Special 40K

767 15 11

Okay, this is just slightly late but it's still there and such. So since it reached a 10k mark I decided to do a special! Also because I have to do this because I suddenly had an idea once I finished this book and wanted to do a one-shot for it. Hope you all enjoy the following content and I'll see you all at the end.


#1 The Tomboy Dancer

-modern story (w/o elemental powers)

-the two of you didn't know each other


      "You have got to be kidding me..." (Y/n) couldn't help but groan at the sight of it all. She had just returned back to Ninjago after a long traveling journey with her friend, Fang. Then her parents decided to place her in a dance studio in hopes of bringing her femininity back. I've been gone for two years and this is what my life has come to now!?

   A part of her didn't want to go in for the fact she hated dancing and the fact her parents were now forcing her into joining. On the other hand, a part of her did want to experience a real dance studio since she was a little girl. Back then her parents couldn't afford to put her in school and so she never tried. All she is hoping is that it isn't a mistake to be here. 

   Taking a deep breath in she grabs the pull door and walks into the Air-conditioned room/studio. All around her were different small rooms that had a class held there. It was more organized and cleaner more than what the original thought. So far so good... Walking over to the check-in she looks for her name as an elder man reaches her side.

   "Oh, you must be (m/n)'s daughter," he said catching her ears and she could only nod. "I am Lou Brookstone, the owner of this place and I'm actually close friends with your parents. I even have a son around your age. Now I'll lead you to your class since this is your first time."

   Following Mr.Brookstone he leads her down the hall until he reaches a room with around 9-11 other people who seem to be more experienced than what she is. Before anything, she changes into comfy sweatpants and a loose tank top w/ her sports bra underneath. She could hear the whispers around her about her taste of clothing but at that point, she didn't care, all she did was when the class was going to start. 

   "Hey, everyone, glad to see you all came back today," a new voice said, catching (Y/n)'s attention immediately. She turns only to see a tall, masculine male with shaggy black hair and brownie color eyes. Something inside of her, jump right out at the sight of him as if something about him brought memories but she just doesn't know where. Then suddenly the two had eye contact. "Oh, you're the new student I've heard about. Nice to meet you, I'm Cole your instructor."


   I shake his hand and yet I got that tingling feeling again as our hands were in contact. Why the hell do I feel like this for a guy I just met. Giving Cole a small smile he goes back into telling everyone to stretch before practice starts. Everyone seems to have a partner and so I stretched by myself which I was fine with, I was new after all. Soon practiced started. 

   Going with the flow, I thought this class would be with classical music but instead, it was filled with modern music that was remixed. Apparently, besides not only being an instructor but also a mixer, a talent I'll give him that. Not only that but he was more clear with explaining a few moves and soon even I was getting the idea of what to do. In under 25 minutes, I was able to learn almost a whole song. 

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