Chapter 29

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   "The next time you drag me down to the waterfall I swear I'll call on y snakes again. There will be hell to pay" Askook shouts dragging himself out of the water. Once the three made it through the water total they were greeted with more water and now all three were completely drenched. Askook being half snake didn't enjoy the water feeling in his scales as much as the other two did. 

   "Dude remember the last time you said that. And when you did, not only did you get beaten by Celty but you were grounded by Medusa for involving her snakes about your revenge and even ruining your scales. So if you have a death wish then go ahead" Dimitris said smirking while Askook was both pissed and annoy. "But if so can I have you collection, it's really cool~"

   "Alright ladies stop fighting you're both pretty. Now we need to practice so we can make it up to our ancestors and show them we can fight in the championships like we promised last time. Come on here we go" Selene said said a simple Tobiguchi  then coming at the two boys at full speed.

   Quick to react Dimitris formed his own scythe to clash against the tobiguchi to block it with his own strength. Taking it to another level Selene flings it like a boomerang somewhere and starts to attack him again. Since she was more agile than both boys she could easily dodge both attacks fro the two to attack Askook first

   Summoning his snake sword he attacks with a huge wave of power that spread but Slense was smart to do a smmuerslaute in the air to avoid it and have it attack Dimitris who barely dodged it. With a simple step Selene deflecting the rest of his attack using her moon shield. Having no other choice Askook comes dashing toward Selene with his snake sword.

   Shock by the sudden move Selene was fast enough to dodge the upcoming ut to the leg

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   Shock by the sudden move Selene was fast enough to dodge the upcoming ut to the leg. Using her reflexes she moves to the other side of him to then side kick  him using her sun armor to enhance the kick making it more stronger. with that much strength sent  Askook flies straight at Dimitris who didn't know what to do...

   Taking a quick side step barely as Askook's body was coming at him but he wasn't fast enough to avoid Selene's attack, giving him a left hook straight to the jaw. He was slow so he it got to him making him stagger back a bit still holding his jaw and scythe. Now ready to have a come back Dimitris dashes forward ready for anything. Unlike Askook who needs time to think a bit Dimitris can adapt into any fight making bast for hand to hand and close range combat. Coming close to Selene ready to swing his weapon at her chest she flips not noticing Dimitris faking it to throw his dagger at her cutting her cheek.

   Once she lands she touches her cut cheek as it bleeds smiling at Dimitris who did the same. Both were equally match but if Selene had a weapon on her she would have beaten him by a landslide. But n her defense she needs to learn more on how to fight with hands than using a weapon. 

   "As usual you are still the best two fighters I know when it comes to close combat. I tip my scales to you both" Askook said bowling dramatically while the other two laugh at his action. So both did the same making all three laugh at the fun they were having. Taking a break watching the waterfall, below the water fall only the three knew about the secret sight. ((MEDIA))

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