03.1|| The Call

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Chapter three

The call

"You're wearing that?" Christine asked, her nose scrunching in disapproval.

Sam looked down at himself. Faded blue jeans, red t-shirt, checkered shirt, trainers. He didn't see anything wrong with his outfit. "Yeah."

Christine rolled her eyes. "We have to get you a new wardrobe." She wore a light blue spaghetti strap dress and heals, looking as stylish and as beautiful as ever. But they were going to see a movie, so, even if Christine looked gorgeous, his outfit was a lot more appropriate.

"What's wrong with my stuff?"

"It's too... I don't know. Boring."

Ouch. "I like it. It's comfy. Anyway, can we drop this and go?"

Christine put the strap of her purse over her shoulder and stepped out of her house. "Okay, let's go." She looked up and down the street. "Where's your car?"

Okay, now that he was here, it seemed stupid that he just didn't take one of the cars. Since his parents were gone, two extra cars were there for the taking. He was just so used to relying on public transportation or Kyle that he hadn't even thought about driving over.

"I came on foot. I usually take the bus into town." Sam took a step back. Christine seemed literally able to blow fire out her nostrils. But she sighed, closed her eyes and smiled.

"Sure, we'll take the bus."

One extremely awkward bus ride later, they waited in line to get movie tickets. Sam had to admit that it felt weird walking through town, holding hands with Christine. A month ago he wouldn't have even dreamed of something like that. But almost getting killed a handful of times changed things dramatically. Changed him. Not much, he was still pretty much awkward and the biggest geek around, but he'd gotten a confidence that made him feel like he deserved Christine's love.

A flash blinded him for a second. He turned to his right to see a guy with a camera flashing madly at him and Christine.

"Oh, great," he groaned, turning away to block Christine from view.

"Just ignore him," Christine said, pushing Sam back into his original position and fluffing her hair.

Sam frowned. "You're enjoying this."

"No. It's annoying." She tightened her hold on his hand and leaned against his shoulder. "But I think the best way to get rid of them is to give them what they want."

He'd never seen it like that. Could she be right? It still annoyed him to now end, being followed around and photographed like a show animal. He led the normal life of a teenager. Why did anyone care what he did?

A small crowd gathered around them. Sam did his best to keep his mouth shut and act as if he couldn't see them. Christine whispered that he should just ignore them. Finally, minutes later, they bought their tickets and entered the theater. People kept staring at them and Sam was more grateful than ever when they were surrounded by darkness.

"Finally," Christine breathed. "Some peace and quiet."

Sam couldn't agree more. He was growing very fond of darkness and deserted places. Going on a date was becoming harder and harder, and not just because of his father. He couldn't go anywhere with Christine without it getting out and appearing in the papers. He couldn't understand why people cared.

Two girls made their way to their seats next to them. Christine pulled her feet back to avoid being stepped on. One of the girls passed them, but the other stumbled and fell into Sam's lap, popcorn and all. Sam caught the bucket before it spilled all over them.

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