16.2|| I Spy

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Sam came out of his tent, his head buzzing as if searching for a familiar lost frequency. He'd slept more that night than he had in over a week, but that didn't explain the sudden confusion. Except... A broad smile spread on Sam's face.

Tom was confused. Which meant he was alive and well enough to think. Sam wondered what was going on, but he'd find out soon enough. He picked up the signaling gun, fired again, the put it away and headed for the center of camp.

Jerry and Jim were the only ones up, cups of coffee in their hands. Hmmm... so they apparently had coffee. Jerry's doing, most likely.

"Good morning. Want a cup?" Jerry asked, yawning and refilling cup.

"No thanks, you know I don't drink coffee," Sam answered, sitting next to him.

"How are you feeling this morning? Normal, or is psycho-Sam back?" Jim asked grinning

"No, I'm all right. Psycho-Sam is apparently gone for good," Sam said. Finally. It would have been funny if the memory didn't put him to shame.

"Great." Jerry yawned again. "I couldn't sleep much last night. I was very worried about Jimmy and Tom. I still am."

"About Jimmy and Tom?" Sam asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Trust me, I'm more worried for Kyle's guards if he got captured. But I bet you anything he didn't," Jerry replied, grinning in a way that reminded Sam very much of Jimmy.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I'm so messed up that I don't think I could give anyone a hard time. Not even you," Kyle said, dropping between Jerry and Jim and making them both jump.

"Oh, shut it! You gave me a hard time," Jimmy said sitting down next to Sam who looked around expectantly.

"Where's Tom?" he yelped, causing all eyes to turn to him.

"So you actually care now?" Kyle asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Kyle, this is normal Sam. Psycho-Sam is pretty much dead," Jim informed him.

"Oh. Tom's not with us. We couldn't get him out of there because Von Crooken put his fat self on top of him. I barely managed to get Jimmy out and escape. I think I broke Eye Patch's nose because something definitely crunched," Kyle said thoughtfully. "We're starving and are dead thirsty, by the way."

"Good thing I made breakfast, then," Jerry said pleased, getting up and returning mere moments later with two plates.

"'anks 'Erry!" Jimmy said, his mouth already full.

Sam watched him and Kyle devouring their food a little surprised. He was more used to Kyle never eating rather than stuffing his face and Jerry didn't usually eat very much or very fast either. Before he could bring himself to say anything, the two had finished their food and were passing a water bottle around.

"So, tell us the news," Jerry said, throwing each of them a bag of wafers and sitting down between them.

"The news could be worse. Tom got captured. Fortunately, he's still alive and in Ron's hands. Ron also seems to be higher in rank than Von Crook," Kyle answered, popping his bag open. "They'll most likely use Tom to get us there, so they'll keep him alive."

Sam nodded absently. What Kyle said made sense, but a part of him feared Snitch Gravel knew he could kill Tom and they'd still go there because they wouldn't know.

"We have to get Tom out of there as soon as possible," Jerry said, alarmed. "Your plan will have to wait, Sam."

"What plan?" Jimmy and Kyle both asked, turning towards Jerry and spraying him with crumbs from both sides.

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