Chapter 30

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"How dose a boy like him always get what he wants?! It makes no sense to me at all mother, not at all. Sure we've been friends since for as long as I can remember but why does he get to be the one betrothal to Selene of all girls. She was mine from the start but no...he just had to fall in love with her too" I sneer remembering the event that happen by the flower field from a few months ago. He had to fall in love with the same girl and not just that but around the same time I found out they were both betroth to each other.

"Dear, dear calm down first you need to calm down before you start freaking out" mom said as she looks at me with a concern/worry expression. "Besides whats so special about this Selene girl anyway, you've been childhood friends so how did it change over the years"

"You don't get it mom, you just don't. She grew from the weak fragile girl that I had to protect to the point she had become a women who I see great thing coming form her and I want to be the one who is by her side. But no Dimitri had to fall in love with her too. He saw her blossom even when we were brother in arms and promise to never fall in love with the same girl as me" I explain getting tired of me pacing as i sit down in a slump. "If only there was a way for her to fall in love with me and me only"

 "If only there was a way for her to fall in love with me and me only"

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"Hm..." mom said as she looks at me with an evil glint in her eyes as she knew exactly on how to help me. "Well you know there is a way for her to fall in love with you and it will be quick and easy if you are willing enough to do it that is"

"I'll do anything, please mother tell me I need to know right now" I ask almost beg. If it's for Selene I would do anything for her and I mean it. Mom soon explains about this elixir that can have anyone all in love in demigods like Selene but the only way to get it if you can seduce one of Aphrodite's children.

Once I left I made my way to Venus's house or more like I want to go meet a 'friend' of mine. Her name is Darlene one of the Aphrodite's children who had said to have feelings for me and it can become my advantage. From what mom said the elixir is the tears so if I can make her cry in anyway I can get my hands on it. But even if I want to do this for Selene I feel bad I'm using one of my friends for my own befits especially using her for something...But if it's for love it will be ok.


Askook finally made it to the home of Aphrodite, the last time he was here was when she was...lets not get into detail but let's just say stuff went down here. Going into the garden he see the one he was looking for. She was the one of her children whose father was Poseidon and sister to Phode. Now in view she was with the fishes in the ponds, but seeing him come closer she looks ta him with a smile.

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