speaks out. Cole sent a glare his way as he holds (y/n) in his arms looking to where she could of been bitten. There was bite mark by her ankle, and a snake slithering away from them on the ground.

"H-Hey...(n/n) you okay? (n/n)? Come o-on wake up, this is a joke right? Please...please wake up"Cole ask shaking her body to see if she can wake up but nothing happen. (y/n)'s skin became more pale with every passing minute. "(y/n)? Wake up please!"

Nya comes closer to the two as she takes her best friend's hand before moving away. Her face was in pure white like she seen a ghost or something. Kai went to his sister see what is wrong and console her.

"S-shes dead...(y/n) is dead" finally speaking up with tears streaming down her face. Lloyd quickly takes her wrist to find a pulse, only to find none. The silence in the group only thicken as the rain begins to fall above their heads.

"(y-y/n) you would never leave me" Cole whisper to the girl in his arms. But she couldn't hear it since... She was now gone.

WORDS: 1079

    Cliffhanger once again people! I bet none of you thought I would do this, even if I've been gone for so long. Sorry but I can't really say that anymore since I've made you guys wait so long for me to update. It's a new year so I'll try to do my best! School is still a bitch and it's only getting worse but that's life.

   I hope you enjoyed this update, it was fun to come up with the cliffhanger for you guys. I was thinking of making you guys suffer so yeah. Comment down below your thoughts to this chapter or anything at all and I'll be happy to read.   Until then Reader-kun...





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