13.2|| Pueblo

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The moment the door closed, Jerry wished Kyle would come back in. Without him, it felt like an unearthly chill had filled the room, as if everyone was about to snap and go instantly crazy. He'd never thought he'd come to depend so much on Kyle for keeping the peace in the group, but after he's stopped Sam and Tom from fighting, Jerry needed Kyle around.

Just as well, as soon as the lock clicked shut, Sam walked to the middle of the room and looked at everyone, his hands on his hips, a nasty scowl on his face.

"You know, I find it pretty strange that someone managed to modify the map and lead us here," he said pointedly.

Jimmy narrowed his eyes dangerously. "What exactly are you implying?"

Jerry's heart skipped a beat and he looked to the door desperately. He had no idea what was going on. It had been three days since they'd stopped drinking contaminated water, but things hadn't improved. For the first few hours, he'd felt normal. Then the strangeness came and went as if he was suffering from withdrawal. He supposed it was the same with everyone else.

Only that Sam seemed worse than before and Jerry didn't even want to know what the water did to the others, not after Jimmy almost choked Jim.

"Hey, someone modified that map, that much is clear," Sam said.

"Are you insinuating that one of us entered your tent and modified the route?" Jerry asked, trying to snuff the discussion in the bud. "Why would any of us do such a thing?"

"I don't know. By mistake, to have a laugh... revenge," Sam said, looking at each of them suspiciously, his eyes stopping on Tom.

"None of us have modified the route. No one knew the area to lead us here," Jimmy said, talking sense.

"There are some of us who do know the area," Sam continued, his eyes resting on Angie now.

"Watch your mouth," Tom snapped. "Angie would never do something like that."

"I didn't suspect Angie for one second. It's you I'm more worried about."

Oh, no. Jerry wrung his hands, thinking feverishly for something to say to end the conversation.

Tom raised his eyebrows. "Me?"

"Angie probably told you what was around, and no one saw anyone except me entering my tent..." Sam pressed on.

"And why would I do something like that?" Tom asked seeming mildly interested by Sam's theory.

"I don't know, to make me look bad, probably."

"Get over yourself, you idiot," Tom said disgusted, turning away from Sam and walking towards Billy.

"Stop it!" Jimmy snapped once Sam opened his mouth to speak. "None of us modified your route."

"Then who did?" Sam demanded furiously.

"I don't care, we'll eventually find out, but stop blaming us," Jerry said. "And stop picking on Tom."

Silence filled the room after that. Sam moved to one of the walls and sat down leaning his back against it, still looking at all of the suspiciously. Tom and Billy started whispering while Jimmy moved next to Jerry and stared at the ceiling. Only Angie remained standing next to the window, peeking outside, probably trying to spot Kyle. Jerry felt a mad desire to join her.

"What do you think really happened with the map?" Jimmy whispered.

Jerry shrugged. "I don't know, but I wish Sam and Tom would stop fighting."

"They'd better, or I'm gonna whack Sam over the head," Jimmy mumbled. "Sam should consider that he didn't draw it right."

Jerry thought it was unlikely since Sam was great with maps, but he didn't want to get into a fight with Jimmy. He focused instead on Angie who stood hugging herself. Tom got up and took a few steps towards her, then turned back to Billy. Then back to Angie, then back to Billy as if he couldn't make up his mind.

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