Chapter 33

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    "(C/g/N)" I shout running full speed to my sister as tears were falling down and I couldn't help but smile. She's here right in front of me, I can finally see her. Wrapping my arms around her smaller frame she returns it and tightly squeezes me. "I-I can't believe this, you're here." 

    " (Y/n), what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here, why are you here" (C/g/n) said pulling away to look at me. She looks over me searching for something, then looking down to see strangling marks on my neck and bite marks on my ankles. "He's snakes must of done this. Please tell me this is a dream."

    "Sorry, this is all real

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    "Sorry, this is all real. I died sis" I reply looking at her to see the pain in her eyes and start crying again. I hug her again tightly to try and comfort her. "I'm sorry (C/g/n), I promised and yet here I am. Life isn't fair, you should know this by now."

    Once we let go of each other, (c/g/n) held my hand leading me to something. She didn't tell me where we were going because she wanted it to be a surprise and she knew I would like it. As we continue walking I notice we were walking in a familiar street, but I didn't know where so I had to figure it out. Slowly it came to me as we stand in front of a small shop that held so many memories for me. I can't believe this, it's here.

    "Hello welcome to (Bakery Name) how may I...." a familiar sweet voice said before stopping. Looking at the women in front of me with a smile as I see her crying. Walking up to her she pulls me into a hug as she starts crying harder, making me cry again too. "I-I can't believe this, you're here. (Y/n) baby girl. You've grown up so much." (A/N: What the hell am I doing with my life -_-)

   "M-mom, I missed you so much" whispering to her, not trusting my voice. (C/g/n) was smiling at our reunion. Well before a sudden thud appear out of know no where. Looking towards the back door a man stood there staring at me in pure surprise. "Sup dad."

   Dad came in quickly, competely forgetting the cookies he left on the ground to hold me in his arms. Taking the chance I hug both of them before (c/g/n) came into the hug too. The whole family was here...but someone was missing. Then just came walking in.

   "Hey (Mother Name) do you think this would be good for making cologne" Nina said walking into the room then looking up. I couldn't hep but laugh seeing her expression and the fact she is the same person no matter where she goes. Nina looks at me before smiling and walking over. "Hey you could of invite into this family reunion, I am family too. It's good to see you kiddo."

   "I just can't believe I get to see you all again, I've missed you all so much" I said as a tear fell down my cheek as my mom wipes it off my face. I'm finally back with my family again, I've waited so long to see them again. Nothing could ever ruin this moment for me ever. 

  Once they let go mom becomes frantic on how I came here too early and how everything was on the outside before I left. So I told my tale since they left about what happen to me, how I grew up and even added Cole to the story. When I got to the part of the two of us dating my dad gave my that ' I'm going to kill him' look but once I explain what happen between us it changed to 'get the knives, honey'. Both my parents were exchanging that look as the rest of us look in worry and slight fear. 

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