Author's note

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Hi everyone and welcome to Sam's second adventure! Thank you very much for considering my work worthy of your attention.

A few notes before we get started:

- This is the second book in the Jewel Project Series, so if you haven't read the first, you could be a little confused about all the characters. However, the book is pretty stand-alone-ish.

- Everything here is a first draft, so bare with me. I try not to have typos or glaring mistakes, so if you see anything, please point it out.

- No one has ever seen this book before. It's the first time I share it with the world, so any thought you might have is greatly appreciated.

- The story itself is not finished, so I won't be updating on a schedule. I do hope to go pretty fast, like a chapter a week.

- Unlike Too Young where I had a ton of music, the playlist for this one is rather empty, so if any scene reminds you of any song, let me know. ;) If I like the song and use it, you'll get a dedication.

- I sincerely hope this one is shorter than the first one, but I have no idea how it will turn out.

Thanks again. I love every comment I receive, so please don't be a stranger. ;) 

Firebomb (The Jewel Project #2)Where stories live. Discover now