20.1|| Firebomb

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Chapter 20

Ron stumble when Von Crooken's guards pushed him inside Snitch Gravel's office, but managed to regain his footing before he kissed the desk.

Snitch Gravel, who was engrossed in some papers, paid him no mind. Nor Von Crooken who marched triumphantly inside and slammed the door behind him.

"Like I said, we have a vermin infestation," he said, the pleasure in his voice disgusting. "You were right to suspect a break in. The brats have been in the building since last night and he's been helping them hide ever since."

"Seriously, Nicholas," Snitch Gravel mumbled, still not looking at them. "Don't you ever knock?"

Von Crooken's face fell and Ron fought a laugh. This wasn't funny. Because he knew Snitch Gravel well enough to tell that he was doing some quick thinking under that impassible mask. Probably thinking how to save his neck.

"Have you heard me?" Von Crooken demanded.

"I'm not deaf. I think I've proven it time and time again." With a tired sigh, Snitch Gravel dropped his papers and got to his feet. The chill in his eyes sent Ron into a trembling fit. "Do I look like a bloody idiot to you?"

"What?" Von Crooken asked, his eyebrows scrunched together.

"When will you stop taking me for an ignorant fool and remember that this is my compound and I know everything going on inside it?" Snitch Gravel shook his head, his teeth gritted. "I know they're here. Ron was supposed to lead them into my trap."

Ron nodded, trying to not seem completely shocked by the words coming out of their boss' mouth.

"But, here we are." Snitch Gravel shook his head. "You blew it again Nicholas. Why can't you trust Ron? He's under my direct order. He only does what I tell him to do."

Von Crooken stared stunned, and Ron had the sudden impulse to punch him in the face really hard. He would've probably done it, had his hands not been tied behind his back.

"Have you lost your mind, boss?" Von Crooken suddenly yelled. "He's one of them! From his cursed last name to his affiliation."

Snitch Gravel shook his head. "I've had it with this." He turned to Ron, his gaze intense, as though warning him that he'd better see beyond the words and chose his answer carefully. "Have you ever disrespected my orders?"

"No," Ron answered at once.

"Do you wish to leave my employment?"

Employment was not the right word to use, but Ron understood how important that question was. Snitch Gravel was asking him to pick sides. And he had no idea what would happen once he did. But he had a feeling that if he said no, his two-faced act would no longer be tolerated. Did Snitch Gravel actually know what he'd done? But if he said yes... would they kill him on the spot.

"It's an easy question," Von Crooken snarled.

No, it wasn't. It was the most difficult question he'd been asked. But if being with his nephews had taught him anything, it was to suck it up and face the danger. So he nodded slowly. "Yes," he finally said.

"Very well." Snitch Gravel nodded to Von Crooken who seemed to get the order, because he rushed over and opened Ron's handcuffs. "You've got a minute. Put it to good use."

Ron knew what that meant. A minute before they'd start hunting him down, too. It made him feel strangely free. "I... Thank you. For everything. And if you ever need me for anything..."

Snitch Gravel smiled, but it was cruel. "How touching. But so stupid." He pointed at his watch. "Tick tock."

Ron nodded and bolted out the window and down the hall, towards the cage room. He couldn't reach it in one minute, but he hoped no one would intercept him. Fortunately, he could soon see the door looming ahead. Unfortunately, he could also hear footsteps behind him. A lot of them

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