01.2|| Madness

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Kyle leaned against the doorframe, watching Kay wiping her eyes. They were the only ones left to say goodbye. His brothers had already retreated inside the house and Jessie and Angie were in the cab, waiting for Kay.

Sam and Jerry had wished them a safe trip and a hasty return. Neither of them knew how probable it was for none of the girls to come back.

Tom and Jimmy knew this and it had been hard for them to say goodbye. But they'd done it. Instead, he couldn't stop staring at Kay, even if the cabdriver honked impatiently.

"I should be going," she said and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Kyle held on to her tightly, trying to take in everything about her: her forget-me-not blue eyes, her golden waves, her fair, perfect skin, the lily scent around her and the warmth of her touch. Who was he kidding, trying to be strong? He was going to miss her like crazy.

Kay rose on the tips of her toes and planted a short kiss on his lips, after which she wanted to pull away. He didn't loosen his grip.

"Kyle, I have to go." Her voice suggested she actually wanted to stay. "I'll come back, but you have to let me go." She put her hand on his cheek and smiled weakly.

He smiled back. Of course she would. If she didn't, he'd come to her.

"I know, but I want to say goodbye to you properly." He pulled her against him and kissed her deeply, passionately, trying to make up for all the days he knew he wouldn't get to do this.

Kay's whole body shook as she tightened her grip on him, returning his kiss with as much enthusiasm. Whatever happened, things would be different. If their adventure had taught them anything, it was independence. They were both too old to be bullied by their parents.

The cabdriver honked again. Kay pulled away, breathless and he could finally bring himself to let her go. She smiled widely, winked at him and ran towards the car.

Kyle leaned back against the jamb, watching the car drive away into the night. If she didn't return before the school year started, he'd bring her back. Even if it meant getting shot by her father.

An angry cough from behind made Kyle jump and turn around. Freider and Maxi stood in the small hallway, Freider scowling, almost bearing his teeth, Maxi with wide eyes. Ah, crap!

"How long have you been here?" Kyle asked, keeping his voice causal.

"Long enough," Maxi whispered. She didn't look angry, just shocked.

Freider on the other hand was becoming red and a vein bulged in his forehead, ready to pop. The rage appeared to have struck him temporarily dumb.

Taking advantage of this, Kyle walked past them, and into the living room. He knew his father well enough to tell Freider needed a timeout to calm down a bit. If he'd just manage to get to his room—

"Where do you think you're going?" Freider bellowed, stampeding inside the room with Maxi in his wake.

Then again... Kyle turned around and shrugged. "To my room."

"How...Why..." Freider's frame shook with fury as he pointed to his son, unable to produce a coherent phrase. "I thought I told you to stay away from girls. Especially that girl! How dare you?"

Kyle took in a deep breath trying to keep the anger bubbling inside him at bay. There was no point in answering that question or any other remark coming from his father. Just suck it up, pretend to listen to his raging then walk away.

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