14.1|| At the Gates

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-Chapter Fourteen-

At the gates

Sam stopped next to a rotten tree trunk and gazed through the vegetation. He could finally see the white walls of the labs, but he didn't hurry up. There was no point.

They had once again walked all night. Without sleeping, without talking. Sam's face hurt where Tom had punched him, but instead of anger at his twin, he only felt shame and regret. He totally deserved the pain.

Tom was still walking with a slight limp, probably due to the kicks in the ribs and the one in the chest. Sam couldn't believe he'd actually hit Tom while he was down and defenseless. Before all this madness had started, he wouldn't have considered hitting an enemy who was down, let alone his own brother.

Tom hadn't looked at him or Angie once since escaping the pueblo. Sam still wondered why Angie had jumped to his aid, because he'd clearly provoked Tom. Hurting Angie was Tom's weakness and Sam had known that. He'd done it on purpose.

Kyle hadn't said a word to him, either, since he'd firmly refused to make up with Tom, and Sam felt miserable about that, too. He'd been so mean to everyone, pushing their buttons, feeding on their doubts and weaknesses.

Jerry was the only one still talking to him properly, as if he could somehow understand and justify Sam's crazy actions. Jimmy talked too, but curtly and as little as possible. Sam still wondered how Jimmy had managed to not beat the crap out of him, because the hit he had aimed at Tom and which Jimmy had blocked had been hard.

Sam snapped out of his miserable thoughts as soon as they reached the chain-link fence surrounding the lab compound. He looked inside blankly. It was the break of dawn and no one stirred.

"How do we get in?" Jim asked quietly.

"We don't. We were supposed to go in to save Angie. But now that she's here, we can go around and climb to those caves," Sam answered absently.

"No can't do. The only ramp leading to the caves is inside the compound. Believe me, I should know."

Sam frowned slightly and turned towards Jim. "How did you get there before, then?"

"There was a torn up portion in the fence, but they surely covered it," Jim answered.

"Okay, what's stopping us from simply climbing the fence and getting on the other side?" Jimmy asked, measuring the fence.

"There must be something." Billy bit his lip. "Why would we need William if it was that easy?"

"Then let's ask William," Jerry suggested, turning to him. "William, how do we get in?"

"The only gate is heavily guarded, since they're sure there's no other way in. They don't know about my secret entrance." William glanced from left to right, panic making its way on his face. "But I can't tell where it is."

Something seemed to crack inside Sam's tired brain. "What do you mean you can't remember where it is? You were brought here to get us in. Don't tell us you're useless!"

"I'm not useless! I just can't remember right now," William said, holding his head desperately.

"Back off! I'm this close to losing my patience with you," Kyle said the moment Sam opened his mouth.

Sam clamped his mouth shut at once and watched Kyle who walked up to the fence.

"I know I should take out a pair of pliers and start cutting the wire, but I'm feeling rather frustrated right now, so I think I'll just tear it apart with my bare hands," he said quietly.

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