18.3|| A Failed Attempt

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Sam burst into the building to find himself in a narrow corridor. Fortunately. This operation was taking too freaking long, and he wasn't even sure they were in the right building. It had been easy to see from above, but from down here, all the buildings look the same.

The others followed behind and he was aware he should let Jimmy or Kyle go first, but he was angry enough to cause havoc on his own. A guard came out of a room to his right, but before he could make a move, Sam elbowed him in the face. The man fell on his butt, holding on to his cheek.

Sam kicked him to the ground and put his foot on his throat. "Where's Tom?"

"Sam, calm down," Jerry said alarmed.

Snitch Gravel's man glared at Sam, but kept his mouth annoyingly shut.

"He's not going to talk. Jimmy, take him out," Sam said, pulling his foot away and walking out by a stunned Jerry.

"What are you doing? Have you all gone mad?" Jerry hissed, once Jimmy rushed to the room to fulfill the order.

"Calm down, Jerry! Take him out means leave him unconscious, not kill him. Gees!" Kyle said rolling his eyes and falling into step beside Sam. "I have a bad feeling about this. I don't think we're in the right building."

"Why?" Sam asked, turning to Kyle and totally ignoring the two men coming towards them.

Jimmy rushed forward, kicked one in the stomach and punched the other in the face, sending them both to the floor after which he knocked them out.

"It's not connected to the main one. I think the guards are just decoys," Kyle answered, punching another man that had come out of another room to their right and sending him to the floor, already unconscious.

"Decoys?" Jimmy asked frowning.

"No," William scoffed. "There are too many guards in this building; it must be the right one." He charged past them and into the room at the end of the corridor.

"William, wait. Kyle could be right," Sam said, rushing after him, the whole group on his heels.

Sam stopped in the threshold, his knees bumping together. The room was filled with armed men and Sam was so terrified, he couldn't even count them, let alone give any order. They should definitely run back and pray they wouldn't get shot.

Before he could open his mouth, William and Jim took their guns out and started shooting. Sam stared stupidly as the guards fell to the ground, bleeding, yelling and cursing. Kyle and Jimmy quickly moved inside the room to knock them out and keep them from alerting more guards. Jerry turned around and ran out of the room.

A few seconds later, the room was left in silence. Sam felt torn by the need to scream and the feeling of relief that they weren't dead.

"What kind of agents are you?" William asked, changing his ammo cartridge. "You would have let them kill you without moving a finer!"

"And your way was better?" Kyle snarled, not even looking at William.

"Why do you look so affronted? They would have done the same if given the chance."

"I think I'm going to throw up," Sam moaned, turning away.

"You're never going to be a good division leader if you get cold feet," William said, disgusted. "You are all horrible agents."

"You know what? Shut up, or I'll make you," Kyle said between his teeth, advancing on William and stopping inches from him.

William measured him from head to foot. "You aren't capable of hurting your enemies and you want me to believe you would lay a finger on me?"

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