Chapter 24

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   I open eyes and look around to see my old room as a child. Looking down to see me in my old (f/c) pj and inside my child body. How the hell did this happen, I thought looking around seeing memories everywhere around me. Looking at the calendar for the year it would mean I'm...9 but today is my birthday so I'm 10.

   "Ah sweetie you're awake already and I was planning to wake you up today" an angelic voice said from behind. I slowly turn around to see someone who I miss so much, mother. My legs move on their own toward my mother to wrap my arms around her waist. "(Y/n) are you ok? Why are you cry? Did you have a nightmare or something."

   Mother pick me up to hug closer to her and I could smell her scent from the bakery. I miss it so much bringing it closer to me. I shook my head no them telling her to put me down. Even if I'm in the past I can't ruin the past or any thing else. So I have to keep a stoic face even if I'm dying and I know what will happen next.

   "Come along (Y/n) your father is making your birthday cake. Ah, you're already ten, time went by fastest I didn't notice it coming quickly" mother said with me following along after being dress and going down stairs. The bakery was actually connected to the side of the house so it would be way to access. Going through the house I could see my childhood memories coming back to me.

    Once we were down the hall to the back of the bakery I had this gut feeling in my stomach to run away, just like before. But it was already to late, the door open to see everything ruined or messy on the floor. It was as if it was ambush, my mother gasp at the sight holding my hand tightly. She push me to a secret corner where they would hide in case something happens. 

    "Honey there is something wrong so I have to go check it out while you say here and hide. No leaving this place ever. Here this is our gift to you in case something happens to us. And just so you know we love you no matter what" mother said kissing my forehead then giving me this white gem necklace I didn't want her to leave me again but i had to let her go. "I love you so much."

   I knew what was happening in the front with the men in front. After that they would...kill them and blow this place up. So ahead of time I grab my necklace  to g through the window next to me. Once I was out I went through the side door to the entrance but had to sneak out. Now that was done I finish my little journey I wanted to leva but once again my gut was telling me to stay around. Making my way closer to the bakery I could see they were henchman so I plan watch.

   "Let's burn the place down now. They're both dead and there's no one left in the house. Let's leave the place to burn to the ground" one henchmen said with gasoline and a lighter in his hands. I was about to stop him when a their figure appear out of no where. But there was something very familiar handout him, his white skin and red eyes.

   "No...not everyone, there is a child some where here living here. Go look for her and if you don't find her the burn the place down" Pythor explain seeing the henchmen moving around. he was about to leaving when he look at the ground then pick something up. I grab my necklace on my neck but it wasn't there! I look around but then look at Pythor who was actually holding into it. The next thing I know I was blackout.


   (Y/n) open her eyes to look around to be back in here normal body but in a place she never wanted to remember. She was fifteen when she was kidnap for a month to be experimented. But beck them she didn't know who did that to her. Now as an adult she knew exactly who did it to her.

   "How are her results?"

   "Oh, sir she actually has the most improving results. After we finish the testing and place her in this container she has been in good condition and there is no proof it would fail. She actually might be the one. And her development in her powers is another boost" a subordinate explain a little excited by the results and the testing he did just like Pythor. Once he finish explain a few other things he left Pythor and (y/n) while the present (Y/n) could only watch.

   "Soon human kind will cease to exist with only those to live continue to love in the world that you will build. I only hope I may be someone special to you in the future" Pythor thought out lied gazing at the female in the container who he thought was the most beautifulest thing he ever seen in his life. Truth be told something inside him told his to have her as a bride for the new world so he would be a god next along side his beloved goddess. "Oh, (c/g/n) do you need something o you just came to ruin our moment..."

   "I hate to break it to you but no I didn't come here to bother your moment with my sister. But one of your professors have your vile to your little plan so go get it" (c/g/n) explain bluntly. At this time she didn't have eye contact or wig so she was like her old self. Once Pythor left she sadly gaze at her twin and make her way closer. "I can't believe its' actually you. They told me I never had a family and just a few days ago I found out I actually had parents and a twin sister. But I never wanted to find out like this. So I'll help you now and in the future you have to save me from this place."

   (C/g/n) looking around to make sure no one was around she want to the computer to chang a few things to the programming into (y/n)'s little cage. Once she was done she took a quick glance at (Y/n0 then left hoping she will see the light someday. After she left (y/n)'s container broke then it awaken (Y/n) and had escape.

    "I understand now what happen...let me out now I know what i have to do. My I see you now, Fang" (y/n) said once the past vision disappear. Out of no where a figure appear but a wolf with black fur and clear glowing eyes. "I know what I must do now. Thank you for containing it for so long but I'll take it from here. I'm sure and thank you for taking care of me for so long."

    "I trust you that I've seen you grow into becoming a independent young women. So I shall trust your judgement" the wolf mean Fang said before howling. Everything begin to slow down around (Y/n) as she closes her eyes listening to her heart beat becoming slow until it stop.



   Both Cole and Nya look at (Y/n) who was slowly waking up as if nothing actually happen. to her. They were both so happy to see her back to normal moving around. Cole holds out a hand out to (Y/n) to help but up but she just started ta it before getting up herself which disappoints Cole. Looking around she doesn't see the others or Pythor anywhere and ask. Nya tells her they were after Pythor about her being asleep.

   "Ok I'll go looking too. I don't want any of them to get hurt and you too. Don't move for this place for a while. I'll bring them back" 9Y/n) said getting ready to go hunting but being stop by Nya.

   "Are you sure you're ok? Just a few minutes ago you just woke up from a wired sleep" Nya ask getting worry about her friend. (Y/n) was quiet for a second to only sigh and all of a sudden beginning to chuckle at the gesture. she turns to the water ninja and earth ninja with a smile on her face And not a fake smile but a real genuine smile.

   "Never been better" (Y/n) reply then quickly move toward the woods to go after and find the man who killed her family and trying to kill her friends.

WORDS: 1467

    👾It's getting good in the story and I'm still writing the next part so it's good so I'm ready for the next update. Not only that but I have more freedom since it's now summer! I don't really have much to say this time soI'll go to the credits.

   Anyways I hope you enjoy this update because I enjoy writing. Comment down below your thought about it or anything you would like to say and I'm always happy to read them anyways. Until then Reader-kun...




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